Gay day flu

To quote from above, "Strait is by design. Gay is a CHOICE of where to put your whatsit."

Consider this...

I don't believe it is a choice. It's a genetic disorder (or anomoly depending on your POV). Perhaps it is Darwinism at it's best? The world is overpopulated. So nature has come up with a way to keep humans from reproducing at the high rate we have been over the last few hundred years.

It's amazing what nature does to try to maintain a balance.

absolutely nothing wrong with your idea. I still believe it's a choice. I've never seen a disorder or anomoly make someone stick their ---- in someone's --- without the participant knowing what is going on. I've seen "ticks" and other such bodily reactions but never involuntary ----ing. Does this disorder work on straits too? There's some girls at work I wouldn't mind accidentally disordering. :D [shaddup! it was a joke do not PM me hate mail]

Gay ONLY exists in physical sex. There is nothing wrong with deeply loving another man. Sex what it's all about.

Pedophile is a lawfully improper sexual attraction. FOR EXAMPLE PURPOSES.... someone could be a "pedophile". BUT someone would not be until they did something physical about it [and got caught of course]. But what they think in their mind is controllable by their mind. They don't have a disorder that makes me involuntarily chase down jailbait. Putting a thought into action is A CHOICE. To be GAY, you have to make that choice to do something about it. Someone could walk funny, or talk different or react emotionally different than others of the same sex... they does not make them gay... the choice to act upon gay sex makes them gay. nothing more, nothing less.

And by that definition, strait can be a choice too. I guess I'm nothing until I'm boinking a female? Come to think of it, the terms of strait and gay should not even exist. There are males and females, and that is it. It's like saying "oxygene breathers" and "oxygen challenged" - a dead person. Why should gay or strait terms even exist?
HAHAHA OK OK I Gotta gay story! My sister is a gay magnet she has many gay friends (males). One year she brings one of these guys to my mom's for Christmas Dinner. He's HIV + and works for an oil company in Texas. Got in early made a fortune off the stock now he dosen't work. Very nice guy, no one in the family had any problems with him at all.

Anyway we're all sittin around the table after dinner and he's talking about oil work and how the oil company has these guy's that roam around the pipelines checking for leaks, the pumps etc. and call in any problems. Apparently, these guys kinda just do their own thing in the vast expanses of Texas, no one really keeps close tabs on them. Sometimes they just walk off the job and no one realizes it for weeks.

Such was the case for a guy he was told to be on the lookout for. See if he was still alive, working or if they needed to stop paying him. After a few days he runs across him and he says the guys got his pants down and is pounding away on a cow he's got pinned between a fence and part of the pipeline.

He's going on and on about what a sick fugger this guy is, how he hopes he burns in hell etc. My mom's fairly hardcore and she's just sitting there speechless with her mouth hanging open.

So I ask the guy, it was a cow? Yes, that sicko was banging a cow. I say was he banging it in the :moon: azz? He says no he wasn't, he waaaaassssss................:rofl::rofl::rofl: He knows where I'm going. I say hell!!! At least it was puzzy!! :rofl::rofl::rofl: We all laughed ourselves to tears.

I don't know, but if you had to chose between a cow and a hairy azzed man which would you do? Which of these two guys is the bigger sicko? The cowboy or the very nice HIV+ guy? Does one have greater morals than the other? Personally I don't see much of a difference between the two.
HAHAHA OK OK I Gotta gay story! My sister is a gay magnet she has many gay friends (males). One year she brings one of these guys to my mom's for Christmas Dinner. He's HIV + and works for an oil company in Texas. Got in early made a fortune off the stock now he dosen't work. Very nice guy, no one in the family had any problems with him at all.

Anyway we're all sittin around the table after dinner and he's talking about oil work and how the oil company has these guy's that roam around the pipelines checking for leaks, the pumps etc. and call in any problems. Apparently, these guys kinda just do their own thing in the vast expanses of Texas, no one really keeps close tabs on them. Sometimes they just walk off the job and no one realizes it for weeks.

Such was the case for a guy he was told to be on the lookout for. See if he was still alive, working or if they needed to stop paying him. After a few days he runs across him and he says the guys got his pants down and is pounding away on a cow he's got pinned between a fence and part of the pipeline.

