Gun Control

Please cite the source for this statistic Brett. It is clearly farcical. The actual rate of reported stabbings in the UK (not just England) is a tiny fraction of this!
The vagaries of UK knife crime statistics - Telegraph and this is a couple years old so its only higher today I would assume. especially with all the riots that took place recently. I dont believe everything the internet says but atleast a 1/3rd of crimes go un reported. mainly because people who were stabbed were engaged in illegal activities or they have warrants and dont want the police to interview them. even if it was 30k that would be a LOT.
Really? do u have any idea what ur even talking about? apparently not. where do u think criminals get their guns from? do you have any idea? u think they go into gun stores to buy them? wrong! they steal them from legal gun owners in either home or vehicle burglaries or get them from straw sales or from legal gun owners who sell them to criminals and then report them stolen. so get ur facts straight b4 u shoot ur mouth off.

u think because u read a link that means more guns on the street will result in less crime? when was the last time you heard of a home invasion or robbery or drive-by with a bat? get a clue would ya.....

the only thing that will reduce gun crime is stricter penalties for those who have them illegally.

I carry a gun for a living so I speak from first hand experience vs. reading some internet statistic. is that a hard concept for u to understand?

Attitude check my man. Hold breath count to ten.

Yes believe it or not you can find facts on the internet.... I know I know it's hard to believe folks use computers to manage facts and stats and not just pron and the Org

To the issue it seems you are in favor of applying punishment to the gun control laws on the books now ??or you want more laws passed for control? Cause I think we agree but want to make sure. I believe part of required solution for the gun issues is by actively applying current laws. Along with education discipline and active involved parenting with fire arms.
Good point.
But anyway and no matter what Britain SUCKS because nowhere can you get more than three ice cubes in your drink?
I mean wtf? I ask for a large coke with ice and get two flippin cubes? I ask for fries and get soggy 'chips'?
Who cares about gun ownership as it would only apply to citizens one which I'll never be.

And Tekken I've lived in London. Travelled extensively thru your country and thru Heathrow more times than I want to remember.
Not a pro but I've got enough knowledge to know you guys are cheap on ice :laugh:
That sounds dreadful
Attitude check my man. Hold breath count to ten.

Yes believe it or not you can find facts on the internet.... I know I know it's hard to believe folks use computers to manage facts and stats and not just pron and the Org

To the issue it seems you are in favor of applying punishment to the gun control laws on the books now ??or you want more laws passed for control? Cause I think we agree but want to make sure. I believe part of required solution for the gun issues is by actively applying current laws. Along with education discipline and active involved parenting with fire arms.
yea ur right I do need an attitude check. my car was broken into a couple weeks ago in my own f-en driveway and my gun was stolen so I guess I venting a little. my appoligies. it was in my fanny pack and I NEVER leave that in the car but for some reason I thought I placed in in my kitchen. apparently not. and I live out in the sticks with no street parking and no street lights. go figure.

the problem with stricter gun controls is there is no place to put these animals. the prisons are so over crowded that they are letting many out early because the states just cant afford to house prisoners and many states are laying off correctional officers. im not sure there is a solution at this time. we are a GUN country who hangs their hat on the 2nd ammendment which really imo at the time the ammendment was implimented the founding fathers had no idea what the future would hold as far as gun violence but I certainly would never want to give mine up.

as a civilized nation we are at or near the top as far as gun violence goes. almost ALL violent crimes are committed with guns which means those who are not criminals feel the need to arm themselves to protect their life or property.

but I look at a state like New Jersey which has undoubtedly has the strictest gun laws in the country bar none yet look at Newark or Elizabeth or a dozen other cities in that state and you would think gun control doesnt even exist.

I cant tell you how many people I have seen go to jail for not only having a gun illegally but using it in a crime and their out in 4-6 years. its a joke. I see those who sell drugs do twice the time those who get arrested for gun crimes. the system is broken and a complete and utter failure. just like the war on drugs is a complete and utter failure.

the USA is the gun violence capital of the world....... John Rosenthal: US Gun Violence by the Numbers I dont put much faith into the Huffinton post for statistics but these statistics are probably not that far off.
Really? do u have any idea what ur even talking about? apparently not. where do u think criminals get their guns from? do you have any idea? u think they go into gun stores to buy them? wrong! they steal them from legal gun owners in either home or vehicle burglaries or get them from straw sales or from legal gun owners who sell them to criminals and then report them stolen. so get ur facts straight b4 u shoot ur mouth off.

