20 cent RPM eliminator

just wired up 3, 1 going out in the morning, 2 sitting here waiting for new owners LOL, gotta get more resistors and some more toggle switches after these 2.
are you sure that there's no chance of toasting the computer and voiding warranty. if so should i remove it before going to dealer for other warranty work.
will this work for 05 if so I will try this and I imagine that the switch is to turn it on in 6th to eliminate rom limiter.
Yep works fine on gen1 busas, no reason for a toggle on anything that doesn't have a factory gear indicator
Posted via Mobile Device
I just bought more gps connectors for my gear indicator stuff, wouldn't mind moving some of these, let me know if yuo need a high gain mod, $25 shipped to your door.
i have tons of parts to put them together anyone needs one :) Leaving for vacation for 2 days in a minute, but will be back wedensday evening :)
That is an awesome mod / post! Genius to make a fix that is so simple to do and so easily accessible. Fixes a problem that many spend a lot to fix! :thumbsup::thumbsup:
may be a stupid question but is there a difference betweena TRE and an X-TRE????

sorry for the newb question
X tre is the new one out that sends 5th gear to ecu all the time except neutral but factory gear indicator still displays correct

Problem with that is your gear based fueling no longer works
Posted via Mobile Device
X tre is the new one out that sends 5th gear to ecu all the time except neutral but factory gear indicator still displays correct

Problem with that is your gear based fueling no longer works
Posted via Mobile Device

Dosen't the x tre just remap timing? The stock ECU still runs the the gear based fueling? A PC3 runs a 5th gear fuel map so dosen't it eliminate gear based fueling?

I don't know, still trying to figure these things out and how they all interact.