Helmet law passed in Texas this summer

Better to have less laws, more freedom to choose.
I agree. If someone I know chooses not to wear a helmet and suffers a severe brain injury instead of no injury with a helmet, I won't be holding their hand saying how sorry I am for their choice. Its a free world, you make you're hospital bed, you lie in it :thumbsup:
Gotta say that this really made me chuckle. I see quite a bit of the same thing on the Kansas side of the Kansas City Metro area. I've seen guys pull over just to take their helmet off.... Talk about stupidity ruling the day!!!!!
It is what it is. Personally I always wear a helmet. Who really cares? they made a choice so let them deal with it. The funeral parlor has to stay open somehow, not to mention the hundreds of people in line for organ donations. If you keep your corpse intact (hard to guarantee) you can actually save more lives with your extra parts, as long as you have that organ donor sticker on your license.:thumbsup:
No. None of us are required to "mother" each other; however! I work as a music therapist at the Centre for Neuroskills and a lot of the guys (yes, they're almost all guys) are there because of motorcycle accidents. We have seatbelt laws for cars, smoking bans to keep people healthier, and other laws that make sense for a modern society to keep its citizens safe, even when they don't want to. Wearing a helmet when riding seems like a no-brainer, which is what you'll get if you don't wear one! I'm all for helmet laws. It just makes sense and will keep everyone's healthcare costs, no to mention insurance, down.
"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Stuart, 1791. ME 8:276
About to months ago I decided to wear shorts and a tshirt for the first time while riding and I crushed going around a sharp curve. I wasn't going very fast but I banged my shoulder up pretty good. Needles to say I will never do that again
Sure are a lot of people that think the Gov't needs to make their decisions for them.


I'd rather make my own decisions, thank you and am willing to suffer the consequences of them. That's FREEDOM!!

It may not seem much to freely give the Gov't the power to decide for us to wear a helmet or not, that's what makes it so frightening. Each little freedom of choice taken away from us amounts to little when viewed alone. Look at them all together............................................. FREEDOM and LIBERTY are under assault.

Each little seemingly unimportant RIGHT we willingly give up makes it easier the the Gov't to take away another and another and another. All for OUR own good no doubt. It's way beyond out of control all ready and we are still bent over and asking for more. As long as we keep taking it, be prepared to keep giving it up, little by little of course. So slowly that few even realize how much they gave up until it's ALL GONE!
I don't see how people can ride without a helmet unless they have one of those huge touring windscreens.
THE BUGS! The constant bombardment of bugs. The ever present film of gnats forming on my shield, mixed with the occasional crack of a Bullet Bug, and the juicy splats of the Jelly Bugs. I can't imagine all that mess collecting on my bare head. Not to mention the whelps from 70mph contacts with hard shelled beetle like things.
Crashing aside, no thanks, I'll keep my helmet.:laugh:
Tried it without lid once on a run to the gulf coast. Not again! At least at night cause the bugs are like golf balls at 60mph.
To each their own. Where whatever you want or as little it is your choice!
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in indiana we have never had a helmet law..the only people u see anywher earound here wearing them are the ones who rode down from michigan for the day wich is 3 miles away
There are good things and bad things with helmets. To me its like getting to choose a seat belt or not. I like to wear the helmet whenever it is buggy out or really cold. Otherwise if it isn't to bad out, damn right i'll be going without the helmet. I love feeling the air and sense of freedom I get with out it on.
You really only need a helmet when you crash, since you spend more time riding than crashing it's seems like a logical decision to leave it off. It's more fun riding without the lid....

It's those rare get offs and unexpected collisions that ar helmets shop key selling points when they pushing for the matching helmet sale:laugh:

I agree with you 100%! It seems you've been riding without a brain for a long time? So,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, no need to protect what you ain't got? :whistle: