Haunted Houses?

buy the house , if the windows bother you rip and replace them ! ive been by the amityville house and would buy it in a second ,there have been numerous owners of that house after , and the only reason they sell is cause its a dam tourist attraction on the week ends there is a line around the block and they throw thier trash out the window ! beer bottles , fast food wrappers , people have actualy thrown stuff at the house ! i would buy it and charge ten bucks a carload ,50 bucks for the grand tour! if there are ghosts one probably would ve freaked me out by now i have spent the last ten years working in cemeteries across long island . i have heard stories about drunks running from thier cars up to the house to rip shingles off the house for a reminder of thier trip , good luck , i am sure you wont have a problem:D
Ok, well as I suspected, everyone has their opinion, and thats great. I wanted to hear opinions, and I guess thats why I posted the pictures.

This week, we will make a final decision on the house. Still waiting for the historian to contact us again for further history of the house and the property it sits on.

Like I said in a previous post. Im not a real big believer in ghosts, ufo's, and the such. This house made me & and loved one feel a certain way, and when going through the pictures, my eyes found something in a picture I still cant explain.

I believe outside forces are only as powerful as you let them be in your life. That is, for the most part I believe this to be true.

Thanks for everyone's input on this matter.
most people dont believe things until THEY see it. but I believe in love but cant prove it. electricity existed before OUR science could display it - there's many other things out there too

mmmmmm jesus grilled cheese sandwhich....... arrla rrrlg arrrrlgg [drool]

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..Like Just.. typed Quote: Posted: Sep. 02 2005,12:24

Alright not kidding now. Looks to me like the faint outline of a skull in the middle of the window and two middle fingers flipping the bird through some sort of drapery or bridal vail material drapped over the fingers ..ok im not with the " flippin the bird " but the fact that ..a interior form is there.. ( looks like something off the top of a..Gated door < spade shaped > ) that and I do see a "skull" then again a 21" monitor ..has some good ...qualities to it ..
..uhmm Like " Tree" said ..Quote: As far as the figures in the windows go. Take out the screens, and re-take pictures. As long as you don't feel threatened in the house you should be OK. The real estate agent has to give you full disclosure on anything that happened in the house. But if you don't ask, they are not obligated to tell you. Contact the owners previous to the current owners. They have nothing to loose and will tell you everything. Are the current owners alive or is this an estate type sale ... ask Questions.. yah never know .. maybe the price will go down even further. good luck .
I'd like to know the history of the house...I'm intrigued...think the image in the window looks like the masts of a ship...sure there isn't one sitting in the window on a dresser or something?

Cool thread though...I love this stuff...
buy the house , if the windows bother you rip and replace them ! ive been by the amityville house and would buy it in a second ,there have been numerous owners of that house after , and the only reason they sell is cause its a dam tourist attraction  on the week ends there is a line around the block  and they throw thier trash out the window ! beer bottles , fast food wrappers , people have actualy thrown stuff at the house !  i would buy it and charge ten bucks a carload ,50 bucks for the grand tour!  if there are ghosts one probably would ve freaked me out by now i have spent the last ten years working in cemeteries across long island . i have heard stories about drunks running from thier cars  up to the house to rip shingles off the house for a  reminder of thier trip   , good luck  , i am sure you wont have a problem:D
Where is the house located? I would love to go and see it.
amityville ,long island NY sunrise hwy rt 27 east to rt 110 head soulth to montauk hwy . been a while but i belive its a left then a quick right . you can follow the crowd on the weekends !
I'm in what I believe to be my 3rd haunted house, No evil goings on yet, mischevous YES, definately some company on occaision. Spend a day, and then go with your gut'. You'll know...