Heat issues...

Just a thought. It probably wouldn't work but......Reverse the rotation of the cooling fans by reversing the wires to suck the cool air in by your feet and blow it out the coolers and hit the front fender with the hot air. Going down the road the ram effect will still flow normal and heat up your legs and if the fans turn on while your moving they will fight the ram effect but if your not moving and the fans turn on blowing backwards that might be Ok. Maybe a rev switch to blow backwards only when it makes sense. What does High Gain think? He's a smart guy!
Just starting with the 08 I have noticed the heat as well on the right side.  Driving a blackbird previously, this was noticed right away. Is Thremotec a brand name? I would like to try the wrap as well. I take it you could probably pick this up at the local auto store if not where is the best place to pick it up?

Rykstr- How long did that take you?
Thats on a A/Head system, I used Black Cool-tec wrap Two inch, with the Black sealer, it took about two hours, before the exhaust was installed.
I have an St1300 and 08 Busa, any bike that has fairings will direct heat. There are several fixes to this but nothing will stop it completely. Depending on time and money, you can wrap the exhaust or have it coated. I had the stock headers on my St1300 coated and bought the Brocks Megaphone exhaust w/ coating for my busa. Both solutions worked for me and I feel little or no heat on both bikes.
btw, I wouldn't think that messing with fan rotaions would be a good idea. The busa cooling system is designed to keep that 1340cc monster from overheating and the cost of a screw up would be higher than the cost of a new exhaust system. Also, the fan rotation would be against the air flow and would likely burn up the fan motors.
I have felt the frame getting hot. Down here in Virginia it's pretty hot and muggy most of the summer and it can be hot. So hot in fact that I rarely ride to work in the summer - too much sweating. Frankly, I don't really mind the sweating on weekend rides and once you get moving things are generally tolerable anyway,

I was wondering if anyone had frame covers and if that helped with the heat a little bit? I'm also planning to go to a full Yoshi header (I have R77 slipons now) and I plan to have it coated before it goes on.

if you can get a small air gap between the frame and the covers I would think that it would help keep the surface of the covers from heating up as much. Maybe add a second layer of doublesided tape. It's worth a try if you already plan on getting frame covers. Just stay away from chrome ones.
why dont we just try to install any switch to run the cooling fan earlier.. not till the temp high?! maybe this could help.