GSXR 1000 to Busa move or vice versa


as per the title has anyone made the move either way to/from a modern 09- GSXR 1000.
lately been finding the Busa a bit heavy/clumsy for me and the wifes not riding pillion that often big back seat requirements are limited.
I had a GSXR 1k 07 and it served me well when i had a Gen1 Busa...just haven't had any chance of getting a run on the newer models.

My main query is about the comparison in comfort....i know engine performance is a different story.
Busa is waaaaaay more comfortable in every aspect. 1K puts a lot of weight on your wrists; and a lot of strain on your neck once you start to tuck.
It all depends on what type of riding your doing. IMO the 1k is lighter, has better aceralition and better handling. The busa has a better fill for sport touring riding and there is about a million different upgrades you can do to her.
I've got both a 2006 busa and 2015 1000. In terms of performance between the two I'd say the 1000 feels more wild and free where as the busa is more tame yet hard hitting. The 1000 is harder to keep nosed down at wot but is capable of triple digit speeds in 1st. Feel wise the 1000 feels faster than my Gen 1. In terms of comfort I've taken both on a two day trip to the dragon spending about 40 hours in the saddle and didn't notice much Difference in the end result. Then again I am young. I do have to admit though at 5000 rpm the vibration sucks on the bars but it's easily avoidable.

I should add that if you take gearing out the 1000 is much faster 2015 to 2015. The busa has a 7.2% increase in power over the 1000 but is also 24.6% heavier.
I have an 06 GSXR 1000 and an 04 Busa. I'm middle 60's and I love both bikes. If I want to be comfortable I take my Harley. If I want to have fun I take the Busa. And the Gixer only goes to the drag strip. You need to get one of each...
I have an 06 GSXR 1000 and an 04 Busa. I'm middle 60's and I love both bikes. If I want to be comfortable I take my Harley. If I want to have fun I take the Busa. And the Gixer only goes to the drag strip. You need to get one of each...

See now this I can agree with. I'm just turning 40, but if I want comfort and cruising, one of the Harley's comes out. If I want to go out alone and have a good time, then its the Busa. I guess I need to get a Gixer for the track now though...Great. That's gonna make the wife happy...
Um ya,obviously a Harley would be more comfortable then either a GSXR-1K or Busa..thats a no-brainer......But,thats not what the OP asked is it?
And FWIW,K5/6 1K is also more comfortable then K9-L5 1000.
Um ya,obviously a Harley would be more comfortable then either a GSXR-1K or Busa..thats a no-brainer......But,thats not what the OP asked is it?
And FWIW,K5/6 1K is also more comfortable then K9-L5 1000.

Odd...i had a K7 for 3 years and about 2 years ago tried a K5 for a few months...didn't find it comfy at all compared to the K7...didn't actually like the GSXR's 1k from 03-06'.
Got a chance today to do a static side by side sit on a K7 and the L5....eyes closed they felt almost identical, slight difference in the pegs, bars reach, leg room etc felt fine.
I put some miles on a BMW1000 the other day, and I'd have to say after being on a Busa for 7 years it would be really hard to go back to a 1000 for street riding. On the track? Absolutely...but I'll stick with the big boy for a while.
managed to get a reasonable run on a mates 2014 1000 and given our common twisty roads the only thing I found was how flighty the GSXR is vs the Busa...GSXR wants to wheelie at almost every gear some ways its more fun.
Busa is planted due to sheer weight but on these kind of roads the big Busa is a major handful...sure it handles well enough but vs the GSXR its physically hard work on back roads.
Comfort on the GSXR was fine, nice and light to move around, engine wise you need to be a gear lower than the Busa to get the same drive but it sure isn't lacking grunt.
I think my problem on the Busa is i'm lazy and use its grunt and don't use the gears much...its a great bike and after 8-9 years on them its time up...she's up for sale.
One of my other bikes is being traded in for the a real shame if the Busa doesn't of both worlds, just as it was when I had the K7 GSXR / K3 Busa combo in the garage and in some ways thats what i think i want most.
An 09-11(maybe newer) gsxr1k will be my next bike too.
I liked the 01/02 1k(had one), didn't like the 03/04. Liked the 05/06, although thought it was harder on my wrists.
Hated the 07/08(not sure why, it just didn't feel right).
3 friends had/have an 09/ favorite gsxr1k to date. One has dirt bike bars on his, and I will be doing the same thing.
I'm 5'10", 170 lbs, 33"/34" inseam, 70" reach. The 1k's fit me better than the Busa. Some 1k's just feel better on my wrists, like the 01/02 and 09/11.
I had a gen2 for 3 1/2 years, and I honestly grew to hate it. It did everything well, but felt as if it was built for someone whose arms were twice as long as their legs. The tank is just too long for me to be comfortable. I even put dirtbike bars on the Busa, but it still wasn't enough.
I traded the gen2 for a B-King with zero regrets. The B-King was awesome, but you could feel it's weight, as well as it having a higher center of gravity than the gen2. The 09/11 1k with dirtbike bars feels like a much better balanced and handling B-king on a 200 lb diet.
Of course this is all just my opinion, for whatever that's worth.
The 1k will be next...and maybe a Goldwing at some point, the newer style with the short windsheild:laugh:
wow...i had a B-king as well( had 4 bikes at the time )....just couldn't gel with it as the pace upped on twisty roads....awesome cruiser but its weight just got the better of me as such.
I tried numerous tyre types on it and after 2 yrs traded it for v4 Tuono...couldn't be happier 3 years later except for maybe a softer seat.
Like you the Busa is wearing me down physically and i'm only 5'6" and about 175lbs...29" inseam so tall bikes simply don't work for me.
I just traded in my 09 1K for a 2015 Busa and its taking some getting used to but I think I made the right choice. Not as young as I used to be so riding the Busa is a bit more comfortable for me. The 1K definitely had in the instant acceleration and agility overall but the Busa has proven to be nimble as well on some of the twisty roads I ride. I have no regrets at this point and its only been three weeks since I've had the Busa. I will say that I had an 09 Busa and then traded it in within 3 months of having it on the 09 1K. No regrets for my choice back then so it all depends on the rider and the type of riding you plan on doing.
I love my 13 Busa short (bus) , I have never ridden the GSXR 1k, however I have ridden lots of CBR 600,and CBR 1000 I use to work for Honda
the Busa is a bread of its own, however I am looking to buy a GSXR 1k, or 750, or 600 have not made my mind up as a second bike
I like them all the Busa is good for my wife to ride with me I am trying to convince her to start ridding in stead of ridding on the back
the Busa is a bread of its own, however I am looking to buy a GSXR 1k, or 750, or 600 have not made my mind up as a second bike
I like them all the Busa is good for my wife to ride with me I am trying to convince her to start ridding in stead of ridding on the back
A Busa spoils you for lazy riding in high gears and the 600/750 GSXR whilst fun when going for it etc just mean loads of gear changes in the twisties.
2 up on a GSXR 1k isn't bad, prone to wheelie a lot and handling DOES suffer with stock suspension or at least did on my old K7.....plenty of performance though but not in the same way the Busa dishes it out 2 up.