Goodbye to the good ol' USA

We don't need anymore either RSD! Country's full! I went to Toronto last summer and I thought I was in India!
There are a few things in the OP's message that don't jive.

First, if she was an International student and accepted at an acredited college, she must have had an F1 visa. That means no incarceration and she can stay as long as she remains a student.

Second, it seems all countries just have an open door for her, without a passport, or US Citizenship?

Things are not the way they are portrayed. There is a lot more to this story.

How do I know?

I put my son through college in the US as an international student. He is about 2 years away from citizenship.
The immigration rules are posted and available online, all that is necessary is a good understanding of the English language, so they can be read and interpreted correctly.
There are a few things in the OP's message that don't jive.

First, if she was an International student and accepted at an acredited college, she must have had an F1 visa. That means no incarceration and she can stay as long as she remains a student.

Second, it seems all countries just have an open door for her, without a passport, or US Citizenship?

Things are not the way they are portrayed. There is a lot more to this story.

How do I know?

I put my son through college in the US as an international student. He is about 2 years away from citizenship.
The immigration rules are posted and available online, all that is necessary is a good understanding of the English language, so they can be read and interpreted correctly.

??? Hmmmmmmm
Its okay bro, i understand y you're mad but my money came from my father who did in fact become a citizen back in 83 but trust me when i say it was wayyyyyy easier to become one back then, to the person that said they became one in 5 years, you were lucky buddy, i have a friend that i consider a brother that is 25 and has been here for 23 years, do the math; he even went back to mexico like they instructed him and nada; your taking what im saying the wrong way, i am talking about the current state of this nation and to be honest with you, if you think its okay to kick out intelligent people that work harder than somebody with the paperwork, that has to work 3 jobs to pay INTERNATIONAL fees(go to any website for any college institution and check out the difference) then you sir have the same mentality that is driving our great country to lose all influence and power in this world and last time i checked there was never an illegal immigrant in charge of these companies that screwed us with the jobs and loans and everything else, but hey, what do i know right, im just a 24 year old mexican millionaire that hates this country for no reason right...and i get it, its the law, yeah I've heard that hundreds of time, and as much as i love where i grew up, i love her u can keep with your judgements about how she is a criminal...all i know is wherever i end up, whe somebody ask's me where im from im going to say, the good ol' USA :thumbsup:

Yeah I'm saying it's okay to deport her, she's not a citizen. She came here illegally, doesn't matter what her IQ is. If she's so intelligent she should have followed the process to be come a legal citizen. If the rules are too strict and she doesn't qualify then so be it. I'm glad the immigration laws have been tightened up in the last 30 years. They're still to lenient.

I don't see the relevance of your nationality. I think it's fantastic that people like your Dad can come here legally and have their dreams become a reality. Tolerating illegals makes a mockery of of all those who follow the rules and become naturalized.

I don't follow how you think that letting everyone in the U.S. that wants to come is going to make the country more prosperous. We are already picking up the tab for millions of illegal non citizens to the determent of millions of own natural citizens.

I'm not making a judgement that she is a criminal, you have already stated that she is. She's here illegally (that's a fact, not a judgement) has 3 illegal jobs and has 3 employers breaking the law.

I'd question your judgement, harboring an illegal, loving her more than your Country, sounds like your covering for your friend, are you saying his illegal too? Her parents are here, illegal as well? Then you out all of them on the Internet. You writing a movie script or just trollin'?
Tough deal for Ya. But, I doubt you'll find it better anywhere else, INCLUDING SPAIN. I love Spain, but they have their issues also (that's why they're demonstating in the Streets now). And South America is Beautiful, Brazil, well if you like Socialism and MASSIVE poverty and crime, it's OK. My pick would be Uruguay, because it's kinda like the US was in the late 1800's. Whatever, have a Great New Life :beerchug:
It's a shame that you are ending up despising a country that was so easy to manipulate and allowed this to happen for so long(piratically her whole life).

The internet is going to throw you plenty of mixed opinions. Is shouldn't be a shock that what occurred has occurred. Intelligent you claim she is,but her whole life(and yours) changed from doing something very stupid. Failing to use a turn signal?

Things I've gotten from this thread...

She's intelligent.
She's been here a long time.
She knew she was breaking the law by being illegal.
You knew she was breaking the law by being illegal.
You not being originally an US citizen knows there is a process that needs to be done in order to avoid such a thing that has occurred.
She had plenty of time to correct this problem.
She was going to college so there was plenty of resources to correct this problem.
She made a mistake and got herself and You put in a much worse situation.
How she pay taxes if she didn't exist in this country?

You say she was doing no harm,but indirectly she was. I feel your pain as an human being,but as a citizen... I have no compassion.

However, best of luck to you, her and your family.
A little leisurely fishing there Red??

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