Gov. Christie Endorses Obama?

Another thing to consider for those who say the democrats would do the same thing:

Republicans impeached Clinton for what amounts to nothing. They did it simply because they had the numbers in the house and senate to do it. Impeachment is reserved for "high crimes and misdemeanors", not getting a little intern trim on the side. No true American would disrespect our constitution as to lower it to this level. However the democrats did not impeach George Bush for what are clearly "High crimes and misdemeanors" over clear lies told to the American people that led us into war in Iraq. When the Democrats came into office in 2008, they took going after Bush off the table because it would mean an endless cycle of presidents going after the previous administration. The Republicans just pretend GW didn't exist, that never happened. Romeny has the Bush war team as his foriegn policy group.

Not all republicans are bad people but the party is now in the control of people who don't give a damn about this country as it's existed for severl hundred years. They want to turn the USA into a corporation controlled "company town." They willingly make the government disfunctional because they want people to "believe" in the corporation. Walmart is a much bigger threat to small business than Obamacare. If you own a small business who do you sell your goods and services to? Probably the middle class. Big business can sell their products to a global market, they don't need the 47% of us Romney said don't matter.
Clinton perjured himself (high crimes & mistermeaners) , lost his law license, and worst of all he screwed around with a fat chick as my President. Looking at Hilary (who I actually liked for pres better than Obama and still respect) I don't blame him as she is probably a lesbian but hell man he could have nailed someone better looking and not an intern.
At no time in the past has the opposing party (R or D) made a statement like that openly. Basically, they are saying they will overturn the will of the people by blocking a legally elected president from moving their agenda. This amounts to treason, and is a treatment reserved only for the first black president of the United States of America. Spin it, ignore it - it's fact. If one party says they are going to stop everything, even stuff they proposed as a compromise, there cannot be civilized governance. Without the collusion of republicans to stop jobs bills such as infrastructure repairs, terminate teachers and first responders the unemployment would have been in the 4-5% months ago.

7 presidents have promised to deliver healthcare including Washington, FDR, IKE, Truman, Nixon, Carter, Clinton, and LBJ. Obama was the only one willing to stake everything on getting it. The Republicans have stopped this for 50+ years but Obama did it. The republicans hate him so much because he is a brilliant tactition and he is willing to risk it all for the things he believes are important to the country. You can agree with his vision or not, but the facts are this guy kicked some azz in his first term despite incredible the obstacles.

Fallen - Can we agree to disagree? Your friendship is more important to me that trying to prove a point.
A regular recession doesn't, this one will. Especially with a bunch of ass hats in congress. . I'm sorry that you are not willing to do any research or listen to other views points to understand that this recession isn't a standard one. I'm done talking to you about it as you have nothing valuable to offer in educated thought about it. I thought I made that clear by no longer responding in the other thread. I

And I don't watch tv news anymore, Hell I barley watch tv.

I have no idea where you gather your information but you mimic the democratic talking points better than Chris Matthews who gets a quiver up his leg when he hears Obama's name, leaving no doubt you get your information from a left wing propaganda think tank.

I don't think you are short on intelligence and I am convinced if you spent half as much time looking into Mitt Romney's history as you do soaking up the democratic trash talk you would be much less critical of Mitt. Mitt has convinced enough people that he is not the demon the democrats have painted him to be that he moved from behind to the lead nation wide. Unless something drastic happens to change the moving tide of voters Mitt will be your next president. I think you'll learn to like him as time goes by. Mitt is not coming to your house to take your children or put your grandma in a concentration camp. Contrary to all the personal attacks from the Obama campaign Mitt is a good decent man with exceptional intelligence!
You forgot to mention that Sandy is Obama's fault. He made sure to make it close to a 1,000 miles across, spanning several states, making it a Federal problem.

