Gun Laws, what is coming at a national level?


Dis in my way!
Staff member
So I am curious as to what the President is going to do, word has it that he is going to ban "Assault Weapons". A few months ago I would have thought that meant no new sales but since NY passed their laws this week I am wondering if the white house is going to go after existing owners and their magazines. Do you think that there will be a push to make 30 round magazines illegal anywhere in the country to even possess?

Now is prolly a good time to invest in after market magazines....

Yes yes and yes.
Seems like folks don't remember history as we are about to repeat it.
Before the first ban Glock mags were 10.50 a piece, after the ban they shot up to whatever the seller could get. I thought I was getting a deal when I found a guy willing to sell me four for $500. Small ad in Shotgun news. I figured no way would he even still have them. He was only one who had any Pre ban factory mags for sale. Now the same thing is already taking place. I'm sure you've seen the going rate for Pmags lately? Around $50 now. Wait till supply dries up in a couple years. A single pmag will cost $100-250 maybe more?
Yes I think he's going to go after some sort of same thing. I think he will def go after semi auto high capacity military style weapons. By simple inner guilt and fear of being turned in by friends/relatives I think millions would turn In their hi cap mags. If the govt says register it or else. Many will register them or turn them in. The govt could offer large cash reward anonymously to ones who drop a dime on folks who may have unregistered hi cap mags. Again out of fear they will acquire piles. Many wont obey but many will.
Now do I think they have the votes to get it done? Who knows.
The NRA president seemed pretty confident the other day with Candy Crowley.
I kinda wish he hadn't because they have taken it as challenge and kept playing that clip over and over. It's gonna be a tough battle over the next few months. I will enjoy watching cspan during the sessions. I will be listening and taking names. Checking my list to see who's being naughty and who's being nice. :)
Either way demand is going to far outweigh supply for the time being.

And don't forget these debates will be live on cspan. It will also be streamed thru the website live.
Do a search on gunbroker for any military style rifle you can think of and I guarantee you the high bidder if not all have almost no feedback. Gun prices there are thru the roof. Folks join up and pay $3000 for a rifle that sold for $900 only a few weeks ago because they have no idea that's the case. I can only hope the manufacturers are churning em out 24/7 to get all made before the ban happens.
Do a search on gunbroker for any military style rifle you can think of and I guarantee you the high bidder if not all have almost no feedback. Gun prices there are thru the roof. Folks join up and pay $3000 for a rifle that sold for $900 only a few weeks ago because they have no idea that's the case. I can only hope the manufacturers are churning em out 24/7 to get all made before the ban happens.

So you don't think that the President is going to go after the existing guns out in circulation? I am curious if they are going to try to ban the existing rifles and magazines that we own today. Too bad I sold all mine this week.
I think for now he will just try to pass a ban on any import or domestic manufacture as well as future sales.
On a natl level I don't think he wants to go for registration as that legal arguement is still yet to be solved.
Once they've accomplished the ban as above then he will encourage states to seek their owns laws as we see in NY. Any talk of a natl registry for any weapon will almost certainly kill their chances of getting military style weapons and hi cap mags banned. Their mission would get lost in the legal arguement. I think that he will spend about an hour talking about almost twenty things of which one or two will be the item bans. It will be an apparent broad approach but truly the only thing they can do is pass a feel good ban. Mental health is way too difficult to address instantly unlike certain guns.
No matter what he says you and I know it will be a public veil on their long awaited lust for certain weapon types. Feinstein must be grinning like a Cheshire Cat.
So get ready...
:hide: :guns: :hide: :guns: :hide: :guns: :hide: :guns: :hide: :guns: :hide: :guns: :hide: :guns: :hide: :guns:
I think that anything is possible. However I don't think they will try and come after guns that are already in circulation. I think if they tried to they would end up with a civil war on they're hands. I'm not the only one that is not willing to give up my weapons!
There is an old saying that I know you have already heard. "They will take my gun from my cold dead hand". That is a saying I 100% support. If they try/take your guns then they are taking away more then just weapons, they are taking away the rights and freedoms this country built upon. At my house they will have to kill me or they will leave empty handed. There will be no other option.
I find it EXTREMELY unlikely that they're going to try to come after existing weapons at all...future sales of some types of weapons? Possibly. Future sales of larger count magazines? Almost definitely. It remains to be seen how long the NY law remains in force without a constitutional challenge; the results of that inevitable event will say more about the future of firearms regulations than the law itself, in my opinion.
I think that anything is possible. However I don't think they will try and come after guns that are already in circulation. I think if they tried to they would end up with a civil war on they're hands. I'm not the only one that is not willing to give up my weapons!
There is an old saying that I know you have already heard. "They will take my gun from my cold dead hand". That is a saying I 100% support. If they try/take your guns then they are taking away more then just weapons, they are taking away the rights and freedoms this country built upon. At my house they will have to kill me or they will leave empty handed. There will be no other option.