He's going on and on about what a sick fugger this guy is, how he hopes he burns in hell etc. My mom's fairly hardcore and she's just sitting there speechless with her mouth hanging open.

So I ask the guy, it was a cow? Yes, that sicko was banging a cow. I say was he banging it in the :moon: azz? He says no he wasn't, he waaaaassssss................:rofl::rofl::rofl: He knows where I'm going. I say hell!!! At least it was puzzy!! :rofl::rofl::rofl: We all laughed ourselves to tears.

I don't know, but if you had to chose between a cow and a hairy azzed man which would you do? Which of these two guys is the bigger sicko? The cowboy or the very nice HIV+ guy? Does one have greater morals than the other? Personally I don't see much of a difference between the two.

so this dude was getting banged by a COW? you gotta be kidding me
That was so stupid, why any one would want everyone to know they are openly sexually perverse is beyond me. Sure, they wanted to make a statement of the gay power but they are still a small minority. As demonstrated by most states same sex voting results. But the squeeky wheels are always getting the oil...:moon: I am not a gay basher though...:laugh:
Wrong smile for this subject!
Ran a full crew all week and proud of it, besides, God has a way to fix these things-why do you think they call it AIDS. A little help from above:laugh:
HAHAHA OK OK I Gotta gay story! My sister is a gay magnet she has many gay friends (males). One year she brings one of these guys to my mom's for Christmas Dinner. He's HIV + and works for an oil company in Texas. Got in early made a fortune off the stock now he dosen't work. Very nice guy, no one in the family had any problems with him at all.

Anyway we're all sittin around the table after dinner and he's talking about oil work and how the oil company has these guy's that roam around the pipelines checking for leaks, the pumps etc. and call in any problems. Apparently, these guys kinda just do their own thing in the vast expanses of Texas, no one really keeps close tabs on them. Sometimes they just walk off the job and no one realizes it for weeks.

Such was the case for a guy he was told to be on the lookout for. See if he was still alive, working or if they needed to stop paying him. After a few days he runs across him and he says the guys got his pants down and is pounding away on a cow he's got pinned between a fence and part of the pipeline.

He's going on and on about what a sick fugger this guy is, how he hopes he burns in hell etc. My mom's fairly hardcore and she's just sitting there speechless with her mouth hanging open.

So I ask the guy, it was a cow? Yes, that sicko was banging a cow. I say was he banging it in the :moon: azz? He says no he wasn't, he waaaaassssss................:rofl::rofl::rofl: He knows where I'm going. I say hell!!! At least it was puzzy!! :rofl::rofl::rofl: We all laughed ourselves to tears.

I don't know, but if you had to chose between a cow and a hairy azzed man which would you do? Which of these two guys is the bigger sicko? The cowboy or the very nice HIV+ guy? Does one have greater morals than the other? Personally I don't see much of a difference between the two.

:rofl:ok i got a story for ya to...i used to work at the minium dorms at the prison as a correctional officer, and i had a crew of inmates that i sent down to the dairy everyday to help the free staff milk the day the free staff supervisor calls me and tells me i have to come out to the dairy because this inmates got his thingy in a calfs mouth and the cafe thinks its milk time and wont let go...calves have about a 50 grit sand paper toung and wouldent let go...i wont say how we got the calf to stop but the guy needed a trip to county for some doctor work:rofl:
:rofl:ok i got a story for ya to...i used to work at the minium dorms at the prison as a correctional officer, and i had a crew of inmates that i sent down to the dairy everyday to help the free staff milk the day the free staff supervisor calls me and tells me i have to come out to the dairy because this inmates got his thingy in a calfs mouth and the cafe thinks its milk time and wont let go...calves have about a 50 grit sand paper toung and wouldent let go...i wont say how we got the calf to stop but the guy needed a trip to county for some doctor work:rofl:
:rofl:ok i got a story for ya to...i used to work at the minium dorms at the prison as a correctional officer, and i had a crew of inmates that i sent down to the dairy everyday to help the free staff milk the day the free staff supervisor calls me and tells me i have to come out to the dairy because this inmates got his thingy in a calfs mouth and the cafe thinks its milk time and wont let go...calves have about a 50 girt sand paper toung and wouldent let go...i wont say how we got the calf to stop but the guy needed a trip to county for some doctor work:rofl:

Did He Get too Call In the Next Day :laugh:
I've been studying the Satanic Bible. What I've found interesting through all the trashing, bashing, and picking apart of other religions it does. It NEVER says there is no hell or heaven. Even the Satanic bible acknowledges Jesus AND God. IF A SATANIC BIBLE AND ONE WHO WOULD WRITE SUCH A THING ACKNOWLEDGES THE EXISTENCE OF GOD AND JESUS SHOULD THIS NOT BE A CLUE THAT THEY DO EXIST! And if you can accept the fact that they DO exist then MAYBE we should consider what they say to be serious ESPECIALLY the part that explains YOUR eternity.

