Had her for less than 3 months

I have seen sometimes if the tank was lifted I have seen the wire on the fuel pump harness back out some and the fuse box is where your lockout is and sometimes when messing with the nose area you can tug the wire and they slowly seperate..Warranty is cool except when ya gotta pay for them intially  
.....Happy Riding....
Just curious about the loose wire. Had someone done work in the area? I don't think the wiring at the fuse box has been problematic before.
Oh, I had put on some C.A. LED turn signals, and got some instructions from this board, and it said to use a light blue wire, and a orange with green stripe wire. The only orange with green stripe wire I could find was under the fuse box. So without giving it a thought, I started pulling on that wire. It wouldn't come out and ended up splitting on me, so I just cut it. STOOPID! So after I realized how dumb that was, I soldered it back on and taped it up. I think that's the wire that came loose, but not sure.