Gay Riders

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Wow. Tons of posts (so I guess I'll add mine) Lovestuds, as Slick Willy Clinton once put it, "don't ask, don't tell". This is, after all, a Hayabusa site. Can we keep it that way?
Allright let me start out by saying I am not gay.

This thread is starting to get stupid...real quick!

I am so pissed right now I don't even know where to start!

1st The majority of us here are American citizens. I want to do a quick review of this thing called the BILL OF RIGHTS. One of the most important amendments in the BILL OF RIGHTS, is FREEDOM OF CHOICE! IF SOMEONE WANTS TO BE GAY ITS THEIR CHOICE!!!

2ND For you guys that are belly aching because you dont like to tell your children why a man and another man are in love...two words... tough SH!TT! Their are starving families around the world that are worried about feeding their six year old kid more than whether or not they know what a fag is!!! I love this country but it really pisses me off that liberal dousch bags cannot stop being prejudice to someone that aren't like them!!!

3rd Heterosexuals do not have pride marches because they don't have to worry about getting cheated out of their rights by gay people. Also they are NOT the minority AND are considered the "norm" and socially acceptable so why march? Gay people that are trying to get comfortable and "out of the closet" with their sexuallity use gay pride marches as a way of feeling "fit in", they look around and feel that they are a part of something and not an outcast!

4th As far as religion goes...
Let me just say that America has changed a lot since 1776 (obviously). Now back then the majority of us were christian. "IN GOD WE TRUST" "ONE NATION UNDER GOD" and the presidents allways push the christian envolope as well "GOD BLESS AMERICA" "OUR PRAYERS ARE GOING OUT TO THE MEN AND WOMEN FIGHTING AGAINST THE EVIL TERRORIST" blah blah blah. Now if your'e pissed that kids should be allowed to pray in church and that there should be religous classes held then send your kids to a nice expensive christian school! SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!!! No one wants anyone elses beliefs thrown on them! If someone decides to go to church thats their own CHOICE or RIGHT too! No one is going to talk them into doing anything they dont want to do, unless they wanted to really do it but just didn't have the brass to do it on their own.

5th GAYS AND THE BIBLE I am so sick of this SH!T I could puke! Everyone has their own interpretation of the bible. Whatever happen to "WE ARE ALL GODS CHILDREN" ? GOD AND GOD ALONE MAKES JUDGEMENTS ON PEOPLE AND NO ONE ELSE!!!!!

6TH GAYS CAN GET MARRIED, WHATS NEXT??? The main thing that hardcore "bible bashers" cling to is this line. I was bored one night havein' a few drinks and I was turning the station to find a good song to jam to cause I had a nice buzz goin'. I came across a religous station and out of curiousity I checked out. This was when the gay marraige issue was still hot. To summerize the pasture was saying if gays can get married what is next? a man can marry his donkey...etc. etc. I of course laughed my butt off. By far the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

7th If you consider yourself a religious person consider the following...

THEYLL SHALL NOT KILL!!!!!!! Has anyone ever noticed that the majority of wars that ever happened (including the two big ones) were formed because of the religous beliefs? And whats the first think you bible bashers do? KILL IN THE NAME OF GOD!!!! I don't dislike religious people but I hate it when you folks start wars because your INTOLERANT. That fuqhead Bin Laden attacked us because we didn't beleive in what he did!!!! That fuqhead Adolf Hitler killed thoughs Jewish folks because they didnt beleive in christ and were smart enough to make money for themselves!!!! People used to burn people at the stake if that acted funny and of accuse them of witchcraft in the name of GOD!!!! WWI started because some siq fuq killed a religious man!!! Roman Catholics and christians used to, and still do, fight debate or whatever with eachother because that practice christianity different than eachother!!! WHAT THE PISS!!!! What about that war over in Isreal over the land the Jesus was supposedly born on!!!!
?? Man I bet Jesus really loves seeing a bunch of asholes killing eachother over some land he was supposedly born on!!!! I bet he is thinking looking over to God "Geez Dad its a good thing I died for the sins of souls so they can turn and try and kill eachother". If I was God I would broken the eraser along time ago! Billions of people have died because of intolerent asholes!! Whats next?

Dont even get me started on what Asians, Native Americans, and Blacks have been through!!!!

People we have to learn to be tolerent!!!! Or were not gonna need to worry about going to hell or not because we will be living in one!!!!


