Gov. Christie Endorses Obama?

Boy Howdy Arch, you certainly don't sound like an educated voter. You surely don't understand the role of the federal government during natural disasters such as this. Let me shed some light on the subject for you. The only thing Obama said was he would announce a number of states as national disasters allowing them to receive tax dollars to help pay for the damage. Governor Christie's state has been hard hit and he properly gave a thank you to Obama for the promise of quick money. Now maybe you see such grand standing as a miracle from the heavenly gods but to me it's what we pay the president to do. Obama could have quietly done his job by designated these states as disasters without the cameras in the situation room. In my view, taking advantage of cameras in the situation room in the aftermath of "Sandy" and avoiding them like the plague during or after four american's were killed in Benghazi is nothing less than "Shameful". You do realize Obama has not had a press conference explaining the fiasco in Benghazi? Shameful my man, absolutely shameful!

It's each state's governor who has the leadership role in getting things back to normal. It's the president's responsibility to see who needs what and how much tax payer money to donate to their cause.

We all know Obama is your man (You need not remind us) but you cannot grow roses in your toilet bowl.

You forgot to mention that Sandy is Obama's fault. He made sure to make it close to a 1,000 miles across, spanning several states, making it a Federal problem.
To be fair I laughed when I read this ;).

Also I don't know anything about chris Christi. I may have to look him up.

Then I'm glad you received it in the good humor it was intended :thumbsup:
Boy Howdy Arch, you certainly don't sound like an educated voter. You surely don't understand the role of the federal government during natural disasters such as this. Let me shed some light on the subject for you. The only thing Obama said was he would announce a number of states as national disasters allowing them to receive tax dollars to help pay for the damage. Governor Christie's state has been hard hit and he properly gave a thank you to Obama for the promise of quick money. Now maybe you see such grand standing as a miracle from the heavenly gods but to me it's what we pay the president to do. Obama could have quietly done his job by designated these states as disasters without the cameras in the situation room. In my view, taking advantage of cameras in the situation room in the aftermath of "Sandy" and avoiding them like the plague during or after four american's were killed in Benghazi is nothing less than "Shameful". You do realize Obama has not had a press conference explaining the fiasco in Benghazi? Shameful my man, absolutely shameful!

It's each state's governor who has the leadership role in getting things back to normal. It's the president's responsibility to see who needs what and how much tax payer money to donate to their cause.

We all know Obama is your man (You need not remind us) but you cannot grow roses in your toilet bowl.

You calling me an uneducated voter is like me calling you a novice rider :laugh:
I guarantee there was some panel that got hired right away when Obama got elected with the sole purpose of making sure everyone learned from GWB mistake with natural disaster.

And I hope he does a great job to help all those folks also.

Oh and you learned the spin by only watching shows that reinforce your beliefs. By not expanding the shows and channels and sources of information all that folks do is reinforce and intensify the things they want to believe. It doesn't matter at that point if things are true or not.

Actually Obama went to Jeb Bush and asked him what was the best way to run FEMA (becuase of all the hurricanes FL has). He hired Jeb's guy who is supposed to be the cat's meow.
Well said!

I get so tired of the back and fourth bull**** amongst politicians and even the back and fourth on the boards. The problem with politicians of today had trickled right down to the common man as is evident in this thread and many like it.......someone spins something (like this thread) 20 others follow with their polticial point of few, debates ensue, people get butt hurt, then no one is willing to compromise or even listen to the other side, instead they point fingers and blame the other side for every screw up they have ever had in the past and use it as a base to discredit the other's so predictable.

I wished people in general and politicians could go on about their lifes with the idea of making America a better place for our children. While I generally think we all want the same things for the most part, politics and our stubborness to prove a point get in the way of what's right. Open your ears people! The people across the isle whether they're a jack ass or an elephant they're intelligent people with great ideas. And if you were willing to listen (which is 50% of communication) and pull your heads out of your asses we could all together advance this once great nation forward together as a whole.

McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube[/url]
McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube[/url]

Mr. Fallenarch,

I have a lot of respect for you as a person and a member here, you are a good man.

That being said would the Democrats do anything different if there was a repub in office?
Mr. Fallenarch,

I have a lot of respect for you as a person and a member here, you are a good man.

That being said would the Democrats do anything different if there was a repub in office?

That hasn't been their goal with GWB or bush sr. Or any I can think of, at least not out loud and proud about it.