GMbusa, this was not directed at you your just the one that made me reply:laugh:

I think you may have misread something...Lavey does deny the existance of god...He is an athiest.
absolutely nothing wrong with your idea. I still believe it's a choice. I've never seen a disorder or anomoly make someone stick their ---- in someone's --- without the participant knowing what is going on. I've seen "ticks" and other such bodily reactions but never involuntary ----ing. Does this disorder work on straits too? There's some girls at work I wouldn't mind accidentally disordering. :D [shaddup! it was a joke do not PM me hate mail]

Gay ONLY exists in physical sex. There is nothing wrong with deeply loving another man. Sex what it's all about.

Pedophile is a lawfully improper sexual attraction. FOR EXAMPLE PURPOSES.... someone could be a "pedophile". BUT someone would not be until they did something physical about it [and got caught of course]. But what they think in their mind is controllable by their mind. They don't have a disorder that makes me involuntarily chase down jailbait. Putting a thought into action is A CHOICE. To be GAY, you have to make that choice to do something about it. Someone could walk funny, or talk different or react emotionally different than others of the same sex... they does not make them gay... the choice to act upon gay sex makes them gay. nothing more, nothing less.

And by that definition, strait can be a choice too. I guess I'm nothing until I'm boinking a female? Come to think of it, the terms of strait and gay should not even exist. There are males and females, and that is it. It's like saying "oxygene breathers" and "oxygen challenged" - a dead person. Why should gay or strait terms even exist?


Based upon this logic, do you also believe alcoholics and addicts drink and take drugs out of choice?

I don't think it is a choice. I don't choose to be attracted to women, I am made that way. Asking a person who is homosexual to choose to be heterosexual is as silly as asking a heterosexual person to be homosexual.

I still say that attacking homosexuals is stupid and cowardly. Have the courage to fight against something that matters like, poverty, starvation, injustice, inequality, violence toward women and childern. People die because this occurs. No one dies from being gay.

So to those who find themselves so emotionally affected by homosexuals that you find it perfectly ok to deny them rights you enjoy, I say go to China or Iran they are very happy living denying human rights. This is America where we embrace equality and human rights, if you love it here start acting like it.
I still say that attacking homosexuals is stupid and cowardly. Have the courage to fight against something that matters like, poverty, starvation, injustice, inequality, violence toward women and childern. People die because this occurs. No one dies from being gay.

So to those who find themselves so emotionally affected by homosexuals that you find it perfectly ok to deny them rights you enjoy, I say go to China or Iran they are very happy living denying human rights. This is America where we embrace equality and human rights, if you love it here start acting like it.

:thumbsup: well said
I say go to China or Iran they are very happy living denying human rights. This is America where we embrace equality and human rights, if you love it here start acting like it.

RU serious, you are comparing the lack of rights in these places to what gays in America are being deprived of? A very small minority of people get it in their craw that they think they deserve some special rights, and the American Majority doesn't support it. But the crying will go on forever. The way they carry themselves, no wonder no one takes them seriously.

RU serious, you are comparing the lack of rights in these places to what gays in America are being deprived of? A very small minority of people get it in their craw that they think they deserve some special rights, and the American Majority doesn't support it. But the crying will go on forever. The way they carry themselves, no wonder no one takes them seriously.


What special rights?

Inequality is inequality so I would say that denying any group the SAME rights you enjoy is wrong and Un-American.
RU serious, you are comparing the lack of rights in these places to what gays in America are being deprived of? A very small minority of people get it in their craw that they think they deserve some special rights, and the American Majority doesn't support it. But the crying will go on forever. The way they carry themselves, no wonder no one takes them seriously.


that's such horse sh*t......fairys don't have tridents....right???
