Haya's in the Hills 2009

Re: central/west Pa MEET AND GREET RIDE!!

:bump: to keep it up for those who havent seen it
Re: central/west Pa MEET AND GREET RIDE!!

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Re: central/west Pa MEET AND GREET RIDE!!

we took 287 in jersey shore out to the grand canyon.. its near wellsboro pa.

Gary, If you can make it out here its a great ride... but i know thats a stretch.. is there anything between all of us that we can hit? We need to do some type of map so we can see all of us.. doesnt google have something fancy like that? I thought i saw it on busanation.com
Re: central/west Pa MEET AND GREET RIDE!!

uhhh dont know... kinda figure map quest of central/west pa is all the same i have just been looking where eveyrone is and finding some common ground
Re: central/west Pa MEET AND GREET RIDE!!

So are you guys still meeting or did you already meet or what?
Re: central/west Pa MEET AND GREET RIDE!!

I'm from WNY, I've been down through Renovo (w/a group) and Emporium by myself (Rt.3001:thumbsup:), I would definately like to learn some new roads. I need more details about this ride, but count me in!
Re: central/west Pa MEET AND GREET RIDE!!

just add yourself to the damn map:laugh: you dont ask question!

Actually we dont have a date yet. But seriously everyone add yourselves.
Re: central/west Pa MEET AND GREET RIDE!!

Chrisjp I live in Youngstown, Ohio and would be up for the ride . Please keep me posted. Wardie
Re: central/west Pa MEET AND GREET RIDE!!

Just trying to keep the ride threads in the ride forum...housekeeping :)

Re: central/west Pa MEET AND GREET RIDE!!

ok i joined.. and as an answer i was planning aug 14th since rashad said he couldnt make it the 8th and we still need to see all who is coming and where is a central point