Harley Owner Encounter...

As a rider of both Harley's and Japanese motorcycles I have never come to understand why both crowds bag on each other?

Both are fun to ride and both are a different kind of fun, one thing is for sure the people in both are good. And most here would get along with most there and vice versus.

We all share the same passion.............having the wind in our face.



Well said! I agree completely. Most of the cruiser and/or riders I've met face to face are just a nice as riders of any other motorcycle. That said, there is a tiny portion in ANY group of human beings that always seems to be "less than pleasant", but I attribute that to the person, not the association with the ride. Unfortunately, much like the news, from the outside of these groups, all that seems to be reported is the poor behavior of the tiny minority while the good behavior the majority is overlooked.

All that said, it's fun to poke fun, in both directions, so long as it is good natured and remains fun for all involved. :)
Well that's what floats yer boat there matey. Just a small question: Who made you boss? Who made you grand inquisitor of what is right and proper riding? Some people use motorcycles as transportation, ya know, like going places instead of riding around the neighborhood scaring the livestock? As for 50-60, in California the freeway speeds are 80mph+ and I don't see many laggards on Harleys.

Let's see how many I can pizz off in one sentence:

Blue is still the fastest color, unless it's a blue Harley :moon:

I've got both; different strokes for different folks.

All that 'gay pirate' garb just about the same as the mohawk and skull mask on sportbikes...

Don't matter what you ride nearly as much as that you DO ride...

I've never cared for cruisers, but since I'm an ATGATT guy, I've often wondered how I would be received if I ever showed up on to a cruiser gathering on my own cruiser but in my full face/leathers/gloves/boots. I think folks would be nice, but I think they'd have a LOT of commentary amongst each other that I would never hear. :laugh:

I think it goes the other way as well. If a group of ATGATT-ers on sportbikes gathered and another sport rider showed up in a novelty helmet, leather vest and chaps, we wouldn't be able to help but notice the scene and comments would be made, regardless of the opinion of the rider otherwise.

Much as we try to fight it, something in us humans notices when there's fox among the sheep. Even if the fox is well accepted. :)
Well played, sir. :) :thumbsup:
Don't encourage him, just because he can name a few celebrities doesn't make him cool. As far as I'm concerned, he is a troll and a wannabe (wants to be cool like the rest of us but doesn't fit in) and does nothing but talk/start shid in here. Some day he will get a clue and go try to play somewhere else.
Wow, you can really tell the people that get all butt hurt :rofl:
This wasnt meant to start a debate on the value and usual (not always but usual) poor reliability of Harleys as that is already set in stone so any long little opinions or statements are just said in vain... :laugh:. And not to mention they sound obnoxious. I would almost put sport bikes with the retarded sounding shorty pipes in the category as Harleys but not quite.
The camera is too far away :( the texan does an angry face and flips his hands in the air all angry :-( can't even see it.
Proof that it's the rider, not the bike. :laugh:

- ‪An average Harley rider at Deal's Gap‬‏[/url]

- ‪Deal's Gap guy blows corner‬‏[/url]
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