Gen3 full decal set

That's it! I couldn't remember what it was called. Now that I'm thinking about it. Didn't it start when 750's were still the superbikes and this was primarily, after a couple of years all the 1000cc bikes? It should changed how it did with the 1000's becoming superbikes but that class was open to wild stuff. Busas, ZX-12s, Blackbirds, hell why not a heavily modified V-Max? That would've been fun to watch.
I was hopeful about that unlimited series. I thought it would lead to experimentation with larger rims and tires, and that with some huge rolling Donuts the Hayabusa and larger bikes could compete with the little liter bikes that really were just too small for me. But physics didn't let the market expand that way, oh well. That Hayabusa did get some even more aerodynamic body work, and did hit 200 mph on some of the straits on American tracks, and I'm pretty sure you could have bought the body work, but it was really expensive. Back closer to topic though, that paint job was also some kind of trick aluminum based paint and gave it a really cool metallic look. I think I saw it at Sears point, but it could have been the earlier blue paint job.
Season 4 Episode 22 GIF by The Simpsons
That's a sharp looking bike........

I'll bet it turns heads.....
Thank you. It gives me something to focus on aside from the daily mundane stuff.
I’ve owned it one year and make a change here and there over time as my budget allows.
This started as a kid with my bicycles, I’ve never outgrown it i suppose .