Can I have your Busa after they arrest you and you need bail money? ;) :poke:

I really hope it doesn't come to this, I really do...those people who think a door-to-door collection of firearms aren't really thinking the whole thing through. Who would be tasked to do this, and how would it be performed. I dont think the government is interested in spawning a crop of new Waco style confrontations...sadly, I could be wrong.
Ditto............... !
I think that anything is possible. However I don't think they will try and come after guns that are already in circulation. I think if they tried to they would end up with a civil war on they're hands. I'm not the only one that is not willing to give up my weapons!
There is an old saying that I know you have already heard. "They will take my gun from my cold dead hand". That is a saying I 100% support. If they try/take your guns then they are taking away more then just weapons, they are taking away the rights and freedoms this country built upon. At my house they will have to kill me or they will leave empty handed. There will be no other option.
Can I have your Busa after they arrest you and you need bail money? ;) :poke:

I really hope it doesn't come to this, I really do...those people who think a door-to-door collection of firearms aren't really thinking the whole thing through. Who would be tasked to do this, and how would it be performed. I dont think the government is interested in spawning a crop of new Waco style confrontations...sadly, I could be wrong.

Thru fear or extreme penalty if not turned in or registered I think they'd get the vast majority without ever having to knock on a door. Yrs later after millions have been turned in and the group has been whittled down to the few than you will see door knocks by folks who don't care about you. A $10,000 anonymous reward to people who drop dimes on people with supposed unregistered firearms will also gain many.
These guns we are talking about and that they want are basically four calibers, 9mm, .223/5.56, 7.62x39 and 7.62x51/.308.
Nobody here yet has mentioned some sort of dastardly limit on these calibers?
Simply regulating those calibers out of hands of private citizens would render the weapons useless to the majority. Yes you can reload but less than 1% of shooters know how to of possess the means.
They could also make the reloading dies for those calibers impossible to get.

It's the ammo that ain't protected.
What I haven't yet seen, which would scare me more, is a proposed tax hike on ammunition of those calibers. If the Federal government simply imposed a tax of $.40/rnd on these calibers, it would damn near kill everyone who buys ammo. Add to that a bill which makes manufacture of ammunition illegal without license, and its would be a fairly effective stranglehold. Still quietly waiting to hear someone out there talking about this happening.
I'm curious if the AR-15 .22 I have would be classified as an AR-15 and limit the 30 round magazine?
What I haven't yet seen, which would scare me more, is a proposed tax hike on ammunition of those calibers. If the Federal government simply imposed a tax of $.40/rnd on these calibers, it would damn near kill everyone who buys ammo. Add to that a bill which makes manufacture of ammunition illegal without license, and its would be a fairly effective stranglehold. Still quietly waiting to hear someone out there talking about this happening.

I think that folks would then just starting using other caliber weapons... The govt would always be ammo hopping looking for the latest "popular" ammo used to kill...
I'm curious if the AR-15 .22 I have would be classified as an AR-15 and limit the 30 round magazine?

yes...all the proposals for bans have no caliber only feature definitions. your .22 in ar style will be included ,magazine also
I think he'll go after future sales, and registration (the first step in planning for eventual confiscation; it's what GB did). The power to tax belongs to Congress, not POTUS. I don't think NY's new law will stand in the inevitable court challenges.
Let's take a good look at all of this chatter. Nothing is impossible so there are endless scenarios to entertain. Just look at the gun buyback drives being carried out and executed as we speak. If the Government functions on the incineration of paper dollars as an energy source, this too can be looked at using the financial lens. Orange county bought back a bunch of old broken rifles or a bunch of ornamental long guns. This is only the opening volley to ascertain which is the most effective technique that will yield the largest dividends. Anyone spending time monitoring webforums like our very own org will see that the general chatter is extremely negative and almost begs a direct challenge from the Government that is pursuing this agenda. Making statements such as that above is an invitation to be martyred by the oppressive or neglectful government that would allow things to get so chaotic in the realm of mental health care and gun policy that they will make a bunch of money trying to appear to correct it when in fact they are just exacerbating (sp?) the problem precisely to spur more gun sales and flood the treasury with new fresh tax dollars. It is like the third pressing of olives or maybe akin to getting blood out of granite. And, just look at how effective they are at frightening us into hiding our home arsenal. I think most of the seriously hardcore 2nd amendment followers already are part of domestic militia groups and undoubtedly in the clandestine manufacture of firearms, accessories and munitions. I'll be watching from a hillside with easy access to an old mine shaft so that I can have a shot at surviving the holocaust. This, that will inevitably come if the hysteria that continues over gun possession and how it will simply remove autonomy and empowerment from the citizen soldier or sergeant at arms. The methods used are simple and common such as mass populous psychological manipulation techniques that capitalize on fear that is so well fed into the population that it would encourage them to narc out their own family members. Those narc'd out family members seem to be the ones that always are very vocal about gun rights to the point that they could be said to be unstable, unbalanced, threatening and even crazy.... Yeah.. You want to get the popcorn out and keep CNN on full time because it is going to really pop off up in this B anytime.
I'm not convinced that the legislation is really about reducing gun deaths, or will be effective for that purpose. If we were REALLY concerned about the bullets that cause homicides, we'd be hearing about people banning 22lr and .38/380s. Statistically speaking, these a much more prevalent in gun related homicides, as they are generally found in cheaper weapons that are more accessible and more reasonable to dispose of.
I'm gonna go home and bury my Pmags in a plastic bucket in my yard... That way once the ban is lifted I can dig them up, if the govt comes knocking they can look in my safe and find nothing but my family pictures...
I think the biggest problem is that these new laws are potentially being done by executive order. We have "leaders" (& I use that loosely) that are doing as they want and not as their constituents want.