Harley almost made me sell my Busa...


Got a great deal on an '03 FXST three weeks ago, and since then I cannot stay off of it. I took my '07 Busa out for a spin a week after I had the Harley, rode less than a mile and parked it. Damn! This bike puts my butt way up in the air, I feel like I'm falling over the front tire and my legs are all squished up.

So I'll sell the Busa as soon as I can get out from under water on it and thank you very much.

But then I rode it again. And I remembered the taught feeling the instantaneous connection, the precision and the ability to not only keep up with traffic but dictate where I wanted to be in the overall flow.

The Harley is great -- I've had a bunch of them. It's loud, gaudy and just a pile of fun to ride. Any cruising on the freeway over 75 mph is a bit of a stretch and you best hang in the right hand lanes in California or you'll get run over. It has the acceleration of a Camry and pretty much peters out around 100 but I'm afraid to push it there.

The Busa is a motorcyle, period. A very, very good motorcycle, blinding fast, always capable and planted like an oak wherever you want it. It is whisper quiet until you light the wick and then it makes those sounds no Harley ever could.

So I've decided to have a Harley AND a motorcyle. "Big Red" ain't going anywhere...

03 FXST 003.jpg

Just for thinking of selling that Beautifull, Best year, Fastest color Busa. :boxing:
I've had both since 2006. I think I'm selling my Busa at the end of the season.
Bought my 2005 Busa new, bought my 2005 Wide Glide 1 year used.
Busa's been paid off since 4 months after I bought it. I'm 36 now.

I just don't ride the Busa as much anymore. Been on it 2x this season.
Most if not all of my riding buddies all ditched their rockets for Harleys now.
Changing the brakes and it's going up for sale to invest in properties.
I still have a 1970 442 clone fully restored and a pro-touring 78 Z28 to play with.


The thing I like most about the Busa is that when you twist your right wrist, it pulls the corners of your mouth towards your ears
