Gas Prices

Yesterday some oil analyst on Bloomberg said Oil prices would be around $150/barrel in 2023
that is twice the cost of today -
Hi. We haven't to go GREEN or we will all die in a few years. So let's put tax on gas and home heating oil to cut down on what we use. What do you think on how much of a tax per gal? Remember we must do it for the children. And to buy gas you have to show your vax passport or go to jail. We have to get everyone VAXED! It is to save the chrildren.
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About the same as it is here in Socal... however Costco and Sams club members save about 50 cents a gallon around here. If you join the car wash club at the local ARCO you get to take 30 cents a gallon off the pump price at those car wash gas stations.
Even though gas prices are higher than we are used to here, people definitely haven't changed their driving habits....

It's pretty easy to notice people doing "rabbit starts" and jumping on their brakes at the last second and speeding everywhere they go....

All the things that burn more fuel and then these people are the first to complain about the price of fuel...
Some drivers don't know what is means to coast. Have you ever rode with somebody that doesn't let off the gas until its time to brake?

Your country didn't experience the knee jerk reaction of a new administration that was overzealously reversing every thing good about the administration before. We went from energy independence and selling off what we didn't need to buying oil from Russia and other sources. Add to that our prices were considerably lower. We should have $3 a gallon gas right now.
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Hi. Let say there is only 3 choices. 1 All electric every thing now. 23. 2 electric and oil. 3 no electric at all. How much are you willing to pay for gas, heating oil. We had a dusting of snow the other day. The city said I must shovel the sidewalk! I said I have gone GREEN Iget my power from the sun now. For fuel prices I would say max would be $17.49 a gal.
We all know what the gas prices are... now tell us why they got so high without lock stepping with your top of the line leader that says its Putin's fault.... which is a lie to begin with... prices were going up before the war started.

Chevron or Valero... who cares? Crude gets refined... then its who puts in the best additives that makes a negligible difference if at all...

A RedBull told me... premium usually has less methanol in it... and methanol sucks anyway because it is a net, net loser. Cost more and less power.