20 cent RPM eliminator

Running the harness along the inside of the left frame. I put a protective covering over the wiring I installed.

Here is the harness connector I installed for easy removal of the center lower dash trim. I tapped into the brown wire for my 12 volt source for the switch operation.

If you look closely at both tachometers in both pictures. You will notice the difference in RPM. Switch off to on.
Watched your video and caught the rpm's at idle. YOur idle is higher then stock, I can also tell the timing is advanced too!!! Damn you shift fast thought the gears!!!
That wasn't idle.... I was rolling off of a right hand turn. I have some video of idle wile I was waiting for traffic to clear. I read that the TRE does change the idle though. Yes, the shifts were fast..
I had to get the 6 gears in on a 40mph road without raising attention. 70 in a 40 could be a nasty ticket.

Are you noticing any 6th gear blips?
Do you use the clutch when up shifting?
What's the RPM increase..200, 300? Could be beneficial in summer stop and go traffic keeping that water pump moving.

Nice switch install... It took me a while to figure out what the hell that plastic was.... Looks like BATMANS Batarang  


Found this video on YouTube...

The $170.00 GiPro w/ATRE even blips a 6 in-between gear shifts. Watch the 5th to 4th downshift.

I guess you can pay 20 cents or $170.00 and get the same results.

There are a lot of TRE videos on youtube with the RPM just under 1500

Here's a GiPro w/ATRE that is even wackier... It holds the 6 through 2 downshifts, 5th and 4th.

The 20 cent mod is looking better all the time

Got the PM... Everything sounds like they perform exactly like the expensive kits being sold. Why don't you get a hand full of connectors and resistors and make up some "Plug & Ride" kits for the forum members that don't have the soldering or wiring skills you have

I am sure they would be happy to pay for your time and parts... Take some to the Busa Bash
Would love to make some, but tying to find the time to get ready for the Bash!! That's why I haven't been on tonight. I have been making some hold downs for the busa. I have the habor freight front wheel stay. But do not want to use my cannnon dances to hold the bike in place. So I made some hardware that slides into the rear axle tube and frame/ swing tube to hold the bike down, in place, and not pull on anything. Things are still not done, but will post some pics when done. Finding time lately has been rough. Getting 4 hours of sleep is starting to catch up!!!
I sent an e-mail to HealTech Electronics, maker of the GiPro w/ATRE. I attached the YouTube video of the 6th gear blip.

This is their reply

"In this video I can see the problem once, when downshifting from 5 to 4, there is a momentary 6 displayed.

When you shift from one gear to another, the GP sensor breaks the signal during the transition, until the new gear is engaged.
During this transition, the GIpro detects either neutral or 6th gear (these two GP map positions are very close to each other with little margin).

The longer it takes to change gear, the more likely you see this symptom.
When the bike is on stand and the rev is at idle, it takes more time to change gears compared to normal riding.

So there is nothing wrong, and the ECM receives the 5th gear map constantly, i.e. it will not cause any performance issues either."

I totally agree with the reply from HealTech Electronics. The break in-between GPS resistors should be 5v as there is no ground to pull the voltage low but with the 22k resistor in parallel it pulls it down to the 6th gear voltage window which is just below Neutrals voltage.

Since the TRE and the RPM mod get their source information from the same GPS I find it normal to experience the blip when passing through gears. I also agree with HealTech Electronics that this has no affect on performance or will cause any undesired issues.

I have been receiving flame mail from a member of another Busa forum that has said everything from the mod will not work to it will cause engine damage.

I would not have posted this mod if I thought for a second that this would cause anyone or anything harm.
High Gain:

I have ridden my bike now for the last few days with the resistor switch to the on postion. Here is what I have found:

1. When in neutral and clicking into first geaqr at a light...I will see a 6th gear indicated for a moment. Then it goes to 1 gear indicated. It happens some times.

2. At idle and in neutral the Rpms are 200 rpm higher then stock with the switch in the on position. Also, when you pull in the clutch lever the Rpms drop 200rpm from the switched on resistor position.

3. I have switched it on and off while riding...NO problems!!! No change in the way the bike runs. Just the indicator going from 5th to 6th (when turned off) or back to 5th (when turned on).

4. My mileage has been affected either. On my loop to and from work I have been getting 39-41 mpg. With the switch on, I saw 39.5 mpg.

My findings on my bike!!!

No! You will not see any gains on the dyno from this mod. All it does is trick the ecu. Makes it think it is still in 5th gear when you shift into 6th!! So you can top it out!!
Hi, I live in South Afria and just finished this 22k ohm mod on my 2008 busa - works great. However, I would like to install an LED to indicate on/off. In series to the circuit (with resistor) it does not seem to work (either direction, and LED is working, tested it on a 9V battery). Should one install it in parallel to the 22k ohm resistor?