Finally I just need to note. If your religous then great... I have no problem with it! Just dont force it on anyone else AND PRACTICE YOUR RELIGION TO THE FULLIST AND NOT HALF ASSED!!!! I like to learn about christianity and other religions as well and I find if very interesting. If your gay then do your thing. I have met a few gay folks and all of them were nice to me and non-violent folks. Also if your'e into the whole marchin' thing then thats cool to just keep being non-violent and dont THREATEN PEOPLE BY SAYING YOULL BITE THERE THROAT OUT THEN TURN AROUND AND GO TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY!!!!! As far as race goes I'm white and if you aren't white then thats cool too (ovbiously). Asians have such interesting cultures and i love martial arts and their food. If your black then thank you for inventing hip hop and putting up with us stupid white folks. If your Native American I love your casinos and you are deifinitely doing better then when us white fold first moved in.

Now everybody play nice!


Mattzgixxer -

Go troll somewhere else stupid. If you read the thread it was dead. You had no cause to come back in here and try to rile things up again. Your only point was to try and stat the shid back up. So go away newbee.

Captain, would you please lock this thread or delete it, or something. I mean I am not going to view it anymore, I am going to remove it from my tracking so I wont see what this moran is going to reply with anyway. bu the hread has run its course and idiots like this are just trying to rekindle the flames.

Now go away kid ya bother me.
Mattzgixxer -

Go troll somewhere else stupid. If you read the thread it was dead. You had no cause to come back in here and try to rile things up again. Your only point was to try and stat the shid back up. So go away newbee.

Captain, would you please lock this thread or delete it, or something. I mean I am not going to view it anymore, I am going to remove it from my tracking so I wont see what this moran is going to reply with anyway. bu the hread has run its course and idiots like this are just trying to rekindle the flames.

Now go away kid ya bother me.
I guess what you are saying is that you think I am an idiot because I dont agree with you then?

hmmmmm do you want to rip my throat out with teeth?


How about we start a war because of are abvious disagreements?

Lets not learn from the past at all.
I don't think it matters if this was started by a Troll or Not, It's still an energetic topic with people expressing themselves in a reasoned manner, maybe some folks will think a little "Outside The Fugging Cliche Box"   for a change...  It's a win win...

I know where the next "Gay Mafia" Hits are going to be made...  
I know EXACTLY what you mean Rev!!  people need to think outside of the box!! dont be so closed minded!! look at all sides of things!!

Soooo uuhh I will see you at church on Sunday right?

Don't assume I haven't been there done that... I've been there, I know the drill, I've seen the plastic BS people.... I'm telling you organized Christianity is probably the largest source of human suffering in the world....

My eyes and my mind are open,

You got me?


Go giggle at that...


Yeah after finishing the thread let RIP... Mattz, Well said...

Thrasher Know your role

Thinker Glad to see you here...

RSD, Have a Rubbery One...

Pac... Uh go agree with Sledhead...

Lazer, You too...
Thinker / Thesnake -

Hey guys, can I step in here a bit..

I like you both, I have respect for you both, I think you are both real good people.

It is starting to bother me seeing two people I have respect for going at each other. No reason to let some guy who has a total of 12 posts who doesnt even have a Busa and has not contributed anything positive to this site yet and has only caused problems, who might not even be a real person cause so much turmoil that two good people who dont even know each other want to take to a next level of personal invites.

Come on guys, you are both good people with just differant opinions, can we please drop it.

come on PACMAN, lets chase em both down and shave em!! wadya say!!

group hug
Man its all good. I have respect for people even if they get the best of me in a discussion. He had some good points, but I think I had him on some as well. In any case, he couldn't handle the banter without freaking out.

Maybe you like this guy, but I think he is a bobo...not because we what about that. I'm not even gay, so its no major. But he is a bobo because he chooses to be one. I never insulted him. I never called him any names....just engaged him. He couldn't handle it....he just reverted to primitive name calling and what not. He hides his bigot opinions behind the Bible and the American Flag...even conjuring up the troops for sympathy. Well I believe in both the Bible and the American Flag and I still don't support he bullshit he is spewing out. Who gives a Fug about Mass Law? He knows full well that the language in many states allow for such marriages.

He asks if I got past junior high...well I will bet $100, no $1,000 that my degree has more respect than his. He can even set the parameters...meaning the area to be, mathematics, political science, medicine, etc. I will post a picture of my highest degree and he posts a picture of his. We can do a poll, or consult any directory that rates schools...whoever has the most respected degree is the winner, and winner takes the $1,000.

