people always trying to flex on me

Coming from a future owner, You guys that own Busa's don't realize how cool it is to see them opened up. I have a high 9 second mustang, and out on the road, it gets boring playing with other cars. Sure, every now and then you run across a comparably fast car, but its rare. Bikes offer more of a challenge. I can outrun some 600's with most riders, but I will play whenever I can. I know I can't hang with a 1000, or a 'Busa, but I will sure as hell try. :beerchug:
a high 9 second car may get you some 1000's or even a busa for dinner if the rider isn't that experienced
Harley guys don't have a valid reference point for what fast is. Why bother with them? Kind of like being able to out run a guy with one leg, when you have two. Where's the glory and thrill in that? What's to be gained? Bragging rights? I'm faster than a Harley. :rofl:

Keep the Ego in check it will get you in trouble more often than not. It's a dangerous thing on two wheels. Riding fast is one thing, racing stop light to stop light in order to prove something is another . Remember, what ever happens to the other guy or anyone else in that situation is going to get blamed on you regardless if you were at fault or not. You can't control what he does, but you'll pay the price for it just the same.

Just sayin'. Something to think about next time someone gives ya a rev at a stop light.

Tell 'em nice bike bro and let 'em disappear.

Besides you can't really win unless there's some predesignated finish line anyway.
It dosent end. I had a 1972 Kawasaki "Mach One" 500cc two stroke triple, that I loved to blow the Harley Sportster and Honda 750 guys away on & this was back in 72. They laughed at the two stroke ringy dingy sound until the light turned green. :laugh: That thing would still blow a Hardley off the road too. :poke: :rofl:
Yeah, those two strokes were awsome. WE caught some slack about the sound but they were fast.They were called zing bats around here. Oh back to the point. Guess we don't have enough redlights here. Noone ever challenges me.
Yeah I used to smoke harleys pretty regularly when I had my VTX1800. DOing it on the busa is not much of a challenge.
a high 9 second car may get you some 1000's or even a busa for dinner if the rider isn't that experienced

It's all ET, I run 1.40 second 60's. Runs 135-137mph in the 1/4. So my only chance is to launch it perfect, and on the street, thats a rare occasion. I might hang with a big bike every now and then, but like you said, it's the riders fault. An experienced guy will pull off and leave me. :)
ok, so I just repainted my nissan skyline for some street races. I was headed cross country to Florida to see some action. On the way I pulled up to 3 busa's!! They wanted to go but I laid back. They ended up getting pretty mad and just hit the gas and left me in their dust. BUT later down the road they were ALL pulled over by a cop, it was great.

oh wait, that was a movie, nevermind.

no one caught this ? :whistle:
haha, ok sorry i guess it's not as funny as i thought.

i was taking that story from 2 FAST 2 FURIOUS.......

anyone? bueller? bueller? anyone race a buell?
This guy I know that has a Harley always says to me, "I'd probably take you off thew line, and stay ahead of you until we hit around 110 mph, then you would start pulling away from me". I just say "yeah, you think so" :laugh: ?
I am a convert, I started riding Suzuki's when I was 17 GS550E remember those, they were great till the Nighthawk 650 craze. Right? Then I bought into the whole Harley mystique. I rode sportsters built them for racing, Built bad ass FXR's with stump pulling torque. I rode and built for 20 years. I had friends who raced Top fuel Harleys. I lived and breathed Harley. Then my machinst who did my motor work and raced pro top fuel Harleys, started fooling around with Hayabusa's. Weall asked how could he do that, be a trader. He said quote " It's not about the name, any motorcycle that will do 170 mph right out the box I'm on. " I spent about 5000.00 trying to build a streetable FXR that would possibly turn 10.0's in the 1/4. 12.00 sec flat all she would do. Got pissed sold it bought a Hayabusa ran 10.00's right off the trailer. Nver looked back. Hey wait a minute I started on Suzuki WOW what an amazing journey, full circle.:bowdown: Cant wait till we get to the 8's
This guy I know that has a Harley always says to me, "I'd probably take you off thew line, and stay ahead of you until we hit around 110 mph, then you would start pulling away from me". I just say "yeah, you think so" :laugh: ?

That's pretty big of you to let him keep thinking that. I mean, I guess it's cool that you let him live with a warped sense of reality.... Not sure if I could do that....
These stories have reminded me of the race I had the other day.