That being said.... If Romney is elected (terrible thought I know.), yes I think they will be petty and childish also. but that doesn't make it right at all.
That hasn't been their goal with GWB or bush sr. Or any I can think of, at least not out loud and proud about it.

That being said.... If Romney is elected (terrible thought I know.), yes I think they will be petty and childish also. but that doesn't make it right at all.

I think it's funny how everyone feels the thought of Romney as President is scary and that the other half is scared ****less for Obama to get a second term.
Oh and you learned the spin by only watching shows that reinforce your beliefs. By not expanding the shows and channels and sources of information all that folks do is reinforce and intensify the things they want to believe. It doesn't matter at that point if things are true or not.
are those the same shows that reinforce ur beliefs that recessions last 10+ year....:rofl: talk about putting a spin on things.
Ya Arch keep your mouth shut and just agree with the republicans. They are the only ones that should be playing cheerleader and spreading information. Oh and they are the only ones that are politically educated don't forget that.

And your speculation leaves a little to be desired as well young man! You don't do well with facts but you certainly seem to know your democratic talking points. I'm not sure you read but it's a sure cinch you know the time and channel to Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews & Ed Schultz. :dunno:
are those the same shows that reinforce ur beliefs that recessions last 10+ year....:rofl: talk about putting a spin on things.

A regular recession doesn't, this one will. Especially with a bunch of ass hats in congress. . I'm sorry that you are not willing to do any research or listen to other views points to understand that this recession isn't a standard one. I'm done talking to you about it as you have nothing valuable to offer in educated thought about it. I thought I made that clear by no longer responding in the other thread. I

And I don't watch tv news anymore, Hell I barley watch tv.
And your speculation leaves a little to be desired as well young man! You don't do well with facts but you certainly seem to know your democratic talking points. I'm not sure you read but it's a sure cinch you know the time and channel to Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews & Ed Schultz. :dunno:

I have no idea who those guys are. Also have I ever once said I supported the democrats? No I haven't. Because i don't. The democratic party doesn't cover my belief system. I'm an independent who believe all the bastards are stealing lying cheating sacks of crap. Just some are worse than others. I think Romney is one of the worst of our age.

As for facts Im not going to argue with you about it. I do my research I read as much as I can and listen to as much as I can. I don't have to justify the facts or truth to you I'm happy knowing I did my due diligence to find the truth. Can you say the same? Or does fox do it for you?
Mr. Fallenarch,

I have a lot of respect for you as a person and a member here, you are a good man.

That being said would the Democrats do anything different if there was a repub in office?

At no time in the past has the opposing party (R or D) made a statement like that openly. Basically, they are saying they will overturn the will of the people by blocking a legally elected president from moving their agenda. This amounts to treason, and is a treatment reserved only for the first black president of the United States of America. Spin it, ignore it - it's fact. If one party says they are going to stop everything, even stuff they proposed as a compromise, there cannot be civilized governance. Without the collusion of republicans to stop jobs bills such as infrastructure repairs, terminate teachers and first responders the unemployment would have been in the 4-5% months ago.

7 presidents have promised to deliver healthcare including Washington, FDR, IKE, Truman, Nixon, Carter, Clinton, and LBJ. Obama was the only one willing to stake everything on getting it. The Republicans have stopped this for 50+ years but Obama did it. The republicans hate him so much because he is a brilliant tactition and he is willing to risk it all for the things he believes are important to the country. You can agree with his vision or not, but the facts are this guy kicked some azz in his first term despite incredible the obstacles.
At no time in the past has the opposing party (R or D) made a statement like that openly. Basically, they are saying they will overturn the will of the people by blocking a legally elected president from moving their agenda. This amounts to treason, and is a treatment reserved only for the first black president of the United States of America. Spin it, ignore it - it's fact. If one party says they are going to stop everything, even stuff they proposed as a compromise, there cannot be civilized governance. Without the collusion of republicans to stop jobs bills such as infrastructure repairs, terminate teachers and first responders the unemployment would have been in the 4-5% months ago.

7 presidents have promised to deliver healthcare including Washington, FDR, IKE, Truman, Nixon, Carter, Clinton, and LBJ. Obama was the only one willing to stake everything on getting it. The Republicans have stopped this for 50+ years but Obama did it. The republicans hate him so much because he is a brilliant tactition and he is willing to risk it all for the things he believes are important to the country. You can agree with his vision or not, but the facts are this guy kicked some azz in his first term despite incredible the obstacles.

I had never looked at it like that at all. Interesting!! I'm going to have to put some thought into it for sure.