You carry a gun for a living but had no idea where it was. Thinking it was one place but it was in another?
Good thing there weren't any kids around? Reminds me of the cop who came to shoot one time at my range.
Went to take a dump and left his pistol sitting on top of the back of the toilet. Serious lapse there.
I'll say it again for you:
You want to dispute that but obv you didn't read the link that was in the very first post of this thread?
This is for you and Tekken
I dont have kids. your gonna compare a cop who leaves his gun out in the open at a public gun range to a the gun that was locked in my car in my driveway on my property in the middle of nowhere at night on a street with no street parking and no street lights 30 miles from any city. Really? dont be a retard!
"MORE GUNS IN THE HANDS OF HONEST FOLKS RESULTS IN LESS CRIME". then explain why the USA has more gun violence then any civilized nation in the world? Is it because we have more guns or less guns then any civilized nation? Which is it?
5 Average number of child deaths in gun-related accidents or suicide EVERY DAY
9 Number of kids under 19 years old killed by guns EVERYDAY
32 Number of states in the US that allow ANYONE to purchase firearms without an ID or criminal background check
40 Percent of gun sales in the US occur without an ID or background check requirement
40 Percent of American households that contain both children and guns
83 Average number of Americans killed by guns EVERYDAY
1,260 Average number of annual firearm homicides in the European Union (pop 376 million)
10,821 Average number of annual firearm homicides in the US (pop 282 million)
34,000 Average number of Americans killed by guns EVERY YEAR
$33,000 Average medical cost (80% uninsured) of a gun related death
$300,000 Average cost (80% uninsured) of a gun related injury
70,000 Average number of gun-related injuries EVERY YEAR
655,000 Number US service men and women killed in all Foreign Wars combined
1,035,000 Number of gun deaths in the US over the past 30 years
$4 million NRA contributions to George W. Bush's 2004 campaign
$18 million NRA contributions to Congressional candidates in the last four election cycles
$40 million NRA promised contributions to John McCain's 2008 Presidential campaign
$34 billion Annual US medical and productivity costs of gun injuries and deaths
We are a nation of guns. We love our guns! But so do CRIMINALS! and its the CRIMINALS who use them to committ crimes and murder people. At this point in time it would not be feasable to ban guns because there are too many in circulation for which criminals have access to.
We have the highest rate of crime committed with guns because we as a nation have more guns then any other nation. In order to make made a real dent in gun crime guns would have had to have been banned hundreds of years ago. they werent so its a probelm with no solution.
You say the more people that have guns results in less crime. the more people with guns means the more accessible they will be to criminals.
the only real way to combat guns getting in the hands of criminals is to impliment guns that will only work with one individual with the use of a palm print for the gun to work. the technology exists but its too expensive but that would not stop all the guns that are already out there. there is no viable solution period.