Gf had an accident today

My prayers go out to you and yours Boosta.
Very sorry to hear about the accident. You and you GF are in my thoughts and prayers.
Went through almost the same thing in 2002. Things will slow down soon and it gets better everyday after that.
wow thanks guys for the support. This board is like family, thats why I posted here to give updates as usual.

You guys are right the bike can be replaced later, but she's alive so that is what matters most. She was light flighted to a hospital in Madisonville 4hrs away from me. I was told that after she wrecked, all she would ask is where is my baby, where is my baby.

We were actually in the middle of separating at end of the month but on good terms. She would move to Missouri with the baby to live with her mom till get gets on her feet. I would move in with my mom. I was relying on buying the bike from her so I can have relyable transportation to work (working on getting into management in really short time) then I would get a car too. Also was wanted to visit 1 weekend a month to see my beautiful baby. But now I don't even know what will happen. We have to be moved out end of the month and just realised I have to move her lots of stuff out too by myself.

Just got details on her. She did not make contact with another vehicle. Had only helmet, jacket pheonix 3.0 jacket and pheonix gloves by Joe rocket. Point of impact had to be on right side as the injuries are there. She is in Trauma unit. Has laceration on liver, kidney. Broken colar bone, shoulderblade broken ankle/foot. Broken/fractured ribs and back. No internal bleeding, Heavy medication every hour. Gonna need lots of rehabilatation, lots of pain for a while, even to just cough.

Things are bad, hope they only get better. I apprieciate the support guys really and thanks Southside Playa for your offer aswell.
Godspeed to you and your family. Remember the strongest tree in the forest is the one that bends. Bend but don't break my Brother.

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I'm really sorry to hear all that. I hope she gets back in action sometime. It's going to be a tough road for her for the next while. But I hope you'll be able to deal with it and help her as much as possible.

My heart goes out to her and to you.

Sorry to here about the accident, hope she gets well soon and back to 100%, the little one needs both of you, maybe these hard times will open new doors for you two, have to think something good will come out of the pain your going through now. Keep the faith!