Its okay bro, i understand y you're mad but my money came from my father who did in fact become a citizen back in 83 but trust me when i say it was wayyyyyy easier to become one back then, to the person that said they became one in 5 years, you were lucky buddy, i have a friend that i consider a brother that is 25 and has been here for 23 years, do the math; he even went back to mexico like they instructed him and nada; your taking what im saying the wrong way, i am talking about the current state of this nation and to be honest with you, if you think its okay to kick out intelligent people that work harder than somebody with the paperwork, that has to work 3 jobs to pay INTERNATIONAL fees(go to any website for any college institution and check out the difference) then you sir have the same mentality that is driving our great country to lose all influence and power in this world and last time i checked there was never an illegal immigrant in charge of these companies that screwed us with the jobs and loans and everything else, but hey, what do i know right, im just a 24 year old mexican millionaire that hates this country for no reason right...and i get it, its the law, yeah I've heard that hundreds of time, and as much as i love where i grew up, i love her u can keep with your judgements about how she is a criminal...all i know is wherever i end up, whe somebody ask's me where im from im going to say, the good ol' USA