Hayabusa\'s Reputation...

OB_Xtreme R-1

First of all, everyone on this forum knows damn well that the infamous "Hayabusa" is the fastest, baddest,flat out blazin bike the face of the earth has ever come across. What some of you people gossip and rumor about is all BS!~ Honestly, think about it... if you claim to have a Hayabusa and you've claimed you've maxed out your busa who the F#ck wants to go any faster that 200.. that basically shows your stupidity and ignorance.. I don't even own a busa but I do own a R-1 and believe me its all I need in a bike. Some of you guys gossip about the ZX12... hello people its not even on the streets yet and your already judging it to the busa... how can you judge a bike thats not in production to a bike that over a 1000 people own and ride? I think some of you people will finally shut your mouths when Suzuki proves it again... Eveyone knows that Suzuki makes the baddest sport bikes ever... taken from experience..

[This message has been edited by Xtreme R-1 (edited 25 December 1999).]
Extreme R-1,
You are a very lucky guy having direct access to an R-1 and a Busa.....I am so jealous!I would like to voice my opinion on a few of the statements you made.

"if you claim to have a Hayabusa and you've claimed you've maxed out your busa who the F#ck wants to go any faster that 200.. that basically shows your stupidity and ignorance"

I think that most people who make some of these claims aren't going as fast as they think they are. One guy on the ZX-12 site swears he was going a real 200 on his ZX-11 just because the speedo indicated it.If he was shot with a radar gun,he would be in for a rude awakening!People don't realize that going from 190 to 195 is a very big jump at those speeds,let alone touching 200.
While 95% of riders will never tap all the available power of a bigbore bike or go 200,keep this in mind.Every time a rider twists the grip,they really are using the power."

"Some of you guys gossip about the ZX12... hello people its not even on the streets yet and your already judging it to the busa... how can you judge a bike thats not in production to a bike that over a 1000 people own and ride?"

The ZX-12 is not a rumor anymore and we all know it is coming shortly. It is a credit to the Busa that the 12 is being compared to it as Susuki has produced a bike that's really is in its own class and it has raised the bar to a new level.People are comparing the 12 to the Busa because we know the approximate HP and torque levels,weight,and some of us have seen it raced at the track even though Gadson raced it.These bikes will be in the same class and deserve to be compared against one another.

"I think some of you people will finally shut your mouths when Suzuki proves it again"

I think you may be eating your words when the Blackbird,Busa and the ZX-12 are tested on the same day in upcoming magazine tests, both on the streets and the track.

Please do not take offense as none is intended. It's just my opinion.Damn,your a lucky guy!
We are just here having fun, it can be alot like telling fishing stories sometimes, we are all here relating to something we enjoy so much, and along with that comes our biased opinions. I think there are alot of knowledgable experienced riders on this board, and if you don't want to hear what they have to say, you don't have to, sorry, but I do, and so do the rest of us.... :wink:
It's not just whether the Busa gets to 200 mph, but how easy it performs more modest tasks. First day I rode mine, April, I rolled on less than 1/2 throttle to pass a car. Took it from 4000 to 6000 rpm, in top gear. The seemingly slow change in rpm made it seem like it wasn't pulling as hard as it was. When I looked down at speedo, when slowing down, it was still showing above 100mph. This bike is "sneaky" fast, in that it does things like this with so very little effort. I don't think I'll take it to 200 mph, any time soon, but I'm already trying to get more out of it in the quarter mile.

My personal bike is an FZR1000 but I have ridden and raced every bigbore Japanese bike out there.Two of my friends work at bike dealerships.On occasion,we rent the track and have barbacues and things of that sort during the riding season.This is how I get to ride and race everything.You don't want to ban me from this site because I don't own a Busa yet,do you?
hey....Extreme R1,

your post is like when a bunch of people laugh and have fun and you come to tell them that they are stupid and such. It's only you the one who doesn't feel good and has problems for some reason.
defectron,maybe it's you.I believe all R1 was stating was the Busa was the baddest,so who cares if the ZX12 IS FASTER.It sounds like a big case of denial to me.Sooner or later we all have to step down from the top.What did you think,the Busa will be at the top forever?
Do you own a Busa, was just wondering, seems that most lately that are slamming don't have one.If in fact you do own one, maybe you should trade it in for a ZX12,or better yet just go buy one.Have them both,that's what I do with my Busa & R1..Then you don't have to have a question in your mind which one performs best..

[This message has been edited by KEVTEC (edited 27 December 1999).]
Ah,yes! To be 18 again and to be absolutely certain that I was the smartest, most indestructible person on the planet. Don't let your enthusiasm dribble out as wisdom filters in. Your viewpoint is refreshing.
Wronglane - I think you right... No bike (or anything for that matter) is #1 forever. I said in my first post here, that the Hayabusa has set a new standard that will effect the design of ALL motorcycles, for several years to come.

Bikes like the CBR900, Z1, R1 and GSXR750 all broke new ground when they were introduced. Not like the Hayabusa did. Only the CB750 might compare when it comes to changing how bikes are designed. This aspect can NEVER be taken away from the Hayabusa and it will always be "the one that started it all".

If we all took our bikes to their limits (not ours'), we'd be lapping the KR Jr.s and Chandlers or out running the Hines and Seelings of the world. We don't and we aren't. I, too, would love the experience of having a R1 and a Hayabusa... but I'd also love to have Kathy Ireland... it ain't going to happen, for me. As I rebuild my '97 7R, in preperation of trading it for a 12R, I'll always acknowledge that it was the Hayabusa, I can thank for my 12R.
redelk - I would actually argue that the ZX-11 started what the Hayabusa finished for the current decade.

In the early 90's Kawi's focus was all out blazing speed. They tried to improve on their own bike ZX-11 C model to ZX-11 D model without prompting from any other competitor at the time.

Suzuki has clearly raised the bar to a new level, and an all time high for the decade, but Kawi got this thing going on their own in my opinion with the ZX-11 in 1990.
"I, too, would love the experience of having a R1 and a Hayabusa... but I'd also love to have Kathy Ireland..."

Many people on this site have two or more awesome bikes which kills me.It makes me want to do illegal things so I too could have them.Your line on Kathy Ireland made me laugh.My girl is the other super model...Naomi.

I have seen you on the 12 site quite a bit.There are a bunch of clowns on that site,aren't there? One of the most amusing posts was the guy with the Viper who thought he was God.I have only been reading but I think I am going to register.I like the Busa site because the members here seem to be classier,more intelligent and definitely more helpful.When people disagree on the 12 site,they resort to name calling which I don't like and won't tolerate.See you over there one day,Redelk.
Kevtek boy, easy, easy.

what would I be doing here without a busa, huh? well what I was trying to say, should I have offended any fellows, is that this site is not at all about how bad or not busa is, I'm not quite sure you've noticed it. It's about the people who make it worth dropping words and have things to say, and of course the site is even better by having people who get obfuscated once in a while.
now actually that I read again what extreme R1 says, sounds like I completely misunderstood him, hmm. Did he edit the thing? I must have had way too much sleep lately, shhh. -)