how fast have u been?
u will need some serious seat time to reach 200
not to burst ur bubble
mirrors are out-wind issue-slows u down like 2mph
u need to learn to tuck, for the least amount of drag + to stay on the bike
gearing is a must
how much $$ u got?
nitrous is a definite +
unless u wanna go NA
i've already peggd my bike at least a dozen times with current setup, which from what i'm seein with C.Stringer's gear chart puts me at 190-ish, give-or-take wind drag.
for my lic. sake, won't mention where i've done this, but had throttle locked down for at least 15 sec. once....then laid off cuz i started getn tunnel vision and even @150 felt like i was doing 65! (till i flew by vehicles DOING 65)
i gues u dint read my sig-(never run mirrors)
i can only tuck in so much-chest near 50" so shoulders really broad, and 36" inseam means my legs are all over the tank.
I know i gotta switch gears-already picked up stockr front, tryn to decide which rear to run....
i can honestly get the money together for turbo, but uhmm... i really wanted to use this thing to make $$$ this season... won't mention how. But if anybody sees that dump pipe stickn out or hears the BOV whistle, there's just no way i can con anybody-I'd like to keep my power sleepr-ish, ya dig? (minus NOS-just not feelin the bottle-i know i kin hide it but too much work)
i've heard big-bore bikes too, n they don't sound stock enuf either. Guys can tell they had major work done.
soooooo-i'm still sitn here scratchin my head and showin all these posts to the lady in hopes that mebbe she'll grant my wish...keep yer fingers crossed for me folks!