Gay day flu

I really hope that you dont believe that last sentence. Because all are NOT treated equal. I'm just spitballing here but it is far from equal treatment for all in America.

Equality is an American ideal that, as Americans, is something to strive for. You are right it dose not exist here and we may never get there but we should also never stop trying.
Enjoy the illegal aliens you support with your tax payments. :) They are treated equal while giving nothing.

How very Christian of you. I respect the conviction in your faith but to sport a WWJD tag and then belittle the poorest of the poor seems a little hypotricital to me.

The Jesus I know would embrace the poor. The God I know has no use for political boarders.
To quote from above, "Strait is by design. Gay is a CHOICE of where to put your whatsit."

Consider this...

I don't believe it is a choice. It's a genetic disorder (or anomoly depending on your POV). Perhaps it is Darwinism at it's best? The world is overpopulated. So nature has come up with a way to keep humans from reproducing at the high rate we have been over the last few hundred years.

It's amazing what nature does to try to maintain a balance.

Then ponder this my Brother.... WHY then in almost every non-straight relationship do you have one individual who is more fem then male AND one who is more Male then fem? Just asking.... Cause IF its not a choice should'nt this situation be different?
How very Christian of you. I respect the conviction in your faith but to sport a WWJD tag and then belittle the poorest of the poor seems a little hypotricital to me.

The Jesus I know would embrace the poor. The God I know has no use for political boarders.

:thumbsup: logic is painful to some man.
Then ponder this my Brother.... WHY then in almost every non-straight relationship do you have one individual who is more fem then male AND one who is more Male then fem? Just asking.... Cause IF its not a choice should'nt this situation be different?

uhhh...a feminine male still has a d*ck chief...if you're implying that a gay man who's in a relationship with a flamboyant man is secretly straight but is
"settling" for pork, then i'mma hafta say you're bonkers
Then ponder this my Brother.... WHY then in almost every non-straight relationship do you have one individual who is more fem then male AND one who is more Male then fem? Just asking.... Cause IF its not a choice should'nt this situation be different?

where do you get that info?....TV? thats just a stigmatism you speak of,kinda like all black ppl eat chicken and watermelon,all irish are drunks all jews are cheap with a $...etc

not all gays are "flamers"

haveing fiends that are "bi sexual" both male and female and one friend in perticular who is gay and had always been a good friend of mine.I can tell you that you are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy off with your perception.

I have seen two guys together who both could kick the sh1t out of most and look the part,just like i've seen two woman as beautiful as any who were together.

I know guys who are married to woman,woman that are harder then alot of guys you would know,does this mean they have a deep down desire to be with a guy? and you see woman with guys who are weak,nerdy..etc,does this mean they wish to really be with a woman?
Why does everyone say we are denying gays a right the rest of us have?

Gays have the exact same rights as the rest of us. Any man can marry a women or any women can marry a man.
Why does everyone say we are denying gays a right the rest of us have?

Gays have the exact same rights as the rest of us. Any man can marry a women or any women can marry a man.

Biscuit, do you have 2 logins?
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I am going to pick up the non-extreme, reality based, average American stanpoint that Biscuit is tired of trying to convey.:whistle:

Trying to get the point across to the extreme views looks like this-:banghead:

Care to answer the question?
I am going to pick up the non-extreme, reality based, average American stanpoint that Biscuit is tired of trying to convey.:whistle:

Trying to get the point across to the extreme views looks like this-:banghead:

Care to answer the question?

Answer what question?
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And just to keep things moving along, lets attempt to look at being gay from the two general views of the development of humans:

If a person were not a Christian, or better yet, if a person never comprehended or experienced “Christianityâ€￾ you would have to believe in some form of evolution (the only other option, correct?), you would have to consider that there is a reason that there is a male and female of the species. It is really pretty simple. Without each there are no more heterosexuals or homosexuals. Any other male/male or female/female exclusive relationship would have to be considered less than fruitful in the propagation and therefore the improvement of the species. You could, of course, say that it would be alright to be bisexual as long as a person procreated (phew, almost forgot to protect the threesomes). In any event, as an evolutionist, I guess you have to say that exclusive homosexuality is not normal right? You might even study the condition to figure out why these folks are different. You might find the problem to be nurturing or you might even find a genetic problem I guess. At the very least you would have to say this particular person was made in a not NORMAL way.

