Harley guys


I've got a 1992 sportster. First bike I ever bought. I guess that's why I keep it. I wave to everyone on two wheels I can, unless I'm clutching or something. You can't let a couple of A-holes force you to stereo type though. When I ride my Harley, some guys on sport bikes don't wave too.

Hey Horse, Porsche is in development with Harley making a WATER COOLED engine. It should go into the Buells by 2002 I think? I read it in American Iron and if I remember right there was a blurb in Motorcyclist too with a spy shot in Germany.
OK Bull heres the problem,

I wave at every sportbike I pass & an occasional goldwing. But.....I live in Yucaipa Calif. About 5 miles from my house is the Harley gathering place in So.Cal called "Crossroads". Last weekend they had another Big meeting there about 1500 of them. So I decided to make a run by them rapping my motor & showing them the most powerfull bike on the planet. Anyways, I'm on the freeway over pass at the light waiting to enter the freeway on ramp when next to me pulls up a beauitful painted harley that HAD to pull up infront of me (I was only one at light)so hes was cool.! LOL I looked at him & laughed light turned green never saw him again. Now my brother just bought a harley & my Connect. is the former Treasure of the Angels & I tell him there junk everytime I go to his house. Lets get something clear. First off, I use to wave at everybike just becase were ALL motorcycle lovers. And I do reckonize the Harley Davidson company as the American pioneer bike tha they are. But when guys start putting bikes down cause where they are made,Thats bullshit. I keep hearing from my harley friends about "Jap Bikes".LOL Did everyone forget that HD was going bankrupt & sold the company to AMF for a year. And actually HD was a Japanese owned company for that year. Hey I'm not a lover of any country that started a war with us. But I AM a lover of Hi Performance motorcycles. Harley riders think because they by the Machine they got the image. My image comes from the way I ride & the performance of my machine. Our bike were built to "Perform" & I ride them to there limits. Know any Harley riders that ride for the same reason. Better yet know any HD riders that ride for performance at all. I tell every HD rider that talks to me ( Excuse my lang. here BIG) I don't need a Motorcycle to get ***** ,I look good enough. Lets face it, theres 2 reasons to by a HD, 1.Your really ulgy or 2.You have a self confidence problem & you need something to give you an image. Sorry I don't I need power & performance. So far even my HD friends love my bike & are very impressed, but... waving to a Harley rider !!! Sure ...if he waves first if not Get the Hell off my street!
I too try to wave at all riders, although I find that HD riders are mostly snobs. Not all there are exceptions. The reason some sport bike riders don't wave is they figure there is no use.
Hawg.... heard that POrsche is on the Move with Harley & thats what it will take to move them to the Next Century. I wave & wave & no matter til I pass away to the Planet. Notice FORD & HD are bonding....hey FORD bonds with Mitsubishi....so yes "We're all Turning Japanese"......if you Want to get Pissed at a Nation Pick the British....they Really did the Americans in for many more Years than the Japanese. If Vietnamese Motorcycles are Made in the USA, well I may have a Problem...NOT!
Americans are the Image of the World & HD essentially was a Product Technology from Europe. Then HD went to Japan to Sell bikes, and Yes the Japanses Bikes are Truly Influenced by HD...cause of Greed. Bottom-line, all this Contraptions on Two-wheels are Related....CaCa Yes!!!!

This is kind of funny, I too acknowledge any rider that waves to me... one day while doubling my better half, she kind of laughed at me waving to complete strangers... at the time I owed a minivan for work.. and she says " So how come you don't wave at other Mini-van owners when you dry by in your van?"

.. I didn't have an answer, but I did start waving to other minivan owners...
You guys skipped the best one.I love the harley guys that spend 20 large for an air-cooled v-twin,undersprung,700lbs.slob with golf cart brakes....then put $3000 into the motor.I tell them you sure did pick a good platform to start with.Its like putting earings on a pig.Retro is nice.If harley built a bike that could compete(don't even say buell)I'd be the first one in line!
I have had Three HDs & I get Bored. Now, the Image thing goes with Sex & Parties....can't argue about that....HD does Good Marketing & attracts the Weak.....after Hanging Out & Bashing Japanese Bikes I got tired......also
the Caca Slowness overwhelmed me.

HDs are Nice too look at & so is the BUSA...
but you can't see the BUSA due to the SPEED it goes.

I will wave back to any rider that shows a little respect to a rider. I always wave in respect to the person that will make the effort. It's kinda my way to say ride on safely. However, when I find myself passing A harley rider that thinks his sh*t box is to good, I can't help stop the urge to give him my wave, the middle finger. Is it just me, or does any one else feel the same way?
Riding both Harley and Suzuki and Honda motorcycles. I like Suzuki for speed, I like Honda cause I can ride all day with out worrying about something vibrating off, I buy Harley cause I know I'll get my money back after riding the thing for 10 yrs. The Japanese motorcycle company was saved by the Harley people who showed them how to build motorcycles using the FORD method of assembly line work. The Japanese Harley look alike was called the Toyo and is now worth alot of money if you have a orginal one. Waving is a form of being friendly to other motorcyclist,some people don't wave cause they are too scared to let go of the handles, some don't wave because they are to busy enjoying the ride,but alot of people do wave cause they are saying to the other motorcycle rider can you feel the FREEDOM. Ride safe all
I quit waving at hogs because maybe 1 out of 20 wave back. However, I hang out with about 10 hog guys every Sunday and they're totally cool(these dudes are REAL hog drivers). So my assesment is the hogs that don't wave are not 'real' hog drivers but rich yuppie pricks who are rude to everyone all the time. I wave to every sportbike I see and the return rate is about 100% unless the guy is distracted.
I see it like this---we're all on 2 wheels, what's the difference?
HAYAWIZ: very well put and thought out. Every Harley owner I know bought it for image. I rode 4 brand new ones for 2 years with some testing our company did. I see absolutely no reason to buy one other than image to other nut-less, limp wristed low self-esteem ... men.

I've been to bikers parties and had a good time. Most are errogant a** holes but some love all bikes. I know an engineer at harley that owns 18 bikes, 3 are harleys and they have Suzuki front ends.

I quit waving too, unless they wave first, which never happens.


[This message has been edited by mikepangerl (edited 05 July 2000).]
Where I live it is Harley Haven and the way I get even with them is that when they break down(which is often)I pull up and ask them if they are stuck? When they say yes I tell them to buy a Busa. Screw the guys that can't get over there mistakes and admit they are riding the antique s**t.
Harley & America.....Suzuki & America......
Does either one of those two pairs Bother Folks, well if it does, then thats a Racist.
America was Never supposed to be a White Anglo Saxon Colony....its the MELTING POT of the World. So it REALLY Pisses me off, when HD Marketing use that as if there is a Superior Race. The Military Fights for all COLORs & Nationalities & Dangit, that obliterates that HD & American thing......
If the Japanese stop making Parts then HD would go down the Tubes....alot of Taiwan Parts in those HD shops...check it out.
Better throw those Asian Computers away too.

Did you know that 95% of all harleys manufactured to date are still on the road? 5% made it home.
he he he...
Today a RoadKing pulled next to me & dragged! Put the hurt easy, but they don't read do they?

"I know that was sad...."
Horse, did you launch in 6th? if not you cheated. ;)

[This message has been edited by 'lantabusa (edited 07 July 2000).]