Gas Prices


Donating Member
Right now, it costs me around $10 more, every time I fill up my truck. Expect this to go North from here, no doubt it will affect the economy. If one googles the reasons why, there are a number. The fact that this can be managed to quite some extent by the administration is however not mentioned.

So here are a few innocent questions for those who voted Democrat:

Is the extra money out of pocket worth your vote?

Are the price increases which will follow and affect the economy worth your vote?

Are the current developments regarding Kashogi worth your vote, to risk relationships with Saudi, further rises in oil prices and the Saudis perhaps favoring attempts from Russia to supply military aid instead of the US?
I dunno, gas prices are on the rise here in Canada and it has nothing to do with the US government...we went from $1.06 a liter to $1.14 for regular fuel in an afternoon....

The price of gas fluxes all the time, if you already Googled the reasons, I don't need to re-hash those.

All oil and gas is priced based on the world market, governments have only so much power to affect the internal pricing.
I dunno, gas prices are on the rise here in Canada and it has nothing to do with the US government...we went from $1.06 a liter to $1.14 for regular fuel in an afternoon....

The price of gas fluxes all the time, if you already Googled the reasons, I don't need to re-hash those.

All oil and gas is priced based on the world market, governments have only so much power to affect the internal pricing.
Wish I could agree with your last sentence.

There was an agreement reached on Sunday April 12th 2020 between our previous hero (sarcasm) Mr. Trump, the Saudi Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, and President Vladimir Putin of Russia. The deal reached followed more than a week's telephone conversations between the three. Further Trump negotiated extensively with the president of Mexico, to save the deal from failing.

What happens now, Biden is sending the King of Saudi Arabia a report, holding the true leader of the Kingdom, prince Mohammed responsible for the murder of Kashogi in October 2018.

We can probably defend Biden's action based on Western Civilizations practices and cultures, which are totally different in authoritarian countries. In the process we punish our own economy, hence my questions of whether the vote was worth it?
Wish I could agree with your last sentence.

There was an agreement reached on Sunday April 12th 2020 between our previous hero (sarcasm) Mr. Trump, the Saudi Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, and President Vladimir Putin of Russia. The deal reached followed more than a week's telephone conversations between the three. Further Trump negotiated extensively with the president of Mexico, to save the deal from failing.

What happens now, Biden is sending the King of Saudi Arabia a report, holding the true leader of the Kingdom, prince Mohammed responsible for the murder of Kashogi in October 2018.

We can probably defend Biden's action based on Western Civilizations practices and cultures, which are totally different in authoritarian countries. In the process we punish our own economy, hence my questions of whether the vote was worth it?
Hard to say if Biden was the man to fill the big seat...

When we as western nations are to deal with the middle eastern countries, we have to hold their feet to the fire for some things they do which are unsavory...the middle east is a treacherous place to play in.

This could be mirrored in how we deal with China-they are a communist country with zero human rights yet they produce 99% of our retail products and if we slam the door on them, our economies will suffer dramatically...der herr Trump was pushing the Chinese around quite a bit, it seems he wanted to pick and choose who he courted and who he pissed off.

The answer to how to make the western economy safe is really the big question to be answered-which nobody seems to be able to. It's a double edged sword we wield....
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Hard to say if Biden was the man to fill the big seat...

When we as western nations are to deal with the middle eastern countries, we have to hold their feet to the fire for some things they do which are unsavory...the middle east is a treacherous place to play in.

This could be mirrored in how we deal with China-they are a communist country with zero human rights yet they produce 99% of our retail products and if we slam the door on them, our economies will suffer dramatically...der herr Trump was pushing the Chinese around quite a bit, it seems he wanted to pick and choose who he courted and who he pissed off.

The answer to how to make the western economy safe is really the big question to be answered-which nobody seems to be able to. It's a double edged sword we wield....
You have been to Saudi, there are third Generation Amercans working in Saudi Aramco, and there are major joint investments between the two countries. You can't compare that to China. Russia would love to replace us as the guardian of Saudi Arabia, imagine what they can do with oil prices if that happens.
You have been to Saudi, there are third Generation Amercans working in Saudi Aramco, and there are major joint investments between the two countries. You can't compare that to China. Russia would love to replace us as the guardian of Saudi Arabia, imagine what they can do with oil prices if that happens.
Saudi is a strange place with very different points of view, they look at distain towards the west yet love our money. I myself am not a big fan of imposing western culture upon all the other nations in the world either. Who are we to say how these people live?

There are quite a few multi generational westerners working in China as well and the economic impact between China and the west is just as large. However how they differ is they need nobody to protect them and are constantly expanding.
$4.48 at the nearby chevron for 91 octane and .70 cheaper per gallon at the nearby Indian casino gas station. That’s a $9 savings for a 13 gallon fill up in my car. And summer‘s not even here yet. :confused:
$4.48 at the nearby chevron for 91 octane and .70 cheaper per gallon at the nearby Indian casino gas station. That’s a $9 savings for a 13 gallon fill up in my car. And summer‘s not even here yet. :confused:
We have a lot of moving factors in the world wide oil industry. The geo political aspect isn't lost on me... When the Saudis decided to flood the market with oil in 2012 and it essentially killed our water hauling / fresh water fracking business in Dickenson ND. Shortly there after when a barrel of oil went from 90+ all the way down to 35.... it was game over... shut down... many small operators went out of business... my partner bought me out and I escaped with a decent profit for the time I was there.

