Gun Control

BTW-The predominat language in Switzerland is German (I looked it up),
if I ever go to live there...I will be learning it.

me too, if I ever move to a non-english speaking country(not counting within our borders:whistle:) I feel obligated to learn their language. like they say...when in Rome, do as the Romans:beerchug:
Since this has morphed into an immigration thread how many of you guys/girls can actually speak any of the native languages of the U.S. ? I can't.

I really didn't realize it drifted so far...I guess because in part I prolly did the drifting. sorry. 'bout the s&w model 500:thumbsup: comes with a wrist strap & earplugs
I really didn't realize it drifted so far...I guess because in part I prolly did the drifting. sorry. 'bout the s&w model 500:thumbsup: comes with a wrist strap & earplugs

I'm cool with that...just don't point it at me.
As far as Guns and control by the president, We will never give up are guns! The country is going down the hole and I want my gun by my side.

Interesting that you capitalize the words guns and we, and not the word President. Also, it's our guns! By the way, where's runeight been?
I'm cool with that...just don't point it at me.

only seen one @ gander mountain...that thing is cartoonishly big. all I have is a .22 that I've had since I was 10. it was free and bullets are cheap and since I'm a cheapazz, it works out quite well:laugh:
Since this has morphed into an immigration thread how many of you guys/girls can actually speak any of the native languages of the U.S. ? I can't.


Don't even go there as an excuse not to learn to speak english.

The Wussification of America...

"Political correctness is, of course, the leading edge of the wussification of
America. "

And now we return to your regularly scheduled programing...
back to the gun thread....
Based on your previous post I had been expecting a little more than a quote from a political pundit / demagogue. I know you can do better than that.

It was late when you posted - that must have played a role.
