GoPro cooked itself charging on my Pc

Update to the story.
GoPro gave me a brand new camera. It arrived today in the mail.
New camera, new battery and new USB cable.
Very cool! Did they say what might have happened with the old one?
Thanks for posting. Noticed that mine will get pretty warm when it sits plugged in. Noticeable but nothing I would consider dangerous. I'll make sure I don't leave it too long now.
No they made no mention of the problem with other one.
As fast as they approved the warranty claim and sent out the new one I'm sure it was something serious. There's nothing about similar things happening in great numbers on the internet so it must have been a simple malfunction THAT ALMOST BURNED MY HOUSE DOWN :)
:thumbsup:still sketchy about buying one now like racerv..???
A bit off topic. But what is the draw to the GoPro. I see a lot of people buying them. I don't understand really. YouTube videos? Not being a jerk just curious.
A bit off topic. But what is the draw to the GoPro. I see a lot of people buying them. I don't understand really. YouTube videos? Not being a jerk just curious.

I use mine everytime I ride everywhere I go.
I live in south Florida and am in traffic all the time.
If anything happens I like to have video record of it.
Also nice to capture those moments you do not expect or dont think are gonna happen.
You can save any frame from the video as a pic as well.
It can take a pic at set intervals.
Best of all it captures in full HD so playback on your bigscreen tv looks great.
Best of all it captures in full HD so playback on your bigscreen tv looks great.
True, although I prefer to use the 720p@60FPS mode, so frame-by-frame playback looks smoother.

Anyway, I'm glad to hear GoPro did right by you. I recently contacted them over a battery issue and they sent me a new one straight away, no hassles, no problems. The only thing I don't like is that they will only use FedEx for shipping, so it costs $100 to have a $79 accessory shipped out to me, which is ridiculous.

Also, good news: the LCD BacPac is now available!

GoPro LCD BacPac
True, although I prefer to use the 720p@60FPS mode, so frame-by-frame playback looks smoother.

Anyway, I'm glad to hear GoPro did right by you. I recently contacted them over a battery issue and they sent me a new one straight away, no hassles, no problems. The only thing I don't like is that they will only use FedEx for shipping, so it costs $100 to have a $79 accessory shipped out to me, which is ridiculous.

Also, good news: the LCD BacPac is now available!

GoPro LCD BacPac

Have it shipped to me and I'll forward it express mail to you. :beerchug:
This same thing just happened to me. I notice this is an old thread, I found it on a Google search. I went to charge my GoPro and it started getting that burnt smell to it and it had the melted mark exactly where the OP picture had it. Only difference is I had just updated the firmware on it that GoPro sent me the link to. I never had any problems with it before the update. Sadly my GoPro is out of warranty and they probably won't do anything about it even though they linked me the firmware upgrade. I will have to call and see.