Fuggin' Frustrating!

Hey Honey I've still got the leak can I have a new Busa PPLLEEAASSEE...

You can do it "O" man
(jwcfbd @ Apr. 20 2007,23:53) If your coolant is filling the overflow bottle but is not gettting sucked back into the engine check the overflow line. When I first got my Busa I was smelling coolant and when I started looking for it I found traces of it in my fairings. When I started looking closer I found that the overflow line had cracked which was allowing the coolant to leak out. IF that line is cracked then it will suck air instead of coolant.
I'll check again, but I'm fairly sure it's not the overflow line.

That wouldn't explain the coolant in cylinder the last two times I pulled the head...
(ks-waterbug @ Apr. 21 2007,07:27) You said that the head was warped .005"; this would indicate you might of had this problem longer than you realize!
I think it's been leaking since day 1.
11 months into my first year, I noticed that it was low on coolant, but discounted it. Stupid me didn't take it to the stealer while it was still under warranty

...so now I'm having to deal with it.
(silverfreak @ Apr. 21 2007,05:12) sounds like you have a hairline crack in the #2 cylinder wall.it leaks when it heats up and.i had this happen on a 2005 gsxr 1000.went in and put higher compression pistons in and it had coolant in the #3 cyl when i pulled it apart.thought it just got in when i pulled the head off.put the engine back together and 20 miles and had a leak.the crack was very hard to see.had to have a magnifying glass to find it.might try that. good luck
Hmmm. But wouldn't that have shown up when I had the head and cylinders checked for cracks?
(DR1300R @ Apr. 21 2007,08:45) Hey Honey I've still got the leak can I have a new Busa PPLLEEAASSEE...

You can do it "O" man
I ran that one by her - she actually said that I could sell it!

I just couldn't buy a new one