ok pm's were sent... been a couple days i havent heard back from sportcustoms71 and stilslo so again i have 3 slots open at the lodge for all three nights.... if you want in with the group pm me and its only 90$ for all three nights
i just talked to lee here at Custom Motorcycle Seats | Motorcycle Seat Repair | Custom Harley Seats coordinateing to see if there is an intrest for the Haya's in the Hills of anyone wanting him to do thier seats while we ride (he offered loaner seats is that cool or what) since he is only 45 min away from gettysburgh in york pa and if i let him know a level of intrest he will keep the shop clear to do work for us specificly if we have any intrest at all in custom seats. so if you guys want it....let me know. (if i remember right the "tobin" seats are actually done by him) so quite a few members have his work.
How much for the seats (F+R?)
Also shirt size is XL
Who are you?
No Nooooooooooo not this post again!
I'm interested in a seat mod, as long as it is a mod for both the front and rear seats-- and as long as he can spare both front and rear, since I'll have an incredibly boring-when-it-comes-to-motorcycle-riding tag a long.
lets get it goingggg
do you have an address for the cabin? trying to get a hotel close by
We are only ten minates away from the lodge here's the linky if anyone if anyone hasn't gotten a room yet Home Away From Home
Hi guys sorry i just found this and dont really feel like reading 197 posts. Can anyone tell me the daily activities? Id prob make it out and dont live too far so id prob ride home later in the night.