The 2nd Amendment doesn't discriminate between types of guns, and neither should our government.
People that think gun control is needed should move to a country that doesn't let it's civilians own guns. Most of them fear their government. Real terrorist attacks happen often, small and large. If they don't like their government they can do nothing about it. More crime is committed against persons. Every nation I know of that don't allow guns are also either Socialist, Communist, a Dictatorship, or Fascist. None are a Free Republic.
People have wanted to come here for over 200 years for the freedoms that we enjoy, for the most part, today. Allowing our government to control what we do is a desecration of what the thousands that have served were trying to protect.
Think about what can happen before you vote. Always vote for the Constitution, the original one. It is the only way the USA can survive as a Free nation. Any other path will destroy the USA in time.