Tore in to it today. I found a ton of things wrong within minutes of opening the tank. Probably the biggest thing I found to contribute to the bike not running correctly was the map sensor. It has a 3 bar gm sensor. But instead of it being tee’s in between all the throttle bodies, it was connected to the plenum... there was another line tee’d in to that, so I traced it. It went to the blow off valve. Both those are supposed to be connected to the vacuum lines below the throttle bodies.
After seeing that, I wanted to verify where the fuel pressure regulator was getting its signal from. So traced it, and what would you know, it goes to the plenum like it should. But there’s another line tee’d in to that. Well that line connected to the small vacuum lines between the throttle bodies. (Where the map sensor should of been connected.) so basically it was just a huge vacuum leak. The idle air valve was also disconnected.
Other then the return line to the tank going from a -6 to -4, the fuel lines were routed properly, and everything else looked correct I was thinking it was gonna be running like a top by the end of the day.
All the the vacuum connections weren’t zip tied, so I took the liberty of doing that. While inspecting the tips of the injectors I saw the secondaries are modified meaning they probably flow 65lb.
The bike arrived with a tank full of 110, so no knowing the run time on the plugs, I pulled them. Well remember the speckling I talked about due to detonation? Well, that’s what it looks like.
I did a compression test and the results weren’t anything to brag about too. The messed up plug came out of #3 but the lowest compression number was on #2.
1: 137
2: 112
3: 130
4: 132
Needless to say, the engine is coming out.