Guys that talk on their cell and ride


Wherever I May Roam
Donating Member
I have a Sony Erikson Z520A and will be getting a new phone in August when I'll be elligible for an upgrade. What do I need to be able to hear in my helmet & be able to talk and answer? I don't use an Ipod or ride with a passenger so I wouldn't need anything fancy. Thanks in advance.
Blue tooth... But I wouldn't suggest riding and talking on the phone. BIG distraction...
(yamahor @ Jan. 23 2007,11:19) Blue tooth... But I wouldn't suggest riding and talking on the phone. BIG distraction...
I wouldn't make it a habbit but I'd like to be able to be reached by my wife in case of emergency. I usually take off and do 300-400 miles in a day and stop to check for missed calls once in a while. It would strictly be just to be able to be reached.
How would I be able to hit the button on a blue toth to answer the call?
More life insurance?

(With a bluetooth you can set the phone to auto answer when using a "headset")
Get the scala-rider


I've had it for awhile now and it's awesome. Bluetooth connection to the phone. Answers via voice command. Might support voice dialing but not sure, my blackberry doesn't.

When I'm on the bike people I'm talking to don't even know it. I never place calls while riding but sometimes I do need to answer when I get calls (that's the life of being on support standby). When it rings I just say 'Yes' and it answers. The blackberry stays in my tank bag.

The volume is noise-sensitive and automatically goes up as it gets noisier.

The battery quickly detaches from the helmet for easy recharing from any socket. I've been amazed at how long it goes between charges.

The boom mike tucks inside the helmet so from the outside all you see is the battery module. It's stylish so no aethetic concerns. I recommend using the large foam mic cover that comes with it instead of the smaller one. It attaches to the helmet without creating holes and it's never moved once I put it on.

I really like this set.
Monster that why I got the bikes to get away from the wife.
(PandaNin @ Jan. 23 2007,11:26) Get the scala-rider  


I've had it for awhile now and it's awesome.  Bluetooth connection to the phone.  Answers via voice command.  Might support voice dialing but not sure, my blackberry doesn't.

When I'm on the bike people I'm talking to don't even know it.  I never place calls while riding but sometimes I do need to answer when I get calls (that's the life of being on support standby).  When it rings I just say 'Yes' and it answers.  The blackberry stays in my tank bag.

The volume is noise-sensitive and automatically goes up as it gets noisier.

The battery quickly detaches from the helmet for easy recharing from any socket.  I've been amazed at how long it goes between charges.

The boom mike tucks inside the helmet so from the outside all you see is the battery module.  It's stylish so no aethetic concerns.  I recommend using the large foam mic cover that comes with it instead of the smaller one.  It attaches to the helmet without creating holes and it's never moved once I put it on.

I really like this set.
That looks fuggin sweet. Is it easy to swap from lid to lid? I have 2 lids now.
You don't see State Boys out on Rt 8 and you are going to be answering calls now ?
(TIMMYDUCK @ Jan. 23 2007,11:52) You don't see State Boys out on Rt 8 and you are going to be answering calls now ?
I avoid Rt 8 like the plague after my incident last year.
(monster @ Jan. 23 2007,09:01)
(TIMMYDUCK @ Jan. 23 2007,11:52) You don't see State Boys out on Rt 8 and you are going to be answering calls now ?
 I avoid Rt 8 like the plague after my incident last year.
My words of wisdom on this matter.

With the statistics being what they are these days on M/C ing.

34 more times likely to die, then in a car for each mile ridden.

2 % of miles done each year but nearly 11% of all traffic fatalitlies.

It just isn't worth it to make yourself reachable to others @ the risk "YOU "are assuming.

Plus the one thing I do know about phone calls.

If it is important, they always call back, otherwise let them leave a message, I'm sure you would get back to them at your earliest convient time.

And another quick sound bite.

What if it is from someone you really didn't want to talk to right then ?

What if it is work calling you in on a day off or something ?

What if it is a call that upsets you? and you start riding angry ?

All these calls and any others are better dealt with from a stationary location.

P.S. look at how many times you have complained about a cell phone talking, SUV driving, CT soccor mom.

Then really consider if making "Yourself' available to others is worth the risk.

Leave the phone in the tank bag where it belongs, you are out riding a Suzuki Hayabusa Land Missle, your attention needs to be on the road.

P.S. I looked at the ad for the phone scala or whatever .

Just that they have a guy with a 3/4 helmet riding a cruiser, working with his PDA would prevent me from purchasing it on principle.
(TIMMYDUCK @ Jan. 23 2007,12:38) My words of wisdom on this matter.

With the statistics being what they are these days on M/C ing.

34 more times likely to die, then in a car for each mile ridden.

2 % of miles done each year but nearly 11% of all traffic fatalitlies.

It just isn't worth it to make yourself reachable to others @ the risk "YOU "are assuming.

Plus the one thing I do know about phone calls.

If it is important, they always call back, otherwise let them leave a message, I'm sure you would get back to them at your earliest convient time.

And another quick sound bite.

What if it is from someone you really didn't want to talk to right then ?

What if it is work calling you in on a day off or something ?

What if it is a call that upsets you? and you start riding angry ?

All these calls and any others are better dealt with from a stationary location.

P.S. look at how many times you have complained about a cell phone talking, SUV driving, CT soccor mom.

Then really consider if making "Yourself' available to others is worth the risk.

Leave the phone in the tank bag where it belongs, you are out riding a Suzuki Hayabusa Land Missle, your attention needs to be on the road.

P.S. I looked at the ad for the phone scala or whatever .

Just that they have a guy with a 3/4 helmet riding a cruiser, working with his PDA would prevent me from purchasing it on principle.
point taken. Thanks
ok rule of thumb traveling the speed of light it doesnt matter what kind of wallpaper you need at that point in time.

I have wanted to do the same thing but can not justifie it if i dont answer when it is nice they know i am out riding i will call them later

unless your bigd and run out of gas
autocom is what you are lookin for , go to thier site and watch the video , clear conversation to 150 mph ! i use mine , cant be away from my phone !
I agree w/ some of the aforementioned points. I really can't see anyone justifying answering or talking on a cell phone WHILE riding. The #1 reason I even take mine w/ me is in case of emergency and even then it stays in my pants pocket and only gets checked during pit stops.

If I have the tank bag it has a clear pocket for a phone which simply shows me the face if someone is or has called.

Listening to music is one thing but carrying on a conversation while riding is another. It diverts your attention away from what you should be doing. Just MHO.