Got me a new toy!! :-D

'Ladies night" fo free:blush:  wherez my skirt I'm part Irish :laugh: :laugh:

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Yeah I try to involve my lady in all my activities outside of work cept riding the Busa.  This is where I draw the line (my Sanctuary). No passenger allowed

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And again I am lucky....she shoots guns and she rides.

Yep you got a good eye alright :D

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Hey iz that a 280z in the background in front of the Busa?
Man I owned a 240z ,260z ,280zx 84 300zx Turbo and a 88 Turbo now all I need is to put a Turbo on the next busa I get.

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OMg man where on the same azz level my next ride I would like to have as well but it's gotta be the TT NSX

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These cars hold there value !  I havent seen anything under 18g 91 yr model and up worth buying.

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This is the closes you can get to a Formula 1 race car when it comes to handling (not speed). Beside who need speed when you got the Busa.
gota love em......saw a 96 for sale at the local race shop for 26,000 turbo'd, cams, intake, exhaust, lots more and it only had 48,000 miles.....almost pissed myself with anticipation until I found out what the insurance would cost :sad:
Already got a figure on it as well, didnt seem to bad though. My boy is my ins Rep (State Farm)so he now how to work in there .  It payz to know peeps.

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Man we just walked all over dude :eek: thread like two chicken head gabb'n on the phone.  Sorry H-man

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Group: Members
Posts: 103
Avg posts/day:1.31
Joined: Aug. 2003
Location: Denver, CO Posted: Oct. 19 2003,1:44

it sux to insure cars here people here drive like shieot

I thought you guyz rode snow mobile and cross couuntry ski to get around in the winter :D