helmet handling wannabe's

Don't have that problem I let everyone know
how much they owe if damaged and they instantly
My helmet, gloves, & sunglasses sit on a shelf above my desk. I've never had anyone want to touch it, but do not know what I would do if someone did, never thought about it...now I'm worried.  
One time at a gas station went in to pay, and came out to someone with my helmet on, and sitting on my bike, thank god she was hot !!!! The good looking ones know they can get away with it. Still didn't think it was funny at first though !!!!
(Spike @ Aug. 01 2007,22:10) I had one woman who deliberately put greasy fingerprints all over the mirrored shield on mine and said "Not so cool now are ya?"

She doesn't work with me anymore. Everyone now knows, hands Off.
Who does that ? I would have been tempted to put one upside her head.
(jessup @ Aug. 03 2007,03:46)
(Spike @ Aug. 01 2007,22:10) I had one woman who deliberately put greasy fingerprints all over the mirrored shield on mine and said "Not so cool now are ya?"

She doesn't work with me anymore. Everyone now knows, hands Off.
Who does that ? I would have been tempted to put one upside her head.
You mean to tell me if she was hot you would hit her? Come now!!!!! Because the man in me would say do you want a ride?
and when I tell my budies they would say something like this " MF, why do you always have the good luck?" and then my response would be " It's the Smoke-Dog brother, it's the Smoke_Dog".
(kennym4 @ Aug. 02 2007,02:44) One time at a gas station went in to pay, and came out to someone with my helmet on, and sitting on my bike, thank god she was hot !!!! The good looking ones know they can get away with it. Still didn't think it was funny at first though !!!!
Now, I woudn't have an issue with some hot woman on my bike at all.

What I don't get is why ANYONE (unless they are hitting on you) would ever even think about this. Basically, if I walked out and found someone with a helmet on my bike that I didn't know, I would probably beat their ass because I assumed they were trying to steal it.
I've had my coworkers put on every bit of gear they can get their hands on...I remind 'em each and every time how much each item cost me and that they will replace it if they drop or rip anything...

Doesn't bother me too much though; I'm close with my coworkers and trust them
I've never had anyone pickup my helmet or touch it in at least 6 or 7 years now. Once someone asked me if they could try it on, and I said, "It smells funny on the inside and probably has dead bugs on the outside, but sure, knock yourself out". He declined

What I notice is that it gets other guys talking about their bikes, more in a "You rode in today? I have a Kawazuki whatchamacallit at home I keep thinking about riding in" Having the helmet around has honestly never been a negative for me.

(Smoke_Dog @ Aug. 02 2007,08:27)
(jessup @ Aug. 03 2007,03:46)
(Spike @ Aug. 01 2007,22:10) I had one woman who deliberately put greasy fingerprints all over the mirrored shield on mine and said "Not so cool now are ya?"

She doesn't work with me anymore. Everyone now knows, hands Off.
Who does that ? I would have been tempted to put one upside her head.
You mean to tell me if she was hot you would hit her? Come now!!!!! Because the man in me would say do you want a ride?
and when I tell my budies they would say something like this " MF, why do you always have the good luck?" and then my response would be " It's the Smoke-Dog brother, it's the Smoke_Dog".
Not saying I would hit her just that it would piss me off enough to dream of it. What I usually do when a woman is screwing with me is ask them if they gained weight... That gets them almost every time.

I could give a rats a## how hot she is... hot girls are a dime a dozen and anyone that ignorant is ugly anyway.
(jessup @ Aug. 03 2007,06:30)
(Smoke_Dog @ Aug. 02 2007,08:27)
(jessup @ Aug. 03 2007,03:46)
(Spike @ Aug. 01 2007,22:10) I had one woman who deliberately put greasy fingerprints all over the mirrored shield on mine and said "Not so cool now are ya?"

She doesn't work with me anymore. Everyone now knows, hands Off.
Who does that ? I would have been tempted to put one upside her head.
You mean to tell me if she was hot you would hit her? Come now!!!!! Because the man in me would say do you want a ride?
and when I tell my budies they would say something like this " MF, why do you always have the good luck?" and then my response would be " It's the Smoke-Dog brother, it's the Smoke_Dog".
Not saying I would hit her just that it would piss me off enough to dream of it. What I usually do when a woman is screwing with me is ask them if they gained weight... That gets them almost every time.

I could give a rats a## how hot she is... hot girls are a dime a dozen and anyone that ignorant is ugly anyway.
Dime a dozen! Then you have never been in the military! Plus I know that you wouldn't hit her, I was just playing.
How about just locking it under the rear seat or hump and leave it with the bike?
I don't care how hot the woman is, she shouldn't be messing with my bike or my gear. If she damages it, ya think she's gonna pay? Riiiiiight....
I program the lock access to my office (that's an IT job right?
) so very few people have access to it. Usually, keep it on a shelf above my desk. It would be difficult to get to it. Most of the people don't even see it.
Mine goes in my glass cabinet in the office along with a few collectibles, they can lookie but no touchie!!!!!!!
Sorry but this topic makes me feel like I'm in a Twilight Zone, too f...ing weird