There is one in every crowd. Thanks for standing up and being recognized! :bowdown:
You calling me an uneducated voter is like me calling you a novice rider :laugh:

Arch my friend, spending your time trying to pull the wool over my eyes with your vast knowledge in politics is no different than attempting to pull the wool over my eyes on motorcycles,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it's above your pay grade! :laugh:
I have no idea where you gather your information but you mimic the democratic talking points better than Chris Matthews who gets a quiver up his leg when he hears Obama's name, leaving no doubt you get your information from a left wing propaganda think tank.

I don't think you are short on intelligence and I am convinced if you spent half as much time looking into Mitt Romney's history as you do soaking up the democratic trash talk you would be much less critical of Mitt. Mitt has convinced enough people that he is not the demon the democrats have painted him to be that he moved from behind to the lead nation wide. Unless something drastic happens to change the moving tide of voters Mitt will be your next president. I think you'll learn to like him as time goes by. Mitt is not coming to your house to take your children or put your grandma in a concentration camp. Contrary to all the personal attacks from the Obama campaign Mitt is a good decent man with exceptional intelligence!

I guess I could list all the sources I use but I'm not sure you could handle factual information. Who's doing the fox news talking points now? Parroting a talking head doesn't make Anyone knowledgable.

How is it everyone hated Romney a couple months ago and now he is infallible?

To quote you. " you ran out of talent ". It's time to hit the books and learn. Maybe one day we can have a political conversation on equal footing. Let me know if you need help I'd be happy to.
At no time in the past has the opposing party (R or D) made a statement like that openly. Basically, they are saying they will overturn the will of the people by blocking a legally elected president from moving their agenda. This amounts to treason, and is a treatment reserved only for the first black president of the United States of America. Spin it, ignore it - it's fact. If one party says they are going to stop everything, even stuff they proposed as a compromise, there cannot be civilized governance. Without the collusion of republicans to stop jobs bills such as infrastructure repairs, terminate teachers and first responders the unemployment would have been in the 4-5% months ago.

7 presidents have promised to deliver healthcare including Washington, FDR, IKE, Truman, Nixon, Carter, Clinton, and LBJ. Obama was the only one willing to stake everything on getting it. The Republicans have stopped this for 50+ years but Obama did it. The republicans hate him so much because he is a brilliant tactition and he is willing to risk it all for the things he believes are important to the country. You can agree with his vision or not, but the facts are this guy kicked some azz in his first term despite incredible the obstacles.

Arch, thank you for my humor for the morning...

You look upon the Republican as being obstructionist, I look at them trying to save the Republic from Socialism. You are correct, that Obama IS willing to risk IT ALL in order to further his agenda, and THANK GOD the Republicans and Tea Party stood up and said HECK NO, once we got to the second half of his term. You'd think the shellacking the Dems got in the mid terms would give them some ideas, but nope they kept going literally FOR BROKE. Universal healthcare IS a NOBLE cause, but you can't be willing to destroy the country going into debt to pay for it. Big goverment is not the answer.

Gpmo claims to be an independent, but his rhetoric suggests otherwise...
Let's let people look at some of the rhetoric, both liberal and conservative. I offer the following three videos, two from liberal sources, one from a conservative source, that pretty much sums up how far both parties are willing to go. Tell me which you think is the most LOW CLASS.

The first, is from (their logo proudly displayed at the end of the vid). This video is totally NSFW (Language) so I will only provide a link. It was written, produced and directed by Micheal Moore. In it, he has actors depicting a bunch of elderly people in a nursing home. Note it's a little unclear that this is a written script or actual elderly speaking their personal opinion (it's a script to be clear).

Message from The Greatest Generation (NSFW) - YouTube[/URL]
The second is pro-Obama video, using children clearly under the age of understanding of what they are singing about. I find this totally unreprehensable. If you can find a comparable Tea Party add, I'd like to see it.

I ask, which party is willing to go all the way??
Lastly, I offer an ad voiced over by Mike Huckabee.

LOL, sorry, I lean republican, but even I can admit there's nothing about that Huckabee 'ad' that makes me fired up about this election.He's just way too preacher for me and his ad felt the same way.