I presented this same challenge on LaBusas and the name calling children wouldn't bite, and he won't either.

Whatever, I am over it because this guy will always be in the to speak.
I don't think it matters if this was started by a Troll or Not, It's still an energetic topic with people expressing themselves in a reasoned manner, maybe some folks will think a little "Outside The Fugging Cliche Box"   for a change...  It's a win win...

I know where the next "Gay Mafia" Hits are going to be made...  
I know EXACTLY what you mean Rev!!  people need to think outside of the box!! dont be so closed minded!! look at all sides of things!!

Soooo uuhh I will see you at church on Sunday right?

Don't assume I haven't been there done that...  I've been there, I know the drill, I've seen the plastic BS people....  I'm telling you organized Christianity is probably the largest source of human suffering in the world....

My eyes and my mind are open,  

You got me?


Go giggle at that...
Glad your eyes and mind are open... or are they really?

Only you know for sure. Good luck.

Now let's ride our Busas....


Gays to the left, Straights to the right, and Busa riders go right up the fricken middle.
Honestly guys/gals, this is about the stupidest shiit I've ever seen US do on this site. I was able to get past the emu stuff, because it finally became slightly amusing, but this whole gay thing is getting entirely ridiculous. We're at 6 pages now and the shiit is still brewing. We're all smart enough to know that either one of two things happened with the origination of this thread. 1. Some lurker from some other site came in and threw an issue out in the middle of the road for us to nibble on. Just like the guys with the R1's and ZX10's (remember that?) 2. It's exactly like Lovestuds said. He just came here and truly didn't mean to offend anyone, and just really wanted to know who rode bikes and were gay? And maybe at the same time connect with someone. Now we have a very diverse group of people in our family and I give much love and respect to about 90% of the people here. Most of us have a high standard of morals and values, while at the same time some are highly educated. Several times people have stepped in with a post trying to be the voice of reason and tried to get us to squash this nonsense. It's cool to have your opinions, but when we start name-calling and challenging people, that's when the topic gets out-of-hand. I know that I'm going to get ribbed to death for what I'm about to say, but if I'm a coward, then Popeye's a punk!!! I'm gonna take a little walk in Rubba's shoes and say to everyone to "SHUT DA FUK UP AND TAKE A 150MPH BLAST ON AN OPEN ROAD ON DA BUSA!" I mean, c'mon, do we really need to 'chip our fingernails' anymore on this subject?
I thought this was a Busa site and everyone will jump on a gay issue, but no one wants to tell me what a fuggin' TRE is.

Honestly guys/gals, this is about the stupidest shiit I've ever seen US do on this site. I was able to get past the emu stuff, because it finally became slightly amusing, but this whole gay thing is getting entirely ridiculous. We're at 6 pages now and the shiit is still brewing. We're all smart enough to know that either one of two things happened with the origination of this thread. 1. Some lurker from some other site came in and threw an issue out in the middle of the road for us to nibble on. Just like the guys with the R1's and ZX10's (remember that?) 2. It's exactly like Lovestuds said. He just came here and truly didn't mean to offend anyone, and just really wanted to know who rode bikes and were gay? And maybe at the same time connect with someone. Now we have a very diverse group of people in our family and I give much love and respect to about 90% of the people here. Most of us have a high standard of morals and values, while at the same time some are highly educated. Several times people have stepped in with a post trying to be the voice of reason and tried to get us to squash this nonsense. It's cool to have your opinions, but when we start name-calling and challenging people, that's when the topic gets out-of-hand. I know that I'm going to get ribbed to death for what I'm about to say, but if I'm a coward, then Popeye's a punk!!! I'm gonna take a little walk in Rubba's shoes and say to everyone to "SHUT DA FUK UP AND TAKE A 150MPH BLAST ON AN OPEN ROAD ON DA BUSA!" I mean, c'mon, do we really need to 'chip our fingernails' anymore on this subject?
I thought this was a Busa site and everyone will jump on a gay issue, but no one wants to tell me what a fuggin' TRE is.

Hey BA, good morning! Welcome back to Dharma and Greg...

You are right though, we need to end this.

So with that I now claim this thread as DEAD..... Can I do that?

Heck NO! I am a nobody...
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