A government shouldn't be run like a business, they have different goals. A company doesn't need to cater to all consumers, but a government has to serve all constituents. While a government shouldn't run on a deficit, it doesn't need to generate positive revenue.
There is little evidence that Trump has actually accomplished very much besides the Supreme Court seats being filled, and that was more McConnell's doing.
Make no mistake, Trump is no more interested in improving the life of the average American than he is the man in the moon. He's a fraud (self-made my a$$), an artificial creation in a time where that is what plays in the public domain. I've said it before, he's not the problem, he's a symptom. And the fact that people are willing to defend him, or his equivalent AOC just shows how deep the problem goes.
A wall doesn't solve the border problem. There are policies which will tighten up the southern border, but a wall isn't one of them.
If you're tired of carrying the tax burden, how about electing candidates that will make the top tiers of society carry their share? During the "golden age" what was the marginal tax rate? Blaming the poor for not paying enough in taxes is ridiculous. Even 85% of nothing is still nothing.
Where does the government spend the most money? Obviously that is where the trimming should begin. When I went back to school, we did away with DirecTV ($250/month) and replaced it with Hulu ($50/month). We didn't stop taking showers to save on the water bill.......Sensible cuts in spending coupled with sensible increases in revenue is the only way forward.
Crime rates are lower within first generation immigrant populations. Immigrants aren't causing the problems in the justice system, drug crime is.
PC culture is ridiculous, you and I have already covered this and are in agreement.
The system in place here is capitalist in name only. It advantages the rich over everyone else, and that needs to change. I'm disgusted with the lot of them (lawmakers) their party affiliation makes no difference.