Hauling my Busa to see GPW

(GPW @ Feb. 11 2007,21:48)
(BigDiesel @ Feb. 11 2007,18:39) hey! Im building a 'show bike'....

guess we're guna have to put a lil' HPC-magic into it so's I dont end up smackin' my pretty busa against tha pavement! drag shocks sound like the ticket 2 me, but I want them for drag racing....not goin' drag like Big G likes ta do....

hey-he oughta be home by now-WHERE'S MAH PICS??
Big D we could hook you up but a guy like you needs, frame sliders, fork sliders, swing-arm sliders and bar end sliders.....
Then we will get to work on your request...
Big D needs a jack shaft and a 300 series!!

Topic unlocked by request from Big George

Please, out of respect for BG do NOT sling mud back and forth in his thread, that is what PM's and phones are for
(sageronin @ Feb. 12 2007,13:26) Thanks Ron and George!!

It was great seeing you all again. Hope you had a smooth trip back home!!
yup guys, hope you didn't run out of gas or anything
So check it out...

I had told Greg that we would be there at 11am or noon. Brendan and I left my house in Fall River, MA at 2am on Sunday morning and made it to Hyperbike by 8:50am! We had some breakfast and met Greg around 10'ish. Then we hung out while Greg Dyno'd Thor for the last time (I'll get into more of that later). We left Greg's place at 3pm and things got ugly in Conneticut when we ran out of gas! We didn't get back to Fall River until midnight!

We have it figured that there is some kinda' space/time vortex when traveling back from Maryland!

It's pretty damn cold outside right now. So my Busa is still in my trailer. But we have some pics from yesterday that we'll post shortly.

(sageronin @ Feb. 12 2007,13:26) Thanks Ron and George!!

It was great seeing you all again. Hope you had a smooth trip back home!!
Right back at you, DJ. And thanks for the gifts!
The first word that came to mind to descibe how Thor looked when I saw it in Greg's place was "muscular". Low to the ground and just looking mean!


(BigGeorge @ Feb. 12 2007,15:23) Just a quick pic for now. Here's Brendan at a rest stop in PA. Who would have thought!

Was this before or after he saw the manager for the key?
That's one beautiful lookin' Busa, BigG! Everywhere you look on the bike there's some nice detail that catches a fanatics' eye.

And excellent work, GPW ... your're building a reputation for quality and care that goes far in this business.

Really enjoyed the step-by-step pics and descriptions.
Greg, looks like you did a Great Job on Thor. The bike does look beefy!! I pm 'ed you a list of items I want done. Hope to hear from you soon!
(1 BAD 2K @ Feb. 12 2007,13:24) Greg, looks like you did a Great Job on Thor. The bike does look beefy!! I pm 'ed you a list of items I want done. Hope to hear from you soon!
PM sent>
dude i'm gonna tell you now...dont get happy and try to bust it out when the roads are cold.

bet she's gonna handle schweeeeet when the weather warms.

(Revolution @ Feb. 12 2007,16:51) dude i'm gonna tell you now...dont get happy and try to bust it out when the roads are cold.

bet she's gonna handle schweeeeet when the weather warms.

Too much salt and too damn cold for that!