Gay day flu

I am really upset and hurt that gay people do not have more acceptance and tolernace of my desire to live my life without the influance of others

Wow thrash I did not know gays had such an impact on you daily life. It is a good thing there are so many of us hetero folks here in influence you otherwise you are apt to start waving the rainbow flag and painting your fingernails. :-)
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ha..No morals here bro,I just could personlly care less what anyone does behing closed doors,me personally,I like giner way too much but to each their own. no different then martin luther king day for the blacks,columbus day for the italians,st patty's day for the irish,veterens day for veterens(which I am one),everybody wants their day to be recognized,so be it, why not the gays and lesbiens. do you really care?

this forum is for bike related topics,not this BS,theres other forums on this site for this,thats why its irrelevent,but whatevermhave a field day with it if it makes you happy.

Sorry if it was posted under the wrong forum but it seems about half of the stuff is off topic. It was just a simple question not intended to offend anyone. I was just wandering if it had any impact or if it was even noticed. If you don't like it you don't have to post to it. And there is a difference between the hollidays you mentioned and gay day, the hollidays you mentioned where erned, gay day is not a erned day, they did not do anything other than being gay. As a vetern you must see the difference.
I am really upset and hurt that gay people do not have more acceptance and tolernace of my desire to live my life without the influance of others

Ironically, the reason for the "take the day off" thing is gay people wanting to live their lives without influence from others. Interesting :whistle:.
Wow thrash I did not know gays had such an impact on you daily life. It is a good thing there are so many of us hetero folks here in influence you otherwise you are apt to start waving the rainbow flag and painting your fingernails. :-)
Posted via Mobile Device

Seriously. the whole gay thing does impact my life. I am being totally serious when I state it causes me emotional stress.

And anyone trying to minimize the emotional stress that I experiance due to gay issues being forced down my throat is acting no better than how the gays try to say how much they are persecuted

Why is a gay persons emotional well being and concerns more important than my own?

Why is it when a gay person says they are experaincing any attacks for being gay it is wrong. but when I express the emotional distress I feel for being straight it is shrugged off and I am labeled a homphob?

Sorry if it was posted under the wrong forum but it seems about half of the stuff is off topic. It was just a simple question not intended to offend anyone. I was just wandering if it had any impact or if it was even noticed. If you don't like it you don't have to post to it. And there is a difference between the hollidays you mentioned and gay day, the hollidays you mentioned where erned, gay day is not a erned day, they did not do anything other than being gay. As a vetern you must see the difference.

I see someone moved your thread to the appropriate forum.

and yes you are right VETERENS DAY was earned and is a day to remember because without Veterens this country wouldnt exist the way it does today for all included.

MLK day is a day for a select group of ppl to acknowledge a man who made civil rights possible for them.doesnt include me

Columbus day is a day to recognize Italian Americans for ...well,honestly im not sure what it is they did, same with St Patty's day,Cinco De Mayo and any other ethnic group,basically they just all defected to America so I guess they want to "heritage" is Irish and Italian and honestly dont celebrate 100% american born and raised here.

I guess Gays want to celebrate with each other how far they have come in society thus far,I really dont know but this doesnt include me either

either way thats their business and has nothing to do with me,if you feel left out because you dont belong to a group that has a day of recognition,then take your pick,either one you choose there will always be some ignorant azz ready to knock you down for it.

me,I just try and mind my own business and let ppl do what it is they do as long as it has no direct effect on me or my family,I could care less.

thats my $.02
Sorry if it was posted under the wrong forum but it seems about half of the stuff is off topic. It was just a simple question not intended to offend anyone. I was just wandering if it had any impact or if it was even noticed. If you don't like it you don't have to post to it. And there is a difference between the hollidays you mentioned and gay day, the hollidays you mentioned where erned, gay day is not a erned day, they did not do anything other than being gay. As a vetern you must see the difference.

And once again someone is backed into a corner and felt required to appologize for not being more "sensitive"
And once again someone is backed into a corner and felt required to appologize for not being more "sensitive"

if you dont like someone soley based on race,creed,religous beliefs or sexual orientation,thats just ignorance,has nothing to do with being the least sensitive person you would probably ever meet but im definately not ignorant,I was raised better then that.
not really relevant to anything but sounds as if someone is a little bit of a homo phobe....thats just my observation:poke:

ahhh yes the use of the word Homo-Phobe, a mordern word used to coin anyone who disagrees with such immorality:down:

Better a homo phobe than just a plain homo.

Ah yes the sounds of the those quietly repressing their homosexual urges... :cheerleader:

Nothing like a little bit of fear to motivate folks to be evil and say/do stupid things... Well done.

Sad that full grown adults can have such tiny little outlooks.
Seriously. the whole gay thing does impact my life. I am being totally serious when I state it causes me emotional stress.

