Hayabusa squids take life WAY to seriously..

I always wave at motorcycles, Ford trucks, and pretty ladies.

A hand wave is one of the cheapest, non invasive greeting you can do towards a fellow human being.
I once raced a mid 80's model modified GSXR-750 on a '86 Mustang GT. The bike gave me 20 cars behind, when I went past him he kicked it. We ran for about an 8th mile, as soon as we crossed the line he shot past me. I think he was spraying. Regardless I had won and wouldn't race him again. Anyway, that was the day I knew a motorcycle was somewhere in my future. And voila, 15 years later I could finally afford one. Anything this fun is worth waiting for.

I have to admit i was beat by a harley at the strip. Dont underestimate a vrod guy drove to the track few friends in the truck behind him , pulled a set of wheelie bars out the back bolted them on the bike with a slick and ran a 8.2. lol Mustangs tho blah my grand prix can outrun alot of thoes.