Hearing protection

name your helmet.

construction....fitment....and style all play a part in wind noise.

perhaps an upgrade is in order?

if not, at the very least you should get one of these:
I have the HJC CL-14. XL

Again, most the time it's not a problem, but I travel over an hour each way to and from work everyday.
These are low pressure expanding plugs. Some expand to the point of irritation. If one wants cut them short and people only see them if looking in your ear.

200 pair for 20 to 30 bucks.sentry safty supply

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can't wear any of it...inside lid? I need to detect, every irregular noise to respond as quick as possible...thanks but, no thanks...
sorry to say, but I think you're just kinda SOL-ridin an hour straight twice a day at freeway speeds (50+) is guna mess with your ears regardless, but that's not to say that with a wind-cancelling device like what BusaCruz posted and sum average every-day earplugs, you can probably save your ears' a beatin...try Sam's Club or Wal-Mart or whatever super-saver shopping place you have around-they should carry earplugs. Home Depot mite have'em cheap too.

I personally don't bother, but I worked CNC machinery for 6 years, so I already lost a bit n don't feel with my short rides that I can do any more dmg.

Good luck n happy ridin bro!