Haya in the Hills

ok sorry to hear that...mabey someone might be comeing in from cleveland area you could hook up with....so here is the current list

july 25-28th
thursday night july 25th
chris, mary and natasha (PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
Bubbawood and Erika
Grumpy and Company
Tony and Tiffany

friday night july 26th
chris, mary and natasha (PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
BubbaWood and Erika
Grumpy and Company
Tony and Tiffany

saturday night july 27th
chris, mary and natasha (PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
BubbaWood and Erika
Grumpy and Company
Tony and Tiffany
july 25-28th
thursday night july 25th
chris, mary and natasha (PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
Bubbawood and Erika
Grumpy and Company
Tony and Tiffany

friday night july 26th
chris, mary and natasha (PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
BubbaWood and Erika
Grumpy and Company
Tony and Tiffany

saturday night july 27th
chris, mary and natasha (PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
BubbaWood and Erika
Grumpy and Company
Tony and Tiffany
well after going through 48 gigs of footage ive cut the twistiest parts out and riding through gettysburg and pictures that were taken at the 2012 event and finished the DVD thats 1 hr 15 min long...i will bring 10 copies of it for anyone that wants one at the 2013 event....see you all soon..
Sum Beach has just confirmed with me for all three nights!!! Ill update list in a bit. Cant wait to see you again matt!!
current list of those attending

july 25-28th
thursday night july 25th
chrisjp, mary and DragonAzz(PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
Bubbawood and Erika
Grumpy and Company
Tony and Tiffany
Sum Beach

friday night july 26th
chrisjp, mary and DragonAzz (PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
BubbaWood and Erika
Grumpy and Company
Tony and Tiffany
Sum Beach

saturday night july 27th
chrisjp, mary and DragonAzz (PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
BubbaWood and Erika
Grumpy and Company
Tony and Tiffany
Sum Beach
ok 8 jars of peach moonshine made and stored !!

Chris, I wasnt sure before sorry, I have gotten back to you. I cant make it buddy. I will be in Wisconsin that weekend for the 50th anniversory of the John Deere Lawn and Garden tractor. Everyone laugh here. LOL. I have too many hobbies. Hope everyone has a ball and stay safe.
ok kevin...understood ill update the list.

july 25-28th
thursday night july 25th
chrisjp, mary and DragonAzz(PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
Bubbawood and Erika
Grumpy and Company
Tony and Tiffany
Sum Beach

friday night july 26th
chrisjp, mary and DragonAzz (PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
BubbaWood and Erika
Grumpy and Company
Tony and Tiffany
Sum Beach

saturday night july 27th
chrisjp, mary and DragonAzz (PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
BubbaWood and Erika
Grumpy and Company
Tony and Tiffany
Sum Beach
july 25-28th
thursday night july 25th
chrisjp, mary and DragonAzz(PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
Bubbawood and Erika
Grumpy and Company
Tony and Tiffany
Sum Beach

friday night july 26th
chrisjp, mary and DragonAzz (PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
BubbaWood and Erika
Grumpy and Company
Tony and Tiffany
Sum Beach
Mr Droo and greg06

saturday night july 27th
chrisjp, mary and DragonAzz (PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
BubbaWood and Erika
Grumpy and Company
Tony and Tiffany
Sum Beach
Mr Droo and greg06
Sorry to hear you cant make it kevin,still will have a shirt and a HITH 2012 DVD for ya.......
uly 25-28th
thursday night july 25th
chrisjp, mary and DragonAzz(PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
Bubbawood and Erika
Grumpy and Company
Tony and Tiffany
Sum Beach

friday night july 26th
chrisjp, mary and DragonAzz (PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
BubbaWood and Erika
Grumpy and Company
Tony and Tiffany
Sum Beach
Mr Droo and greg06 (PRE PAID)

saturday night july 27th
chrisjp, mary and DragonAzz (PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
BubbaWood and Erika
Grumpy and Company
Tony and Tiffany
Sum Beach
Mr Droo and greg06 (PRE PAID)
Ive redone the HITH 2012 DVD,would have had to cut out alot more of the video to fit 2 days onto 1 dvd, also redoing it i burnt straight to DVD so no quality loss with converting the video to be smaller in size,so it will be a 2 disc set for the HITH DVD.each disc is about an hour long.

Hey everyone I am finally back from Europe and would like to get an update on the Haya in the hills. Just saw a post on FB about it.
Chris, I know you have been working really hard and I saw in the beginning that you had prices but have you got it firm yet? I could make
the 3 days I just need to know the cost and see if you have room for a member that has NEVER attended anything... lol. Sorry but my life
has been busy the last 4 yrs.

So anyway, let me know please and if you have a DVD you would like to sell or send me msg that would be awesome. It would be really nice to ride with and get to know
the members of this board.


PS. I am in Southern Ohio along the river about 1 hr north of Charleston WV and 1 hr east of Huntington WV.
uly 25-28th
thursday night july 25th
chrisjp, mary and DragonAzz(PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
Bubbawood and Erika
Grumpy and Company
Tony and Tiffany
Sum Beach

friday night july 26th
chrisjp, mary and DragonAzz (PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
BubbaWood and Erika
Grumpy and Company
Tony and Tiffany
Sum Beach
Mr Droo and greg06 (PRE PAID)

saturday night july 27th
chrisjp, mary and DragonAzz (PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
BubbaWood and Erika
Grumpy and Company
Tony and Tiffany
Sum Beach
Mr Droo and greg06 (PRE PAID)
Chris, I wasnt sure before sorry, I have gotten back to you. I cant make it buddy. I will be in Wisconsin that weekend for the 50th anniversory of the John Deere Lawn and Garden tractor. Everyone laugh here. LOL. I have too many hobbies. Hope everyone has a ball and stay safe.

Did you really just admit that? :poke: There are many reasons to lie...this is one of those times! :laugh:
Hey, I have alot of fun with my Deere. I cant hide my redneck. Lol. I ll miss the HiH, never missed it before.

Thanks Jeff your a class act.

430 plowing 2.jpg
july 25-28th
thursday night july 25th
chrisjp, mary and DragonAzz(PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
Bubbawood and Erika
Grumpy and Company (PRE-PAID)
Tony and Tiffany
Sum Beach

friday night july 26th
chrisjp, mary and DragonAzz (PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
BubbaWood and Erika
Grumpy and Company (PRE-PAID)
Tony and Tiffany
Sum Beach
Mr Droo and greg06 (PRE PAID)

saturday night july 27th
chrisjp, mary and DragonAzz (PRE PAID)
Jwest and jeffery (PRE PAID)
GIXERHP AND mizmoo-sa's
BubbaWood and Erika
Grumpy and Company (PRE-PAID)
Tony and Tiffany
Sum Beach
Mr Droo and greg06 (PRE PAID)
i am sooooo looking forward to this....i really hope more people can come...help me get the word out ok