Too many words, not enough clear focal direction. :banghead: That being said, I'm sure it would be relatively easy to find a looney-bin based republican PAC approved ad that makes the right's look like idiots too....That kid video was pretty disgusting though....hard to beat that.
Sky, I understand the point you were trying to make but i think it's off a bit. Both parties are doing ruthless crude and disgusting campaigning. Yet we still choose them. I think that should be the point. I don't want to choose a president because he is slightly less disgusting than the other guy. We should be looking for and approving the guy that is better than that.
Well a little less than a week we will be over all this bullS&*t. Obama will be the next president and that is all there is to it. :laugh:
I guess I could list all the sources I use but I'm not sure you could handle factual information. Who's doing the fox news talking points now? Parroting a talking head doesn't make Anyone knowledgable.

How is it everyone hated Romney a couple months ago and now he is infallible?

To quote you. " you ran out of talent ". It's time to hit the books and learn. Maybe one day we can have a political conversation on equal footing. Let me know if you need help I'd be happy to.

You obviously have serious issues with Mitt as well as anyone who makes any attempt to counter your left wing talking points. So what is it about Mitt Romney that short circuits your gray matter?

Could it be because:

1. Mitt is handsome with gracious, statesman aura and qualities that make him appealing to most of america as the Commander-in-Chief.

2. Been married to the same woman his entire life, been faithful to her throughout her bouts with breast cancer and MS.

3. No scandals or skeletons in his closet (How boring is that).

4. Can't speak in a fake "Black Preacher Voice" when necessary.

5. Highly intelligent, graduated from both Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School,,,,,,,,, and by the way his academic records are NOT sealed. :whistle:

6. Doesn't smoke or drink alcohol, has never done drugs, not even in the counter-culture age when he was in college. Too square for your liking, eh?

7. Represents an America of yesterday when folks went to church, didn't screw around, worked hard and became a SUCCESS.

8. Has a family of five great sons, none of which has police records or are in drug rehab. But of course they were raised by a stay-at-home mom, that "Choice" of course deserves America's scorn.

9. Oh yes, and we should always remember Mitt is a "Moron". We need to be very afraid of that religion that teaches it's members to be Clean-Living, Patriotic, Fiscally Conservative, Charitable, Self-Reliant and honest.

10. And last but not least,,,,,,,,,,Pundits say because he is wealthy he can't relate to ordinary Americans. I guess that's because he made his money himself as opposed to marrying it or inheriting it from his dad. Apparently, he didn't understand that working at a job and earning your own money would make you un-relatable to Americans.

Strange world you live in, eh? :dunno:
Sky, I understand the point you were trying to make but i think it's off a bit. Both parties are doing ruthless crude and disgusting campaigning. Yet we still choose them. I think that should be the point. I don't want to choose a president because he is slightly less disgusting than the other guy. We should be looking for and approving the guy that is better than that.

A statement that I can agree with. I kinda think that Paul Ryan may be that guy....

Well a little less than a week we will be over all this bullS&*t. Obama will be the next president and that is all there is to it. :laugh:

You may unfortunately be correct. But it ain't over until the politically correct "extremely heavyset not her fault due to her eating 3 bigmacs a day with her EBT Card" Lady sings.....
A statement that I can agree with. I kinda think that Paul Ryan may be that guy....

You may unfortunately be correct. But it ain't over until the politically correct "extremely heavyset not her fault due to her eating 3 bigmacs a day with her EBT Card" Lady sings.....


We'll see how things go. Call it communism or socialism (it's actually neither if you understand these political systems) but somehow you have to give the worker's skill and talent some sort of equity relative to the person who owns the business. A society cannot sustain the unequities we currently see in this country - that's been proven many times over in history.

I have not heard a single rignt winger post a logical rationale for the conservative model for the governing of this country - not one. Part of the reason that Mitt lies constantly is that he can't just say

"I want to drain the riches of this country into the pockets of the 100,000 richest Americans and i need your vote to help me do it!"