To quote from above, "Strait is by design. Gay is a CHOICE of where to put your whatsit."
Consider this...
I don't believe it is a choice. It's a genetic disorder (or anomoly depending on your POV). Perhaps it is Darwinism at it's best? The world is overpopulated. So nature has come up with a way to keep humans from reproducing at the high rate we have been over the last few hundred years.
It's amazing what nature does to try to maintain a balance.
absolutely nothing wrong with your idea. I still believe it's a choice. I've never seen a disorder or anomoly make someone stick their ---- in someone's --- without the participant knowing what is going on. I've seen "ticks" and other such bodily reactions but never involuntary ----ing. Does this disorder work on straits too? There's some girls at work I wouldn't mind accidentally disordering.

Gay ONLY exists in physical sex. There is nothing wrong with deeply loving another man. Sex what it's all about.
Pedophile is a lawfully improper sexual attraction. FOR EXAMPLE PURPOSES.... someone could be a "pedophile". BUT someone would not be until they did something physical about it [and got caught of course]. But what they think in their mind is controllable by their mind. They don't have a disorder that makes me involuntarily chase down jailbait. Putting a thought into action is A CHOICE. To be GAY, you have to make that choice to do something about it. Someone could walk funny, or talk different or react emotionally different than others of the same sex... they does not make them gay... the choice to act upon gay sex makes them gay. nothing more, nothing less.
And by that definition, strait can be a choice too. I guess I'm nothing until I'm boinking a female? Come to think of it, the terms of strait and gay should not even exist. There are males and females, and that is it. It's like saying "oxygene breathers" and "oxygen challenged" - a dead person. Why should gay or strait terms even exist?