Heat issues...


Anyone getting the heat on the back of your calves when riding for awhile? I was out riding the other day and started to notice it. Didn't bother to much at first but it did get annoying. Thought I got away from uncomfortable heat issues once I traded in my R1.
Well, it hasn't been that hot since I got my bike. High 70's, Low 80's tops. Basically my legs get hot enough to get that real itchy feeling if you know what I mean.
Wear your protective gear...

No more heat, and you will get to keep most of your meat/skin/bone if you go down..
I know wearing leathers is the way to go, but I'm not about to go buy leather pants to just ride around in. I know is that stupid? some will say yes, but the leather jacket is gonna have to be enough. If I was a track rider, than by all means I would go all leather, but I'm not. I love my Busa, just the longer I have it, the more I find little things that kinda bug me. I just gotta fix them is all, but its getting hefty.
Just so you know, as apparently you don't, leather or good textiles are only good for road rash. ARMOR is what you need for a possible get off. Ever trip and fall down? What got hurt? Hands, knees and elbows and maybe your noggin. The same things get hurt when you get off a bike unexpectedly only you're going much faster than simply walking or running. Buy some good gear and wear it. You won't be sorry.
Just so you know, as apparently you don't, leather or good textiles are only good for road rash.  ARMOR is what you need for a possible get off.  Ever trip and fall down?  What got hurt?  Hands, knees and elbows and maybe your noggin.  The same things get hurt when you get off a bike unexpectedly only you're going much faster than simply walking or running.  Buy some good gear and wear it.  You won't be sorry.
Right on...

That is what I mean by protective gear... I have a textile jacket and pants with full CE armor.. Hopefully none of us will ever have to use them, but if you do, you will be very glad you were wearing them... just my
Thanks for the info, seriously, I appreciate it. But back to the subject, anyone else have heat issues? Becuase I know not everyone here rides will all the stuff on. Other than wearing CE armor, any ideas on cutting down the heat?
so are we talking about an 99-07 or 08 cause my legs suck in the heat on my 07 and im gonna rap my headers in exhaust tape and the spray and see if that makes a difference if its a 90 degree plus day after about a 30 minute ride your legs feel like they burn or blister touching the frame and right now in the winter its pretty nice but the rest of the year in florida and im the same way with select20 im only gonna wear jeans i can wear leather all the time in florida that would make me not want to ride period and yes i know the benifits of wearing full protected gear i sweat to death just wearing my jacket period i know im gonna hear it for this but its usually jeans gloves and helmet i ride my bike to work all the time how am i supposed to keep a whole spare set of clothing to change into at work it just isn't gonna happen
Big Engine = More Heat have the same problem with my 01
Your engine has more cubes and more compression so more
heat. I read once ceramic coating or jet coating insides
of the mid-pipes will help but don't know if it is true.
Just so you know, as apparently you don't, leather or good textiles are only good for road rash.  ARMOR is what you need for a possible get off.  Ever trip and fall down?  What got hurt?  Hands, knees and elbows and maybe your noggin.  The same things get hurt when you get off a bike unexpectedly only you're going much faster than simply walking or running.  Buy some good gear and wear it.  You won't be sorry.
 Right on...

