Funny Pics

Just give me 3 minutes, she'll be ready to marry a brotha.

sorry busabullet, but that post was a bit too much for this site so I removed it. I have seen that on other sites before and liked it myself, but not here please.

I think I musta missed something.... and it musta been something good dangit!

it was good, but I don't want anybody browsing at work to have to worry about losing their job, or having the spouse/children peeking over the shoulder at home. Could be dangerous, my friend!
I see... or ..uhh. I guess I don't see.

Shoooo Muggax,, that chic!

Just wanna reach into the monitor and
cant believe they didnt put Chris Tucker in the other Friday movies. ruined it for me... but still funny.
hahah Yeah he is hilarious.

I loved the mexican guys in the second one.
Look whachu di to muh dog! He's scarred for life homes.
Speed Secrets of the Black and Blue Revealed!!!

You saw it here first!

Nice Bren! I wondered how you cornered so delicately! Screw magnesium wheels, you found the eco way to lighten that front end!!!!!
It's just too bad I ran out of film.. I missed the big Stoppie finale.