If you were a Christian, you just might suggest the following: You believe the bible instructs us to love all people. You believe it instructs us to accept all people. But you just might say the bible doesn’t tell us to open our checking account to the homeless guy on the street without limits when what he really needs is help finding a job. In the same light, you might say the bible doesn’t tell us that I should accept the status of a gay person with regards to specific rights. Or perhaps you might say that you have a problem with the implications of the further coarsening of society and its accepted special relationships (based on societies interest in families and children) by changing the nature of the special relationship by extending it in ways that make it less special. Of course if I were a Christian I would have to be one of those folks that recognize parts of the Bible as allegorical. A whole different discussion for a different thread. At the end of the day you might just suggest that since the Bible talks a lot about a man and a woman and marriage and families, I guess you would have to say the being gay would be an abnormality. You might even go so far as to say it is something that could be, or might need to be, fixed. Obviously, the religious point of view could be much more extreme as we have seen herein. I am just saying it might not be the only religious point of view.

Can anyone point out aother point of view?
In response to the other. Marriage in America is not based upon procreation. It is a binding contract between 2 individuals which gives them special rights over each other's estates.
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Because heterosexual couples have the right to enter into marriage. Homosexual couples do not.
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Yes, I would deny them that right.

Marriage is a concept born from the bible. Given to us by God.

If you don’t believe in the bible nor believe in God then why are any of you having anything to do with a union that is biblically based?
all of you who are married and don’t believe in God are way more hypocritical than us Christians. Your marriage is fake. Marriage is a concept from God but yet you don’t believe in God. So YOU are hypocrites.
For homosexuals? Homosexuality is against the teachings of the bible. It is an abomination to God.

For two men to have sex with each other they either don’t believe in God, in which case they should not be allowed to partake in a concept that was provided to us by God. And for those of you that feel God is an imaginative person Christians have created? Then the concept of marriage is just as imaginative.
Or If two men have sex who believe in God and want to get married, they are not walking with God, they are walking in sin and should not be allowed to partake in a concept that is from God.

So to all of you that are married and don’t believe in God, your marriage should be null and void because it is a concept created from an entity you do not believe in so your marriage should not be valid.

That would be like me being a Christian and going to get married in some other land using that lands ceremonies that were against my fundamental beliefs. That would be just stupid.

So again I say to all who are married who don’t believe in God, and to all homosexuals who want to get married. You are not entitled to be married, just live together because the concept of marriage as it was created is not something you believe in.
how about because married couples have the right to make decisions for each other that non-married couples can not? How about the tax advantage married couples get. If you want a society based upon religion fine but it is an extremely totalitarian view point.
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Oh and marriage Pre-dates Christianity so your whole argument sort of goes out the window.
Enjoy the illegal aliens you support with your tax payments. :) They are treated equal while giving nothing.

It seems they are treated "more equally" when it comes to applying for law enforcement positions here, they get extra point for being "hispanic". That, and more extra points for having served in our military... so... if you are white, and want to be a cop in LA, you can get a perfect score on the test, but the illegal alien who served in the military who actually failed the test scored higher than you with his bonus points.

And that, my friends, is one way they ARE taking jobs that Americans DO want.

Hmmm... and to stay on topic, I find homosexuality somewhat revolting.
Wow illegals can Become cops in Cali? Here all this time I thought you had to be a US citizen to serve on law enforcement in the US.
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Wow illegals can Become cops in Cali? Here all this time I thought you had to be a US citizen to serve on law enforcement in the US.
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After serving in the military they are. At least that's what I hear.
Stinks, doesn't it?

Ok, looking at my previous post I see that I imply that they can. I meant to say applicants get extra points for being hispanic, and more extra points for having served in the military. So, an illegal can acquire legal status by serving in the military, then fail the test, thereby taking a job from a white person who passed the test.
After serving in the military they are. At least that's what I hear.
Stinks, doesn't it?

No it doesn't stink. Don't you think that someone who is willing to lay down their life in service to the US deserves to be a citizen? I do.
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