Biden is killing our domestic oil business.... and it is being done on purpose.... the powers that be are having their way with this administration... if you could call it that... looks like a full blown clown show now.... The Neocons are figuring out again how to make their industry bloom once again.

Yes.... Unity... Biden preaches unity and kills over 11,000 jobs in the oil business... thousands more stop border wall construction.... yes... they now have the chaos to make the changes that benefit their campaign contributors. Cheap labor is arriving in droves.... and Warren Buffet loves it... his rail cars are hauling oil again. On and on the forces that be are getting control over the industries and age groups that benefit them again.
Oil is not the future. We can't turn off oil use like a switch but it needs tapered down as we find other energy sources. The clown show knows this.
Oil is not the future. We can't turn off oil use like a switch but it needs tapered down as we find other energy sources. The clown show knows this.
Sorry to break this to you.... oil will be with us for a long time. On top of that it isn't the horrible pollutant that it is being vilified as. The internal combustion engine is still evolving and burning cleaner than it ever has before. I personally own a Roush equipped Ford F 250 that runs on propane. Propane and CNG vehicles burn oil based fuel about 60% cleaner that gasoline powered engines in truck and cars and could be a viable transitionary fuel as we wait for battery technology to improve. Anytime the world attempts to replace an industry by attempting to ram changes through that outpace the technology curve the government is picking winners and losers on a massive scale. Add to that at the crony capitalism of the Obama era with the fraud and boondoggle of Solandra and other federal government mandated big failures and it isn't hard to figure out the powers that be are wasteful spenders of our tax money.

The clown show is on a mission... its called Neo feudalism. Between the large number of executive orders that demonstrate "dictator style governance" to the 700 page stimulus bill that Biden didn't read only one thing is really happening. Biden and his cronies are going big and fast to make sweeping changes that will undermine this country and our Constitution. You are witnessing the destruction of America right before your eyes.

Don't believe that? I just looked for the latest from Mark Levin from his show just a few days ago and could not find it on YT. Mark takes you through the book list of authors that support Neo feudalism, marxism, radicalism and all the ways this country can be transformed to a socialist type big government. These books show us where the playbook philosophy for a socialist communist style of government are born out of.

Biden is interested in leaving a legacy behind.... one of the dullest tools in the box is doing the dirty work for those that want to enslave us. Order out of chaos... its how they roll... dam the economy... spend, spend, spend... the fed is going to print our way out of this deficit... and the clown show approves....

Go back to sleep now.... you can't see it... because you believe in one thing... orange man bad.
Depends on your definition of a long time.
Well then... what is your definition of a long time? We have trillions invested in oil based energy... Our grid isn't up to the task of charging millions upon millions of cars on a regular basis. No improvements in the grid are forthcoming.... in fact... we aren't even spending a few billion dollars protecting our grid from an EMP device or a natural Sun generated EMP like we had back in the 1850s with the Carringington event.

We just missed a natural EMP in 1989... we were 3 days ahead in our orbit of the area a Sun generated EMP passed through. It could have been lights out for much of the world if we were 3 days behind our place in orbit.

So... my green friend... do some real research and figure out what it cost to go green. Oh, and while your at it... learn what you can about carbon footprints... Its the program they talk about at Davos... you know... where the richest men in the world meet but don't tell us much about what was discussed. Besides it seems the more carbon is released the greener the planet gets.... hmmmm... haven't heard that before have you?

The Carbon tax scam is just another enslavement program like Al Gores "Incovienant truth BS.... what did Al Gore say? The Ice Caps will melt in the next 10 years and the Oceans will rise? What year was that said to be the truth?

Hmmm... I guess Obama wasn't listening when he bought a 16 million dollar estate that sits 8 ft above sea level... its probably because Al Gore and Political Hack Obama don't really know each other or talk directly between themselves.. right?

One more... how many birds do wind farms kill every year? How does that effect the world ecological system?

It will be pistons, cams and valves for me brother... in racing the petrol engine still reels in the electric car in the long run.... and cost much less to build than the electric version... unless your name is Elon... then your Model S gets a tax payer funded 30% corporate welfare boost.
It has nothing to do with green or any other color.
I’m thinking 30 to 50 years. You’re old enough to know that gets behind you in a hurry.
LOL, if 50 years gets behind me in a hurry, guess I am not going to be around much longer.

The end is near.

LOL, if 50 years gets behind me in a hurry, guess I am not going to be around much longer.

The end is near.
Man I thought it obvious I'm not talking about change needed period, not necessarily for you and I specifically. You have kids? Grandkids? How about caring about people in general? It's better that we have a plan in advance.
Man I thought it obvious I'm not talking about change needed period, not necessarily for you and I specifically. You have kids? Grandkids? How about caring about people in general? It's better that we have a plan in advance.
Hi. I guess we are doing good where I am, it is only $2.94 here how about food I just payed 5.49 for a gal of milk and $11.99 for a pound of hamburger.