GPS Mod to eliminate the 6th gear eliminator.


My wife would hunt you down for the mudflap. :crowbar: My 06 was chopped and every time we got caught in the rain she got a road grime stripe up her back. Threatened my manhood if I did anything to his one.:down:

The angle of the gen2 tail really helps with that.
Now for your mods:laugh: I think slipons are one of the best performance mods for the gen2. Not the 1 or 2hp either, but the handling.
Much to my suprise I could really feel the weight difference when flicking side to side through curves. At 16 or 17lbs each muffler, down to 2 or 3 pounds each. And weight that's hanging on each side of the rear wheel.
Plus you get looks and sound.
Ebc HH extreme pro pads too! They're a great improvement in stopping power, and TufBusa approved:laugh:
That's where to spend money, and that'll get the ball rolling. The sickness will then consume you.:laugh:
The angle of the gen2 tail really helps with that.
Now for your mods:laugh: I think slipons are one of the best performance mods for the gen2. Not the 1 or 2hp either, but the handling.
Much to my suprise I could really feel the weight difference when flicking side to side through curves. At 16 or 17lbs each muffler, down to 2 or 3 pounds each. And weight that's hanging on each side of the rear wheel.
Plus you get looks and sound.
Ebc HH extreme pro pads too! They're a great improvement in stopping power, and TufBusa approved:laugh:
That's where to spend money, and that'll get the ball rolling. The sickness will then consume you.:laugh:

Slipons are covered. I have V&H CS1s. Only other mods are Throttlemeisters, Double Bubble screen and 1" risers. Hopefully get to do the odometer mod starting this spring.:D
Oops forgot shorty levers. Yes Chazzos. Still waiting for Tuf's reply to why they are such a safety risk with the forces involved with lever pull. Especially when talking about 1 or 2 fingers max as he recommends. I really really want to know. With a good explanation I will toss them and buy Pazzos immediately.
Oops forgot shorty levers. Yes Chazzos. Still waiting for Tuf's reply to why they are such a safety risk with the forces involved with lever pull. Especially when talking about 1 or 2 fingers max as he recommends. I really really want to know. With a good explanation I will toss them and buy Pazzos immediately.

I have chazzo levers too, and that's the only thing I disagree with the old man on, but I can see where he's coming from.
A member who's an engineer tested them vs stock vs pazzo(forget who it was) and proved what I thought all along. That the chazzos are as good as stock. I've broken several stock levers on many bikes over the years. Most stockers are cheap cast junk anyway.
I wouldn't use chazzo rearsets or rotors(no offense to anyone who does)and that's just me personally.

Anyway, we need pics of these V&H slipons(I guess I missed them...update your avatar:poke:).
Beings how you've already started putting parts on it's already too late. There's something else you know your bike needs, and when you decide what that is, you'll cave.:laugh:
Best I got till good weather as I am not one to stop much just for pics.

Dare to be different is my motto:cookoo: I promise if I ever lose the mudflap I will also lose the reflectors.:p

Take the mudflap off and take the wife for a ride on a wet road. I'll betcha there's no tire spray on her back because of the shape of the gen2 tail.:beerchug:
I'll second the ecueditor. But if for some reason you don't want to do that, I'll sell you a GPS for cheap, I have one laying around. It's simple to install. Pull the clutch basket, swap, re-install clutch basket, good as new. The only problem I ever had was when I was running at the Texas Mile and I would go searching for a 7th gear on the big end :laugh: It shows 5th gear when you are in 5th and when you are in 6th. ECU Editor doesn't do that.
Slipons are covered. I have V&H CS1s. Only other mods are Throttlemeisters, Double Bubble screen and 1" risers. Hopefully get to do the odometer mod starting this spring.:D

how do they sound bret? iv been wondering how they sound but havent seen a set inperson yet...i like the looks though..
how do they sound bret? iv been wondering how they sound but havent seen a set inperson yet...i like the looks though..

Nice deep growl at low rpms and gets more intense as revs get higher. They are not obnoxious but make their presence known.