I'm waiting patiently at a stop light when this minivan driven by a soccer mom pulls up next to me. I glance over and she's talking on her cell phone, but she gives me the "glance" so I know it's on! I see her gab a bit more on her cell phone. I know she must have been talking up how she was going to leave me for dust as soon as the light changes. I look over her ride and think "No way, mom! You're not going to kick my ass today."

I turn back to watch the light and caress the clutch feeling the point of engagement. I'm ready, but risk a glance at my opponent. She looks distracted still talking on her phone. I'm sure it's a ploy to get the jump on me. The light turns green and I crack the throttle to 1/8 full. I blow by her and that's the last I saw of her. :laugh:
I used to run these tards, once in awhile ill give em a show, but more often then not I just point to the kanji and be on my way. The Fast way:laugh:
Coming from a future owner, You guys that own Busa's don't realize how cool it is to see them opened up. I have a high 9 second mustang, and out on the road, it gets boring playing with other cars. Sure, every now and then you run across a comparably fast car, but its rare. Bikes offer more of a challenge. I can outrun some 600's with most riders, but I will play whenever I can. I know I can't hang with a 1000, or a 'Busa, but I will sure as hell try. :beerchug:

Thats cool, enjoyin our toys, nobody bein an a$$ about it, i like playin with cars, its just all about the attitude of the driver.
Harley guys don't have a valid reference point for what fast is. Why bother with them? Kind of like being able to out run a guy with one leg, when you have two. Where's the glory and thrill in that? What's to be gained? Bragging rights? I'm faster than a Harley. :rofl:

Keep the Ego in check it will get you in trouble more often than not. It's a dangerous thing on two wheels. Riding fast is one thing, racing stop light to stop light in order to prove something is another . Remember, what ever happens to the other guy or anyone else in that situation is going to get blamed on you regardless if you were at fault or not. You can't control what he does, but you'll pay the price for it just the same.

Just sayin'. Something to think about next time someone gives ya a rev at a stop light.

Tell 'em nice bike bro and let 'em disappear.

Besides you can't really win unless there's some predesignated finish line anyway.
That was a really mature post. :thumbsup:
so im riding the other night heading to my friends house im sitting a stop light and this jack ass on a custom chopper pulls up next to me and starts reving on me. i was thinking wtf does he not know what a busa is? so i let it go he takes off like a bat out of hell . the next stop light he starts running his mouth about my bike and how sport bikes are crap . im trying to be chill i don't need another ticket . so this goes on for a few lights finally i get sick of it . the next light turns green i wait for him to leave the line and get out a few lengths ahead of me , so i take off kinda hard pull up next to him do the hole stare down thing and chuck the duces and open it up left him like he was stopped . he didn't have much to say at the n:rofl:ext light. wtf is wrong with people?

Meh... whatever. I would have just offered to pull two plug wires to make it fair, and have him follow me down a twisty road. Red light to red light racing on a bike is just silly. Even a slow bike will toast most "performance" cars... 9/10 bike races come down to the rider's ability to launch and maintain his courage, if the bikes are even remotely similar in power.
Ok heres a few....

Just to start off I gave up my Yammaha FJ1200 to get the busa. Mildly worked, very fast. 1st day I get my busa I go to my cusins house. He has a R1 and we go down to the beach. Im scared ****less and cant beleive I am living my dream of owning a brand new busa. Im flying to keep up with my crazy cus. Hitting speeds of 170 mph+. Cant beleive it. So we stop to chill out for a few min. and here comes this 2nd gen Mustang,open pipes,ladder bars, slicks. You can hear the super charger winning away. My cus jumps on his R1 and says," im gonna get me some of that". Im thinking to myself, Im gonna just keep up and watch. So we go screaming after the mustang and the guy wants to go right away. They take off and my cus. pulled away but not that easy. Poped his front wheel in the guys window and all but didnt pull away like he was racing a harley. Im watching getting all excited and said to myself," I have to try, It looks like fun". So I pulled up next to the mustang, popped it down to 1st ( big mistake ) and we went.
Needless to say I was staring at the sky!! **** my self, let off the throttle came back down, back up, back down,back up, back down. Finally I reailized," no fist gear" LMAO
Hit 2nd and I was gone like the wind. LMAO raced him 2 more times and just left him like he was standing still. Of course since then I have learned the power of the King ( busa )
Ever since then I dont get people tring to race me at all. They all know the power of the Kanji.
Next, I was behind a twin turbo porsche and a M series BMW about to race. They took off and as soon as the Porsche pulled a car lenth, I passed them both like they stopped.,( LOL )

There are a few more but my fingers are tired,lol good fun being the fastest on the road....:beerchug: