you sure you looking at right lodge...?
i know at top it says 10... at bottom it says "recommends 8-10"
natasha will sleep with us in our room with a air bed like usually so that dont take up a bed...ect ect...we find ways lol...
Gettysburg Vacation Rental - VRBO 316346 - 5 BR Dutch Country Lodge in PA, Vacation of a Lifetime - Hike - Bike - Ski - Ride and More!
its a 5 bedroom 3 bath lodge... 3 queen beds...2 king...twin in loft... full basement... says sleeps 10 but she allows up to 12... airbeds can be brought... again...i cut it off at 15 as not everyone always shows there is couple maybes if girlfriends show up...ect ect... the rest are alternates...(wich we dont have anyone actually signing up for going to research if resident evils's links can get discounts at any local hotels...and gixerhp is seeing if he can get any good rates at the campground 7 miles away that jen (mimoo-sa) parents own)
here is copied from the owner for costs up to 10...again if we go to 12 they ask 10$ per person per day above that.
Hello Chris,
It was a pleasure talking with you last night. I have attached the rental agreement for you to read over and fill out.
The rental fee is $1075.00 plus $64.50 tax. The security deposit is refundable and is $200.00.
The total due with the rental agreement is $468.75 = $200.00 + $268.75 (25%)
The balance is due 30 days prior to arrival. Also, as we discussed if there is any adults over 10 there is a $20.00 per night/per person over 10 fee.
Please let me know if you have any questions and let me know that you have mailed the agreement. I will let you know when I receive it.
Thank you,
7th Heaven Lodge
now to try to clear up any questions.. 325 for thursday 375 for friday and 375 for saturday (says so on page at bottom)
tax of 64.50 on 1075$ (thats 325+375+375=1075)
10 per person extra per night as says in email so if we fill at 12 (mabey get away with more depends on if they visit to inspect when we are not all out rideing) means possibility of charges of 20$ extra a night per night so thats 20+20+20=60
now $1075+$64.50+$60=$1199.50
now again i dont include the security deposit of $200 into the cost of anyone comeing...i always handled that its refundable... so
1199.50/15=$79 per person for the weekend...
so i asked for 90 per person because if some folks dont show it means that 1199.5 is divided by less and that means per person increases.... also i havent charged more than 15 per person in food in past when wife and i cooked and made snacks... so again i felt $90 per person was a fair start point to see if we get commitments...i have options...if it so ends up we really dont get more for thursday night...i can cut back to it only being fri sat stay and activitys...again that cuts the price per person even more to approx 56$ per person to stay in the cabin... as you can see plus anyone that has been to this function knows...i never...never ...ever get enough to cover costs...this has frustrated folks like penegrie falcon89 and illuminati who even in this thread is pushing to make sure i at least break even and get some pre pay going as i have already payed 468.75 with balance due by june 26th. depending on if there is any changes. so me not putting on these to make money....please help me make this a good time and not bring a feeling of mistrust .... i am up and up about everything i do and just want everyone to have a good time...and right pains me as i have never ever ever asked for any money upfront ...some of the regulars send me money ahead of time...but i never required it... as they appreciate what i do...they also want to make sure im taken care after some gentle prodding by them im giving as much heads up about the cost and asking for prepay to get good head count way ahead of time so changes can be made if needed...if costs go down as i have done in the can ask the regulars...i reimbursed if they over payed by ANY amount...
hope this clears things up ....