And anyone trying to minimize the emotional stress that I experiance due to gay issues being forced down my throat is acting no better than how the gays try to say how much they are persecuted

Why is a gay persons emotional well being and concerns more important than my own?

Why is it when a gay person says they are experaincing any attacks for being gay it is wrong. but when I express the emotional distress I feel for being straight it is shrugged off and I am labeled a homphob?


Well put again sir. I am tired of being wrong for being straight and stating my opinion. It's OK for gay people to state their opinion why can't straight people do the same without being the bad guy and called homo phobes, I don't call gay people hetro phobes. Not appologizing for my beleifs just tring to grant the same respect I would like in return.
Well put again sir. I am tired of being wrong for being straight and stating my opinion. It's OK for gay people to state their opinion why can't straight people do the same without being the bad guy and called homo phobes, I don't call gay people hetro phobes. Not appologizing for my beleifs just tring to grant the same respect I would like in return.

maybe i need to step back for a second and ask..."am I missing something"???? seriously,I hear this and that on the news about gay marriage,I have a few friends that are "gay" but other then that its no inconvience to me

Im no pro gay advocate by any stretch,Im married to a woman (my 3rd one) and have 5 kids all straight (as far as I know) but i wouldnt love them any different if they werent.

you guys that say your "tired of being wrong for being straight" what exactly are you talking about? how are you wrong for being straight?

Im straight and as far as I know gays dont have a problem with me,so why should I have a problem with them?

enlighten me....please!
Just remember folks... All you "tough guys" you know, carrying on about some sorta BS morality written down in a little book you all claim to live by.

Just remember that there is a good size population of them Evil "Homo's" right here on the forum. You've ridden with em', you've partied with them, and they've likely been to more than one Busa Bash.

SO, Keep going on, hiding your fear and hatred behind a thin veil of "morality" or whatever little device you need to feel big and better, just remember some of your co-workers, and buddies are likely gay.

Come on... You've seen the number of "tough guy Bikes" here on the forum? How about all the Gym Rats? Did you know that many gay men spend a good deal of time at the gym?

Oh and don't forget about the "Gay Mafia" they are coming for your children... Last time I checked, Gays aren't the ones molesting little boys, that's the territory of your priests...
Just remember folks... All you "tough guys" you know, carrying on about some sorta BS morality written down in a little book you all claim to live by.

Just remember that there is a good size population of them Evil "Homo's" right here on the forum. You've ridden with em', you've partied with them, and they've likely been to more than one Busa Bash.

SO, Keep going on, hiding your fear and hatred behind a thin veil of "morality" or whatever little device you need to feel big and better, just remember some of your co-workers, and buddies are likely gay.

Come on... You've seen the number of "tough guy Bikes" here on the forum? How about all the Gym Rats? Did you know that many gay men spend a good deal of time at the gym?

Oh and don't forget about the "Gay Mafia" they are coming for your children... Last time I checked, Gays aren't the ones molesting little boys, that's the territory of your priests...


wonder what some of these guys would do if their kid came home and said "dad,im gay" would they turn their backs on them too?

labeling someone because they are gay is as bad as ppl labeling us because we ride bikes
Wow, how did I miss the opportunity to take the day off and go to the beach. You know since we are all being honest about our 'feelings' here I feel the need to come out of the closet.

Yes, I am a lesbian at heart! Oh my!


I see someone moved your thread to the appropriate forum.

and yes you are right VETERENS DAY was earned and is a day to remember because without Veterens this country wouldnt exist the way it does today for all included.

MLK day is a day for a select group of ppl to acknowledge a man who made civil rights possible for them.doesnt include me

Columbus day is a day to recognize Italian Americans for ...well,honestly im not sure what it is they did, same with St Patty's day,Cinco De Mayo and any other ethnic group,basically they just all defected to America so I guess they want to "heritage" is Irish and Italian and honestly dont celebrate 100% american born and raised here.

I guess Gays want to celebrate with each other how far they have come in society thus far,I really dont know but this doesnt include me either

either way thats their business and has nothing to do with me,if you feel left out because you dont belong to a group that has a day of recognition,then take your pick,either one you choose there will always be some ignorant azz ready to knock you down for it.

me,I just try and mind my own business and let ppl do what it is they do as long as it has no direct effect on me or my family,I could care less.

thats my $.02

Columbus day celebrates the day Christopher Columbus arrived in America, not Italian Americans, October 12, 1492. Saint Patrick's Day is an annual feast day which celebrates Saint Patrick (circa 385–461 AD), one of the patron saints of Ireland. Cinco de Mayo commemorates an initial victory of Mexican forces led by General Ignacio Zaragoza over French forces in the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. The date is observed in the United States and other locations around the world as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride. Need I go on, point is they are all earned, not just a day off. This is what makes America the melting pot, great heritage.

I do belong to some of these groups and am not left out of anything except what I choose to be left out of. You should know your history before you bash it and call other people ignorant.
It was awfully quiet around here yesterday! I'm just saying....