This is where I think criminals get their guns.
* A 1997 U.S. Justice Department survey of 14,285 state prison inmates found that among those inmates who carried a firearm during the offense for which they were sent to jail, 0.7% obtained the firearm at a gun show, 1% at a flea market, 3.8% from a pawn shop, 8.3% from a retail store, 39.2% through an illegal/street source, and 39.6% through family or friends.[94]

u think because u read a link that means more guns on the street will result in less crime? when was the last time you heard of a home invasion or robbery or drive-by with a bat? get a clue would ya.....

I rely on the stats from the website I provided because they come from the FBI, CDC, and UCR among others. Do you know more about crime then these government agencies?
I'm sorry, but I've never heard of a driveby with a bat. Sounds intresting though!

the only thing that will reduce gun crime is stricter penalties for those who have them illegally.

What about
A 1994 survey conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that Americans use guns to frighten away intruders who are breaking into their homes about 498,000 times per year.[20]?

I carry a gun for a living so I speak from first hand experience vs. reading some internet statistic. is that a hard concept for u to understand?

I have also carried a gun for a living and now I also carry a gun except when I go to school. I have killed people, have you? Does that experiance work for you? Even then I had to look the statistics up. They didn't magically jump into my head. So I don't see what you are trying to prove there.
I do agree that if someone commits a violent crime then that's it for them. They should go away to a crap hole in the desert run by Warden Arpaio. He would be more than happy to deal with them I'm sure.
Tekken, I respect your right not to want guns in GB; there are other citizens there who would disagree. We'll see how it plays out over time.

We Americans have a passion about the right to own and keep a firearm. It was the SECOND item our forefathers took up when writing the Constitution (the first being the right to free speech). We see the Second Amendment as the primary reason that we continue to live in a relatively free society (and will also make it difficult for anyone -even our own misguided government - to every conquer us). Your country's choice is your voter's choice.
This is where I think criminals get their guns.
* A 1997 U.S. Justice Department survey of 14,285 state prison inmates found that among those inmates who carried a firearm during the offense for which they were sent to jail, 0.7% obtained the firearm at a gun show, 1% at a flea market, 3.8% from a pawn shop, 8.3% from a retail store, 39.2% through an illegal/street source, and 39.6% through family or friends..
so 40% get them from criminals who stole them from those who have them legally. and another 40% get them from a family member who has illegally given them to them which makes them criminals themselves.

so 80% of criminals who use guns in crimes get guns them from those who purchased them legally. So its no surprise that the reason the GOOD citizens need guns to protect themselves is because the criminals get them from those who need them to protect themselves from criminals. So, either put people in jail for a minumum of 50 years for illegal possession of a gun or ban them all together. neither will work, the system is beyond repair.
Tekken, I respect your right not to want guns in GB; there are other citizens there who would disagree. We'll see how it plays out over time.

We Americans have a passion about the right to own and keep a firearm. It was the SECOND item our forefathers took up when writing the Constitution (the first being the right to free speech). We see the Second Amendment as the primary reason that we continue to live in a relatively free society (and will also make it difficult for anyone -even our own misguided government - to every conquer us). Your country's choice is your voter's choice.
Well said. Of course the citizens who want access to guns there ONLY want the good guys to have them. That's the perfect scenario. Picture the recent riots over there. Now, instead of thinking how things had been different if the victims had guns, picture how it would have been if the rioters had guns too!
yea ur right I do need an attitude check. my car was broken into a couple weeks ago in my own f-en driveway and my gun was stolen so I guess I venting a little. my appoligies. it was in my fanny pack and I NEVER leave that in the car but for some reason I thought I placed in in my kitchen. apparently not. and I live out in the sticks with no street parking and no street lights. go figure.

You carry a gun for a living but had no idea where it was. Thinking it was one place but it was in another?
Good thing there weren't any kids around? Reminds me of the cop who came to shoot one time at my range.
Went to take a dump and left his pistol sitting on top of the back of the toilet. Serious lapse there.

I'll say it again for you:


You want to dispute that but obv you didn't read the link that was in the very first post of this thread?
This is for you and Tekken

