Hayabusa STOLEN from LA

Hapo is not FC. Yngve is Hapo. Aussie is FC and has impounded his own bike in a schizoid-amnesiac tantrum. I am Chase on Tuesdays, starting tomorrow.
This is for all you "tough Guys" who talk about shooting/Killing somebody because they're taking a motocycle.."Big Bubba" in Prison, will be riding you, instead of you riding your Bike.

Aussie Sorry about your loss,,Good Insurance is the way to Go.

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Guys thanks for all your rersponses!!!

Beleive it or not a few of you have cheered me up ... and I will not let the c$#ts ruin my dreams! The only thing now is what do I do with my next bike ... I think I will have to move since I cannot just park it back where it was.

Yes I was insured but I am fearful that they will screw me (I am sure that is an international fact) and what of my next premiums??

Any suggestions of what I can do to secure the next one in a communal carpark situation ... yes I am in appartments and yes I am convinced it was an inside job (maintenance grubs!) do you have satelite tracking systems here I have heard of them in Australia before I left ... at least that way you could track them ... and a pager alarm perhaps considering I was asleep at the time!

It is the fact that you are powerless to stop these things that really shits me!

Thanks again ... I hope I am the only one that this happens to ... at least in this group.
Q: Where do you dump a fantasy bike that exists only in one's mind?

A: On the information highway! :)

[Bad posts call for bad jokes]
To all please look out for that stolen bike,and don't pay any attention to useless posting,if you ignore bad posting it will go away.Useless persons are like Flies,They eat sh*T and bother people.Anyways I'd look at the border San Diego area or at your local race track,might see a Hayabusa engine in a 1100 frame,never know.
OH SH*T!!!

I'm so sorry to hear that Rohan...that really sucks! Welcome to LA! Just kidding man. Realistically, you did all you could, and you're right that when "they" REALLY want it, they'll get it no matter what.

Hope your insurance co. sets you up with a Y2K model so you can rejoin the fold ASAP!

Cheers man!
Hapo and FC back at it again, it sort of warms the heart. Hapo has new tires on his bike not new plastic that is because Hapo CAN ride.

Todd what kind of plastic do you put on an imaginary bike in the information highway?

Todd that was a good post LOL :)
...Hey COP! Glad to see your feeling better! Back up to form, are we? There are still a few people in America who would die before allowing themselvs to be victemized in any way whatsoever...may have "Live Free Or Die" or sum such tatooed on them and they don't all ride Hardlys...enuff like them and you wouldn't NEED falcon COPS...but the show is run by poltroons these days and soon such people will be hunted down and killed or "rehabilitated". Then we can all sit in our home in fear and hope the criminals allow us to live after taking what they want and FC can come along after the fact and wright up a nice report...
Glad to hear they fixed your bike so quick, FC, and shur I wanna go for a ride! Hope Aussi gets a fat check real soon so he can worry about what color to get or if he should get a ZX12...and although I agree that it would be pretty silly to DIE for BUSA it is the Idea you got punked off that some couldn't stand to live with...even if it means risking a room mate like "Curious George"...but I'll bet a bravo like the FalconCOP wouldn't know about that and that the Busa thief is heading his way right now cuzz he Knows it is safe to steal FC's bike!

PS: I hope he's around if some wad tries to steal my bike! That way the thief might end up a trophy instead of Hapo!
Falcon Stupid, my post was merely a figure of speech, I cant believe I would have to explain that but you being a cop and all I shouldnt be surprized.
Falcon idiot, if you werent spending so much time on the net maybe you could prevent some crimes occasionaly. No insult to normal cops that arent stupid or lazy.
I think he should just load a saved game and restore the bike back to the way it was before the "accident"! :) You DID remember to save your game didn't you FC?!
...in CT it is a mandetory one year jail sentence if you get caught carrying w/o a permit...unless of course you are an actual criminal, in which case the state won't prosecute as part of your plea bargin on your other charges...
Who said they would rather be Dead than give up their bike ?? GEEZ,,whatta Moron !!..only on Busa.org will you hear such IDIOCY**

Last post on this thread after seeing that.

Die for your Family,,Die for your Children,,Die for your Country. Die for your "HAYABUSA" BONG !! Don't think so.

Anyone who does is an Idiot,Moron,A-Hole.,,but mostly an Idiot,,Gee he'll do alot of riding while he's Fertilizer.

It's Only a Suzuki Motorcycle People ((Knock)) Knock))) anyone home,,geez Stop Jerking off over it. To hear anyone would Die for it is a little Over the Egde,,Sheeesh !!!

PS-Busa under repair as we speak,,Stae Farm took good care of Me,,Hapo Keep in touch..Email..maybe go on a Ride Before a Big Snow fall ??

I dont remember solicting your opinion FC, but compared to some of your posts mine is perfect.
The FC solution to theft...just dump your bike so the jackers won't want it. Wonder if he's gonna have State Farm pay to put training wheels on that thing. :)
Thanks again guys ... F COP .. or whatever .. thanks initially but really you do carry it on a little ... the support was welcome.

Man I am getting in to greif with opinions here at home of what I should do .. my flatmate thinks I am stupid if I get another Busa ... says I am asking for it to be stolen ... BUT I mean what is the point in getting a shitbox ... 'they' have won haven't they if that happens!!! I don't know.

Also the insurance company says they will not act at all for 30days THEN they will get around to sending an assessor who will 'value' the vehicle at market value, and I should have purchased extra insurance to cover the accessories like Yosh pipes ... so I asked her realistically when would I get a cheque ... and she said I would be lucky to see it before Late Jan/Feb next year considering it is almost December ... SH*T

Thanks again for all the encouragement!!
Aussie they make you wait to see if it's recoverd. But it's most likely in Parts. Don't settle for anything Less,,but what the Heck get yourself a ZX-12 and let us Know how it Runs.

An I don't take my Comments too far,,it's just Some Nit-Wit's on Here are too uptight.

Good luck with your Insurance Co.& your choice of Bike.

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