Harley guys

More HD Propaganda:
TaterTot Bowweevil@aol.com Fri Jul 7 20:56:55 PDT 2000

Okay, Cool, America & American Jobs, so that makes things better? Well HD is contributing to the Child Labor as well....really look close at the Labels at the HD Shop...clothes, coffee, etc. all kinds of crap. The Wheels & Shocks are Japanese... so Tobbacco is Grown in the USA & Cigarette Companies sell Cigarettes & people are employed in America & die of Cancer....so we all love Cigarettes. If something is made in a Country, it really don't mean its the best. Keep America out of HD, thats all. Its a Bike like any other with a success based on Japanese support .... somehow the Brainwash Marketing continues & you all HATE because somebody does not ride a HD. To belittle others because they are not WASP is racism, as believing ONLY American Made is Best. America stands for Freedom & Opportunity -- not hatred & blind
supremacies. The Very Reason or Essense of the Racism generated by Hitler was spawned with similar views of superiority -- wave to all Bikers & respect their views.

I have been thinking about this waving thing. The Harley riders are not a bad group of people. They want to wave, but they have a lot of Harley riding experience and they know not to take their hands off the bars cause with all the viberation and bad handling a crash would be the direct results!!!! Give the jokes a break.

Why do you assume that we are all racist? You seem very hung up on this. Personally I believe that German cars are by far the best and would never consider buying a Japanese "toy" for a sports car. Am I racists? No. I just know why some Benz go for $130K. Its called quality.

As for your first argument, In my history lessons the USA did start out as a WASP colony under british rule. At that time people weren't seen as equal (irish, italian, and others) were heavily discriminated agaisnt. In fact, throughout much of the History minorities (yes there were even white minorities, again irish) were very poorly treated.

The only time that I get irritated about race is when someone shoves it in my face that I am racist because I am white.

As I have told many people, there are many countries in the world. In the USA you are free to leave if you feel that you will get a better shake somewhere else (this goes for ALL races).

Hey horse, you need to get your head out of the G**D*** books do a little traveling. America is the least racist country in the world...and by the way, native americans were as brutal, racist and enslaved and killed their own people as much as anyone ....people are the same no matter where you go.

AS far as harley riders go, I get more respect and waves from them on the busa than any other bike i have owned
I'm getting pretty fed up with the constant implication that whites have a monopoly on racism. How'd we get from Harley jokes to racism anyway?
I am Not Assuming Racists, that is Normally Clear to see. Additional Historical Review would show that the Native Americans were & have been the Most Discriminated & whose Culture is Near Defunct. There is No Country More Free than the USA. Bigots are free to Live here forever....easy to say Leave, but thats a Fantasy. For now we live with Them, and if called upon I will fight for them. Point is Absolute Brand Loyalty bear a close semblance to Racism....an observation, not a Law.

Yeah sure,
All the Native Americans of Today are Living so well....selling Cigarettes, alcohol & running Casinos....guess they Learned that from themselves, huh?

My Point with WASP is Not Color, but an Analogy/ and/or Example of supremacy....you have the white thing problem fused on the Neurons. I don't.

HDs don't make America & I ain't seen any HD Execs running for Congress, yet. If I see HD Milk & Oranges sold, well I'll throw up.

Besides all this BS, I ride & love my Busa &
I know the difference between America & HD.


It seems to me that you think that every white man alive today actually persecuted the native americans. Native americans seem to like modern conviences. What do you really think happens when idustrial age people met stone age people??? The native americans were thousands of years behind. (the egyptians had metal working 7000 years before native americans).

There seems to be one common word that comes to mind when people claim racism: excuse. Anyone who works hard in the US can make a decent living and many people get very rich.

As you complain about reservations, what seems to be happening with all the gambling money??? Native Americans are in control of that. Where is it all going?

I hate to remind you but native americans were brutal people who often killed each other off in wars amongst tribes. They were not saints.

Get off the racist BS.
