20 cent RPM eliminator

no resisotrs, 2 buttons and dip switches with an RPM table, much more convenient than MSD stuff with pills, yellow with blue tracer that goes to the dash is the stock tach signal, works like a 2 cylinder as far as # of pulses per rev.

not sure what you mean avoid backflips? The window switch just turns a ground on when RPm is met, it doesnt change rev limiter, i do have a 2 step launch limiter as well though LOL
The scenario I meant by backflips is - the window switch connects the 20 c resistor at e.g 10 000 rpm, just below the speed limiting rpm to disengage the speed limiter. When the rpm then rises, the 20 c resistor could be disconected again at the higher rpm, which we don't want to happen. The solution would be to set the upper rpm to an rpm which the Busa will never reach, even with disengaged speed limiter, like 12 k.

So, what do you think, could your window swich be set to meet those rpm conditions?

Is your unit connecting extenal stuff to ground only or has it a swich-over relay, perhaps it is not a relay at all but a transistor, which is fine. But in such case one would have to use a small external relay to make the switch free from ground, which I think is the way the gear circuit operates on the Busa. Any comments appreciated.
it provides very little ground output of the board itself, i always put a relay on there with them, they are harlan window switches, one of my shift light setups could be used as well as they have no upper window setting to worry about.

I have a 2 stage shift light, launch light with a window with clutch pulled in, and regular shift light setting with clutch out.

Aah, a simple shift light control circuit is better if avaialable. Is this something you can sell? Does it look the same as the window switch or is it a complete unit with light (I don't need the light feature).

What would the price be including shipping to Sweden as a cheap but recommended letter? We may work out a deal
launch / shift light completely wired up etc is $110 shipped in the USA as a functional 2 stage shift light, for just the control of it with no relay, just the ability to turn a ground on at a desired RPM $50 plus shipping.
Do you know if the adjustable shift light on Busa 08 is independent from the actual RPM limiter? I guess it is. In such case one could tap the indicator signal and control a low voltage relay that controls the connection of the 20 C resistor. This would be a very simple solution and less stuff to fail.
I made it a little too long between the factory connectors before i realized it was too late, oh well, it will work for a first timer LOL

Not 100% sure on price, was thinking something like $30-32 shipped to your door? I dont wanna rip anyone off, and dont like working for free (i do it too much these days LOL).

I have them available to make now, i was hoping to hear from high-gain as this was his idea i am just putting them together after gathering parts, these gps connectors are not cheap let me tell ya LOL.


No problem making them... It's about time someone did. I was just helping out the Busa owners with an inexpensive mod. Haven't been around lately... busy with my business and when i'm not working i'm riding. Summer will be over before you know it.

Maybe you can send me one when you have them finished.....
I can build the one in this thread with a toggle my new plug and play setup with gear indicator etc isn't ready yet