Good thing i don't carry. the world

Tag #, then call 911 and report a drunken and wreckless truck! That would make his day.
Relax...and just think...

the dude probably put down a deposit on a ZX-14 back in January.
I had a guy last week I tried to be a gentlemen and shot up ahead of him and signaled right to slide over to hit my exit for an interstate entrance ramp?...he raced up and didn't wanna let me over...I left my directional on and just kept inching ahead of him making certain he could see that I wanted over...and as it got closer and closer to me missing my turn cause this ignorant rude azz shid-head wouldn't let me over?...I said fug it and just started sliding over anyways...a loser for me no doubt but...I get weird when it comes to dealing with rude folk...and I kept drifting till my pant leg was almost dusting his front left fender...and "THEN"...he backed off and let me over just in time to make my turn onto the interstate....and then realizing that I was far crazier than he was?...and knowing full well his rudeness could've cost me serious injury or possibly my life? was like reality slapped him in the face and he backed waaaaay off of me...years ago I also had a soccer mom in a minivan that was drifting over into the fast lane which I was occupying...with a tractor trailer right up my azz...and another just in front of me...and her on a cell phone...she didn't hear me frantically pushing my horn button and I finally got her attention when I finally kicked the shid out of her drivers side door skin...just before she almost crushed me between the concrete mediun barrier wall and her minivan...and when she heard me kick her door?...and glanced over to realize that she was almost killing me?...she paniced out and over-corrected so badly that she almost ran a driver in the slow lane off the road and then nearly flipped her damn minivan coming back the other way...I swear she was Joey Chitwooding it on two wheels there for about 20 yards or so. LOL!

some are azzholes by intent....others are azzholes by ignorance....either will get us dead if we ain't on our game.

L8R, Bill.
I can carry.  I just wish they'd declare open season on stupidity!
I think we all have our moments of stupidity.. So even I would be game if that season was opened.

I think there should be an open season for @ssholes that intentionally try to cause bodily harm, like this jackass and the one Jinkster wrote about. If it happens you should have the right to exterminate.
I am not an a$$hole typically, but here is what I do. I carry a plastic bag of marbles most of the time when I ride. If someone like fish head starts his crap a quick flip of the wrist and I am in front of him and outa harms way. I drop the marbles on the asphalt and go away. They bounce and do all kinds of neat stuff to the front of a vehicle.
Having said that I have only been scared/frustrated/angry enough to do that once in 22 years of riding, but I bet the cager that did get it has a little more respect for us now.

ahhhhh reminds me of a great game i used to play on playstation...cant remember its name but you race and win bikes and you carry pipes and chains and guns and shoot , smash, crash anything in the way....but honestly i have never came that close to haveing anyone run me off the road where i have to inflict damage on thier vehicle just for them to realize i am there.. mabey its because long before it develops into that i am ususally 1/4 mile ahead of them lol
I would have gotten his license plate one of the other drivers as a witness and charged his @ss w/ attempted vehicular manslaughter.  See how much he's laughing then.  

In all honesty, if I had my peacemaker with me and felt an imminite threat to my life from him I would be as within my  rights as if I was standing to defend myself.

Any law officers want to chime in on that one?
Not law but if you pull a gun your going to jail you are in separate vehicles so you are not in immediate danger. That is what his lawyer and the judge will say ... Mark my words you will loose best thing to do is get away from situation or try and get tag number and pull over and call it in as a drunk driver they will pull him over and run him through the paces and maybe find something illegal not worth taking the chance of you pulling a gun him pulling one back and random shooting next thing you know your reading in a paper the next day that some 10 year old kid was playing soccer in his backyard and got killed by a stray bullet that no one knows where it came from .. Something to think about.. If i am in danger in front of someone not in separate vehicles and feel that i have no choice something my grandfather told me .. DEAD MAN CANT WITNESS>>
I know what you mean! Like you my first instinct would be to put two rounds some where, but with a cool head you did the best thing for yourself and everyone around you.
But still
I am not an a$$hole typically, but here is what I do.  I carry a plastic bag of marbles most of the time when I ride.  If someone like fish head starts his crap a quick flip of the wrist and I am in front of him and outa harms way.  I drop the marbles on the asphalt and go away.  They bounce and do all kinds of neat stuff to the front of a vehicle.
Having said that I have only been scared/frustrated/angry enough to do that once in 22 years of riding, but I bet the cager that did get it has a little more respect for us now.

FINALLY....someone with the same mindset...I guess I could use marbles...I have been keeping ball bearings in my pockets...the steel shots could be a little more dangerous, huh?

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what we need is gene pool police to deal witht he jacka$$. i carry whenever i ride but that it only for those who like to get bikes by not paying for them. a good friend of mine who was a retied police officer, had his harley jacked from him at a stop light. it was the first time he was not carrying in 25 years. the person ran out from the sidewalk and pointed a gun at him and told him to get off. the perp got on his bike and rode away, if my friend had been armed. well when the perp tried to ride away it would have gone a little different. that will never happen to me. if you carry you just have to use better judjement, and aim good.
I am not an a$$hole typically, but here is what I do.  I carry a plastic bag of marbles most of the time when I ride.  If someone like fish head starts his crap a quick flip of the wrist and I am in front of him and outa harms way.  I drop the marbles on the asphalt and go away.  They bounce and do all kinds of neat stuff to the front of a vehicle.
Having said that I have only been scared/frustrated/angry enough to do that once in 22 years of riding, but I bet the cager that did get it has a little more respect for us now.

FINALLY....someone with the same mindset...I guess I could use marbles...I have been keeping ball bearings in my pockets...the steel shots could be a little more dangerous, huh?
Here is the reason for marbles vice ball bearings. After a marble hits the ground and bounces around, it would be very difficult to lift prints off it. A steel bearing would be easier to lift prints from. I don't know the specifics, but that made sense to me.

Well, as we all really know, education is the key! We need to make it mandetory that ALL drivers take a MSF coarse BEFORE they can renew their license, if they ride or not! If most cagers had a clue how much mental energy really goes into riding a motorcycle, they'd probably be much more respectful, an careful. Set it up so if they don't pass, they can't renew. Then have a fleet of traffic officers waiting down the road to pick up all of the "un-licensed" drivers, that refused the coarse, or failed it.
Well, as we all really know, education is the key!  We need to make it mandetory that ALL drivers take a MSF coarse BEFORE they can renew their license, if they ride or not!  If most cagers had a clue how much mental energy really goes into riding a motorcycle, they'd probably be much more respectful, an careful.  Set it up so if they don't pass, they can't renew.  Then have a fleet of traffic officers waiting down the road to pick up all of the "un-licensed" drivers, that refused the coarse, or failed it.
+1 on that.. MSF course would work and as CMC8 said we need some gene police too.

Hey you, out of the gene pool!
I like it.