       That is what I mean by protective gear... I have a textile jacket and pants with full CE armor.. Hopefully none of us will ever have to use them, but if you do, you will be very glad you were wearing them...  just my
can i get a quick lesson on "Protective Gear", Please?
Just so you know, as apparently you don't, leather or good textiles are only good for road rash.  ARMOR is what you need for a possible get off.  Ever trip and fall down?  What got hurt?  Hands, knees and elbows and maybe your noggin.  The same things get hurt when you get off a bike unexpectedly only you're going much faster than simply walking or running.  Buy some good gear and wear it.  You won't be sorry.
Unfortunately on a 90+ degree day moving slowly, or sitting still for any length of time you will be sorry you're wearing all the gear. You'll be one miserably hot, sweating, uncomfortable sumgun
Safety gear is most def an important part of the equation.....but it can be some miserable stuff in summer riding. I wear what select wears...and even less in very hot weather. My bud always tries to wear the good stuff....and he suffers his ass off. When/if I go down I will def suffer more damage...but I think thats a risk each person has to weigh. I prefer to be less protected and more comfortable on my rides...I'm a mellow rider and don't do too much city riding...so for me I weigh the risk of going down a bit less, and comfort a bit more. My buds a VERY aggressive rider who's already been down once last year, so I respect his choice to gear up more and suffer the summer heat.
Just so you know, as apparently you don't, leather or good textiles are only good for road rash.  ARMOR is what you need for a possible get off.  Ever trip and fall down?  What got hurt?  Hands, knees and elbows and maybe your noggin.  The same things get hurt when you get off a bike unexpectedly only you're going much faster than simply walking or running.  Buy some good gear and wear it.  You won't be sorry.
Unfortunately on a 90+ degree day moving slowly, or sitting still for any length of time you will be sorry you're wearing all the gear. You'll be one miserably hot, sweating, uncomfortable sumgun  
 Safety gear is most def an important part of the equation.....but it can be some miserable stuff in summer riding. I wear what select wears...and even less in very hot weather. My bud always tries to wear the good stuff....and he suffers his ass off. When/if I go down I will def suffer more damage...but I think thats a risk each person has to weigh. I prefer to be less protected and more comfortable on my rides...I'm a mellow rider and don't do too much city riding...so for me I weigh the risk of going down a bit less, and comfort a bit more. My buds a VERY aggressive rider who's already been down once last year, so I respect his choice to gear up more and suffer the summer heat.  
Definitelly food for thought!
Just so you know, as apparently you don't, leather or good textiles are only good for road rash.  ARMOR is what you need for a possible get off.  Ever trip and fall down?  What got hurt?  Hands, knees and elbows and maybe your noggin.  The same things get hurt when you get off a bike unexpectedly only you're going much faster than simply walking or running.  Buy some good gear and wear it.  You won't be sorry.
Unfortunately on a 90+ degree day moving slowly, or sitting still for any length of time you will be sorry you're wearing all the gear. You'll be one miserably hot, sweating, uncomfortable sumgun  
 Safety gear is most def an important part of the equation.....but it can be some miserable stuff in summer riding. I wear what select wears...and even less in very hot weather. My bud always tries to wear the good stuff....and he suffers his ass off. When/if I go down I will def suffer more damage...but I think thats a risk each person has to weigh. I prefer to be less protected and more comfortable on my rides...I'm a mellow rider and don't do too much city riding...so for me I weigh the risk of going down a bit less, and comfort a bit more. My buds a VERY aggressive rider who's already been down once last year, so I respect his choice to gear up more and suffer the summer heat.  
Two months ago I had the misfortune to see a get off first hand involving one of my friends. Its a long story but I can give the brief version. Four riders involved, two riding cruisers, those two had t-shirts only, me and the other guy had perf'ed jackets. All four of us wore full face helmets. While we we accerating from a stop we encountered a female on a bicycle who cut from right to left accross our path - suddenly. I was four in the staggered formation, and number one, upon seeing the bicycle cross his path, did a classic high side. I saw smoke, dust, then his VTX rotating in the air, then crashing. He was flipped off and looked like superman. I was the first to get to him, and he was laying face down in the road, shield ripped off his helmet
 Results; four cracked ribs, broken wrist, severly bruised right shoulder, and back. His right arm was raw meat from shoulder to hand. His helmet was banged in over his right eye. He stayed in the hospital for a week. The bike was trashed, including a ruptured gas tank, that was spewing gas on the road. He got an insurance pay off, and doesn't ride anymore. (The bicyclelist got away with out a scratch.) When the ride first started he made a comment about our jackets looking hot, as it was about 80 degrees that day. I paced off his flight as right around fifty feet. OUT.

You know, these people take their lives in their hands when they don't wear gear.

I hope your buddy turns out okay. That can't be fun.
Seems this thread got a little off topic...

To get back to your original question select20 - yes, I feel the heat on my shins too, much more than I did on my old VFR, especially on my right leg. It's not bad with the cold weather we have been having, but I think it will become an issue during the summer months here in Texas!
It seems to be coming from the gap between the bodywork and the frame/tank. I thought about trying to fill that void from underneath the right side faring with some kind of insulating material, I will let you know how it works.
No probs for me on either the G1 or G2 model.

Staunch advocate for gear.
Seems this thread got a little off topic...

To get back to your original question select20 - yes, I feel the heat on my shins too, much more than I did on my old VFR, especially on my right leg. It's not bad with the cold weather we have been having, but I think it will become an issue during the summer months here in Texas!
It seems to be coming from the gap between the bodywork and the frame/tank. I thought about trying to fill that void from underneath the right side faring with some kind of insulating material, I will let you know how it works.
Sweet thanks, I've been thinking about the something like that also. Keep me updated.