I am not attacking Butters, so much as saying "Yeah Dude, I hear you but..." I've been there before and can see it playing out...
Call it backhanded empathy...
OH and Butters, and everyone else on the board, When I spout off and call your Mom names or whatever, don't think for a minute, that I am spouting off because I am a Admin and you cannot respond in kind...
Bullcrap, have at me, tell me I'm ugly and smell bad, I may stomp my feet, call you names, and post up a rabid rhino picture, but I will never, WARN, BAN, BLOCK, OR EDIT posts calling me on the carpet for my own BS... That's not fair.
If you attack me in an unwarranted personal manner? I'll likely take the same action I take when any of the Mods/Admins are attacked. I'll delete the post, PM you, Ban you and mail you a dead squirrel...
But damnit, if I'm diggin and poking and sounding off about something you don't like, or agree with??? Tell me where to go or at least make a recommendation, it's much more interesting and it's only fair...
Fortunately, it would seem that not many of you have ANY TROUBLES telling me where to go and what to do when I get there...
But just in case anyone new to the Board or forums in general... High Post count and Admin status doesn't mean a person gets a free ride if they are being a creep, mean, or playing rough... And I will.