Crime and Self-Defense
* Roughly 16,272 murders were committed in the United States during 2008. Of these, about 10,886 or 67% were committed with firearms.[11]
* A 1993 nationwide survey of 4,977 households found that over the previous five years, at least 0.5% of households had members who had used a gun for defense during a situation in which they thought someone "almost certainly would have been killed" if they "had not used a gun for protection." Applied to the U.S. population, this amounts to 162,000 such incidents per year. This figure excludes all "military service, police work, or work as a security guard."[12]
* Based on survey data from the U.S. Department of Justice, roughly 5,340,000 violent crimes were committed in the United States during 2008. These include simple/aggravated assaults, robberies, sexual assaults, rapes, and murders.[13] [14] [15] Of these, about 436,000 or 8% were committed by offenders visibly armed with a gun.[16]
* Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18]
* A 1993 nationwide survey of 4,977 households found that over the previous five years, at least 3.5% of households had members who had used a gun "for self-protection or for the protection of property at home, work, or elsewhere." Applied to the U.S. population, this amounts to 1,029,615 such incidents per year. This figure excludes all "military service, police work, or work as a security guard."[19]
* A 1994 survey conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that Americans use guns to frighten away intruders who are breaking into their homes about 498,000 times per year.[20]
* A 1982 survey of male felons in 11 state prisons dispersed across the U.S. found:[21]
• 34% had been "scared off, shot at, wounded, or captured by an armed victim"
• 40% had decided not to commit a crime because they "knew or believed that the victim was carrying a gun"
• 69% personally knew other criminals who had been "scared off, shot at, wounded, or captured by an armed victim"[22]
You carry a gun for a living but had no idea where it was. Thinking it was one place but it was in another?
Good thing there weren't any kids around? Reminds me of the cop who came to shoot one time at my range.
Went to take a dump and left his pistol sitting on top of the back of the toilet. Serious lapse there.

I'll say it again for you:


You want to dispute that but obv you didn't read the link that was in the very first post of this thread?
This is for you and Tekken
I dont have kids. your gonna compare a cop who leaves his gun out in the open at a public gun range to a the gun that was locked in my car in my driveway on my property in the middle of nowhere at night on a street with no street parking and no street lights 30 miles from any city. Really? dont be a retard!

"MORE GUNS IN THE HANDS OF HONEST FOLKS RESULTS IN LESS CRIME". then explain why the USA has more gun violence then any civilized nation in the world? Is it because we have more guns or less guns then any civilized nation? Which is it?

5 Average number of child deaths in gun-related accidents or suicide EVERY DAY

9 Number of kids under 19 years old killed by guns EVERYDAY

32 Number of states in the US that allow ANYONE to purchase firearms without an ID or criminal background check

40 Percent of gun sales in the US occur without an ID or background check requirement

40 Percent of American households that contain both children and guns

83 Average number of Americans killed by guns EVERYDAY

1,260 Average number of annual firearm homicides in the European Union (pop 376 million)

10,821 Average number of annual firearm homicides in the US (pop 282 million)

34,000 Average number of Americans killed by guns EVERY YEAR

$33,000 Average medical cost (80% uninsured) of a gun related death

$300,000 Average cost (80% uninsured) of a gun related injury

70,000 Average number of gun-related injuries EVERY YEAR

655,000 Number US service men and women killed in all Foreign Wars combined

1,035,000 Number of gun deaths in the US over the past 30 years

$4 million NRA contributions to George W. Bush's 2004 campaign

$18 million NRA contributions to Congressional candidates in the last four election cycles

$40 million NRA promised contributions to John McCain's 2008 Presidential campaign

$34 billion Annual US medical and productivity costs of gun injuries and deaths

We are a nation of guns. We love our guns! But so do CRIMINALS! and its the CRIMINALS who use them to committ crimes and murder people. At this point in time it would not be feasable to ban guns because there are too many in circulation for which criminals have access to.

We have the highest rate of crime committed with guns because we as a nation have more guns then any other nation. In order to make made a real dent in gun crime guns would have had to have been banned hundreds of years ago. they werent so its a probelm with no solution.

You say the more people that have guns results in less crime. the more people with guns means the more accessible they will be to criminals.

the only real way to combat guns getting in the hands of criminals is to impliment guns that will only work with one individual with the use of a palm print for the gun to work. the technology exists but its too expensive but that would not stop all the guns that are already out there. there is no viable solution period.
We don't have the highest rate of gun violence in america. Pay attention to Russia.
The Numbers Speak For Themselves (gun control and murder rates of assorted countries)
Nobody in their right mind is going to say that not very many people die from guns in this country. Way to many do, but what we are saying is that if we weren't able to own guns to protect ourselves it would be much higher. Look at the FBI stats Expanded Homicide Data Table 8 - Crime in the United States 2009 the murders going down quickly. It would be nice if congress could change the rights afforded to violent criminals, but until we get rid of the liberals, they might still get out in 3-4 years. All I wanted to really bring attention to in this thread was the undenialble fact that is this country there is a lower crime rate where there is less gun control. THATS IT.
GNBRETT, I really hope you get your gun back. That sucks.